Covenants And Ordinances Help Us Achieve Exaltation – Latterdayhelp Quotes

Covenants And Ordinances Help Us Achieve Exaltation – Latterdayhelp Quotes

“Some are puzzled at this emphasis, not understanding that the covenants and ordinances of the temple guide us toward achieving exaltation. This can be understood only in the context of the revealed truth of three degrees of glory. Because of our Heavenly Father’s...
17 Quotes By Dallin H. Oaks -“Divine Love in the Father’s Plan.”

17 Quotes By Dallin H. Oaks -“Divine Love in the Father’s Plan.”

You will find the full talk with our memes/picture quotes inserted into the text. We have also made the text bold that applies to each of the memes. Enjoy! The gospel plan shows our Heavenly Father’s love for all His children. To understand this, we must seek to...
There Are Many Mansions In Heavenly Father’s House – Latterdayhelp Quotes

There Are Many Mansions In Heavenly Father’s House – Latterdayhelp Quotes

“A common misunderstanding of the judgment that ultimately follows mortal life is that good people go to a place called heaven and bad people go to an everlasting place called hell. This erroneous assumption of only two ultimate destinations implies that those who...
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