by Todd Bruce | Aug 8, 2021 | -Todd Bruce, Child of God, Christ, Elk Valley Latter Day Saint, God, God's Love, Jesus Christ, Love, M. Russell Ballard
“ We are ultimately more alike than we are different. As members of God’s family, we are truly brothers and sisters.” — M. Russell Ballard Love one another, as Jesus loves you, try to show kindness in all that you do, be gentle and loving in deed and in thought, for...
by Spencer Charles | Aug 3, 2021 | -Spencer, Child of God, God, Gospel, Heart, Latter Day Help, M. Russell Ballard, Trials, young men, young women, youth
“ If you have the gospel deep in your heart, the trials of life aren’t so rough. Whatever happens, you can withstand it. Why? Because you are a son or a daughter of God and He loves you. He will watch over you.” — Elder Ballard God will protect the righteous. When we...
by Spencer Charles | Jul 29, 2021 | -Spencer, Child of God, God, God's Love, Latter Day Help, Latter Day Saints, Trials
“God isn’t a stranger to pain. When you cry to him, he isn’t looking at you and saying “oh boy, here we go again.” He is looking down, feeling every tear of grief, sadness, anxiety and betrayal that you are crying, and saying “I know. It’s going to be alright my...
by Spencer Charles | Jul 22, 2021 | -Spencer, Book of Mormon, Child of God, church, God, Gospel, Latter Day Help, Latter Day Saints, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
“The Book of Mormon is the most correct of any book on this Earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than any other book.” —Joseph Smith The Book of Mormon is truly our guide for spiritual survival in these...
by Spencer Charles | Jul 5, 2021 | -Get Motivated, -Motivation, -Spencer, Atonement, Born Again, Child of God, Dale G. Renlund, God, Inform, Inspire, Uplift, Latter Day Help
Download Our App: God cares a lot more about who you are becoming than who you one were. The past is in the past and we should learn from it but never return to it. Keep striving to be better and everything will work out eventually. More...
by Spencer Charles | May 17, 2021 | -Church Of Jesus Christ- Real Life Stories, -Spencer, -Todd Bruce, Child of God, Elk Valley Latter Day Saint, God, Latter Day Help, Trials
This is part one of the story of @Thuswesee aka @elkvalleylatterdaysaint. You can also find Todd at @Spiritualcrusade Enjoy! I got called to be Bishop in November. It was an overwhelming time to be called to be Bishop, but as a Bishopric, we...
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