Walk in the Newness of Life; Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Romans 1-6)

Walk in the Newness of Life; Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Romans 1-6)

Romans 6:4 ​Therefore we are ​​​buried​ with him by ​​​baptism​ into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the ​​​dead​ by the glory of the Father, even so we also should ​​​walk​ in ​​​newness​ of life. I love this wording, to “walk in the newness of life”....
Do Your Part and Wait Upon the Lord

Do Your Part and Wait Upon the Lord

A Relief Society president in Ghana understood the “glories” related to the temple. Talking to some visitors to her ward, she took a small folded piece of paper from her purse and said reverently, “I am a temple recommend holder.” It may be years before she can afford...
Quotes from Gather Together In One All Things In Christ by David A. Bednar

Quotes from Gather Together In One All Things In Christ by David A. Bednar

The gospel of Jesus Christ is a magnificent tapestry of truth “fitly framed” and woven together. As we learn and link together revealed gospel truths, we are blessed to receive precious perspective and increased spiritual capacity through eyes that can see the Lord’s...
9 Simple Tips For New (and Newly Returning) Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!

9 Simple Tips For New (and Newly Returning) Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!

WELCOME!!! If you are a new member to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints or a returning member who feels new, here are a few tips to help you on your faith journey! 1. Remember the Gospel is Simple! This is my favorite part of the gospel…IT’S...
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