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We Choose To Be Chosen -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“To be or to become chosen is not an exclusive status conferred upon us. Rather, you and I ultimately can choose to be chosen through the righteous exercise of our moral agency.” — David A. Bednar Choose to be righteous and you will be chosen. Use your agency to do...
What Is True Discipleship?
“True discipleship is unfailing commitment, obedience to eternal laws, and love of God, first and foremost.” — Ronald A. Rasband Unfailing discipleship is making Jesus Christ our highest priority! It’s the test of life; to do what our Heavenly Father has asked, which...
When God Has Already Reveled -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“When we ask for revelation about something for which God has already given clear direction, we open ourselves up to misinterpreting our feelings and hearing what we want to hear.” — Elder Dale G. Renlund God has revealed many things to us by living prophets and...
Follow The Promptings Of The Spirit
“I testify that following the promptings of the Spirit is one of the things that matters most in all our relationships.” — M. Russell Ballard Anything we do which aligns with the will of God and the doctrine of Christ will be improved and nurtured by having the Spirit...
Consistent Gospel Living -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“…consistent gospel living helps us to be steadfast and immovable during the storms of life. We can also demonstrate consistency by accepting President Nelson’s invitation to “make time for the Lord.” Great spiritual strength comes from small and simple things like...
Scriptures Direct Our Lives
“We are given the scriptures to direct our lives.” — Dallin H. Oaks Hold to the rod, the iron rod;’Tis strong, and bright, and true.The iron rod is the word of God;’Twill safely guide us through.
Consistency Is A Christlike Attribute -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“Consistency is a Christlike attribute. Jesus always did His father’s will, and His arm is constantly outstretched to save, help, and heal us. As we are more consistent in living the gospel, we will become more like Jesus.” — Jonathan S. Schmitt We should already...
How We Treat Each Other Really Matters!
“My dear brothers and sisters, how we treat each other really matters! How we speak to and about others at home, at church, at work, and online really matters. Today, I am asking us to interact with oruers in a higher, holier way.” — Russell M. Nelson I love our...
The Stalwart Youth Of Zion -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“The stalwart youth of Zion are voyaging through stunning times. Finding joy in this world of prophesied disruption without becoming part of that world, with its blind spot toward holiness, is their particular charge.” — Stephen J. Lund It is difficult in this world...
As Each Temple Is Dedicated
“As each temple is dedicated, the saving power of Jesus Christ expands throughout the world to counteract the efforts of the adversary and to redeem us as we come unto Him.” — Kevin R. Duncan There is power in the temple, and the communities, countries and people are...
Personal Revelation Is In Harmony With Truth -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“…personal revelation will be in harmony with the commandments of God and the covenants we have made with Him.” — Dale G. Renlund When we receive revelation from God, is isnt going to conflict with the commandments. We will never gain revelation that goes against what...
Parents Ignoring The Counsel Of The Prophet
“When parents ignore the counsel of the living prophet, they not only lose the promised blessings for themselves, but even more tragically teach their children that what a prophet says is insignificant or that prophetic counsel can be picked through in a smorgasbord...
Not Chosen To Partake -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“An individual may even accept the invitation and sit down at the feast—yet not be chosen to partake because he or she does not have the appropriate wedding garment of converting faith in the Lord Jesus and His divine grace. Thus, we have both God’s call and our...
Mind With The Power Of Jesus Christ
“Filling our mind with the power of Jesus Christ does not mean that He is the only thought we have. But it does mean that all our thoughts are circumscribed in His love, His life, and teachings, and His atoning sacrifice and glorious resurrection.” — Neil L. Andersen...
Personal Revelation Is Personal -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“Personal revelation rightly belongs to individuals. You can receive revelation, for example, about where to live, what career path to follow, or whom to marry. Church leaders may teach doctrine and share inspired counsel, but the responsibility for these decisions...
A Patriarchal Blessing Is Eternal
“A patriarchal blessing is not going to map out your life or answer all your questions… A patriarchal blessing is eternal, and id you live worthy, promises that are not fulfilled in thus life will be granted in the next.” — Kazuhiko Yamashita The importance that...
Faith Always Points Toward The Future -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“Today, as our world is frequently polarized and divided, there is a great need for us to preach and practice positivity, optimism, and hope. Despite any challenges in our past, faith always points toward the future, filled with hope, allowing us to fulfill Jesus’s...
The Elect Of The Lord
“The elect of The Lord are responding to personal promptings to seek and surely find Him.” — Russell M. Nelson As important as it is to heed the call to follow the Lord, we ought to be seeking that counsel from the Holy Spirit and making those changes without having...
Make Popular The Things That Are Good -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“It is our duty to concentrate all our influence to make popular that which is sound and good, and unpopular that which is unsound.” — Prophet Joseph Smith It is the duty of the humble followers of Christ to do all we can to make popular the things that are right and...
How We Treat Others
“One of the most evident signs that we are drawing closer to the Savior and becoming more like Him is the loving, patient, and kind way which we treat our fellow beings, whatever the circumstances.” — Ulisses Soares We all have choices to make in our life, and wine of...