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God Will Watch Over And Protect Us -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“It is my testimony that when we are righteously standing in our appointed place, even in the midst of bullets flying around us, God will watch over and protect us.” — David Stock If we are striving to do what is right and if we repent often, we are righteous. The...
Daily Discipleship
“Daily discipleship requires us to stand by those who are seeking the light of Christ while striving to become healed through Him ourselves.” — Taylor Ricks As we strive to draw closer to Christ, we become more like Him, and doing so would naturally lead us to helping...
His Blessings Of Healing -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“During His earthly ministry, His blessings of healing came to those who trusted Him and acted in faith.” — Elder Randy D. Funk Those that trusted in Jesus Christ and acted in faith were healed. Christ healed those people. Even though Jesus isn’t on this earth, He can...
Increase Your Spiritual Momentum -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“The adversary never sleeps. There will always be opposition to the truth. I repeat my urging from this morning to do those things that will increase your positive spiritual momentum, that lift Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf was talking about, that will keep you moving...
Your Light Of Faith In Christ
“Your light of faith in Christ can be steady and sure, leading those around you to safety and peace.” — Susan H. Porter Let your light so shine before men and women, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. - Matthew...
Now Is The Time -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“Yes, we should learn from the past, and yes, we should prepare for the future. But only now can we do. Now is the time we can learn. Now is the time we can repent.” — President Russell M. Nelson Now is the time. This is your time. This is the time to do the work of...
Give Thanks For Afflictions!
“The revelations, for which we are grateful, show that we should even give thanks for our afflictions because they turn our hearts to God and give us opportunities to prepare for what God would have us become.” — Dallin H. Oaks The trials and challenges we face are...
The Size Of The Offering Doesn’t Matter -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“This is what the widow at the temple treasury seemed to understand. She surely knew that her offering would not change the fortunes of Israel, but it could change and bless her—because, though small, it was her all.” — Dieter F. Uchtdorf The widow in the New...
Religious Freedom Brings Balance
“Religious freedom brings balance to competing philosophies. The good of religion, its reach, and the daily acts of love which religion inspires only multiply when we protect the freedom to express and act on core beliefs.” — Ronald A. Rasband We are stronger...
The Holy Ghost Gives Us Much Needed Comfort -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“But when we enter the fold of God and keep our covenants with Him, we feel the peace of knowing and trusting that Christ will redeem us from our sins, that the separation of our body and spirit will end more quickly, and that we will live eternally with God in a most...
With Gratitude Optimism Becomes Sustainable
“With gratitude optimism becomes sustainable.” — Micheal J. Fox Being grateful and showing gratitude to others and for the things we’ve been given is a huge step in stretching and growing our hearts. The more we love, share and are grateful, the more positive we’ll...
You Need The Holy Ghost -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“The companionship of a member of the Godhead, the Holy Ghost, provides much-needed guidance and comfort during this mortal life.” — Randy D. Funk The Holy Ghost is very needed as the world gets worse and darker. The spirit will testify the truth to you, warn you of...
Religious Freedom Fosters Expresssions Of Belief
“Religious freedom fosters expressions of belief, hope, and peace.” — Ronald A. Rasband When we treat one another with respect, positivity and love will spread and we will all be better for it! Always remember that we are all children of God and each are doing our...
We Can’t Always Do More -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“My dear brothers and sisters and my dear friends, there will be times when you wish you could do more. Your loving Father in Heaven knows your heart. He knows that you can’t do everything your heart wants you to do. But you can love and serve God. You can do your...
Christ’s Disciples Are All Like-Minded
“Whether in a chapel, synagogue, mosque, or tin-roofed hut, Christ’s disciples and all like-minded believers can express devotion to God by worship of Him and willingness to serve His children.” — Ronald A. Rasband As brothers and sisters and as children of God, It...
The Forces Of Evil Are Increasing -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“The perils of greatest danger come to us from the forces of wickedness. Those forces are increasing. And so it will become more difficult, not easier, to honor the covenants we must make and keep to live the gospel of Jesus Christ.” — Henry B. Eyring The forces of...
Because Of Christ’s Resurrection -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“Because of Christ’s Resurrection, all will be resurrected. After our spirits depart our mortal bodies, we will undoubtedly look forward to when we can again with a resurrected body embrace those we love. We will eagerly look forward to being among those of the First...
Wounds And Differences Can Be Revolved
“Wounds and differences can be resolved and even healed when we honor God, The Father of us all, and Jesus Christ, His son.” — Ronald A. Rasband As we strive to be better disciples of Christ and that we are Children of loving Heavenly Parents, it will become our goal...
11 Quotes by Henry B. Eyring – “Steady in the Storms.”
My dear brothers and sisters, we have been blessed today to hear inspired servants of God give counsel and encouragement. Each of us, wherever we are, knows that we live in increasingly perilous times. My prayer is that I might help you stand steady in the storms we...
We Can Control How We Spend Our Time -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“The future is always uncertain. Weather changes. Economic cycles are unpredictable. Disasters, accidents, and illness can change life quickly. These actions are largely beyond our control. But there are some things we can control, including how we spend our time each...