Recent Blog Posts
If We Abide In Him
“The Savior’s promise to His followers is twofold: if we abide in Him, He will abide in us.” — David A. Bednar If you are firmly on Jesus’ side of the fence, you’ll be in a position for Him to support, defend, and succor you. Keep the commandments and your covenants...
Strengthening Our Testimonies – Latterdayhelp Quotes
“Experiences like FSY conferences, camps, sacrament meetings, and missions can help to burnish our testimonies, taking us through arcs of growth and spiritual discovery to places of relative peace. But what must we do to stay there and continue to “press forward with...
The Greatest Easter Story
“In reality, The Book of Mormon shares the greatest Easter story ever told. Let it not be the greatest Easter story never told.” — Gary E. Stevenson Jesus Christ should be the central focus of our lives. We should study and know His pre-mortal role, His birth,...
The Church Through Defectors -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“Studying the church only through the eyes of its defectors [is] like interviewing Judas to understand Jesus.” — Neal A. Maxwell Why give heed unto those that have left the church, and only have negative things to say? Why heed those that are against the gospel and...
Our Standard Of Communication
“If there is anything virtuous. Lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy that we can say about another person, whether to his face or behind her back, that should be our standard of communication.” — Russell M. Nelson We should choose to be kind, and not be afraid to...
Developing The Savior’s Attributes
“As we strive to develop attributes like the Savior’s, we can become instruments of His peace in the world.” — Ulisses Soares Instruments of His peace! How wonderful is that? As we strive to learn to be like the Saviour, we can become more effective tools in the hands...
Looking For Christ In Every Thought And Deed – Latterdayhelp Quotes
“Through rigorous effort to look to and for Jesus Christ in my every thought and deed, my eyes were enlightened and my understanding quickened to recognize that Jesus Christ was calling for me to “come unto” Him.” — Tracy Y. Browning Look for Jesus Christ in your...
Spiritual Poise Blesses Us
“Spiritual poise blesses us to stay calm and focused on what matters most, especially when we are under pressure.” — Mark A. Bragg Poise comes with effort and intention as we follow Christ and be His disciples in all situations, not just when it’s...
Look For Christ Everywhere
“Look for Christ everywhere: I promise He is there!” — Bonnie H. Cordon Beautiful messages from Saturday Session of Conference. President Cordon was released, it not before she shared a message about Jesus Christ and how if we seek Him, we will see testimonies of...
Demonstrating Our Love For Jesus Christ -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“One way we demonstrate our love for Jesus is by feeding His sheep. For those sheep who may be wandering, good shepherds go into the wilderness to find the lost sheep and then stay with them until they return to safety. As good shepherds and as local conditions...
When Taking Conference Notes
“When I take notes at conference. I do not always write down exactly what the speaker is saying. I note the personalized direction the spirit is giving me.” — Robert D. Hales It’s General Conference weekend! It’s time for wonderful stories, better quotes, silly quips,...
10 Quotes By David A. Bednar – “Put On Thy Strength, O Zion”
Parables are a defining feature of the Lord Jesus Christ’s masterful approach to teaching. Simply defined, the Savior’s parables are stories used to compare spiritual truths with material things and mortal experiences. For example, the New Testament Gospels are...
11 Quotes By Gerrit W. Gong – “Happy And Forever”
Friends, dear brothers and sisters, do you remember believing, or wanting to believe, in happily ever after?Then life happens. We “grow up.” Relationships get complicated. This world is noisy, crowded, pushy, with pretense and posturing. Yet, in our “deep heart’s...
Humility Is An Important Attribute -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“By submitting to baptism to fulfill all righteousness, even though He was righteous and holy, Jesus Christ demonstrated that humility before God is a foundational attribute of His disciples.” — Joseph W. Sitati Jesus Christ had no need for baptism, but He did it to...
Satan Only Needs You To Do Nothing
“Satan need not get everyone to be like Cain or Judas, he needs only to get able men to see themselves as sophisticated neutrals.” — Neal A. Maxwell Willing and able. Jesus Christ magnified five loaves and two fishes to feed thousands and had several baskets left...
We Live In A Spiritually Corrosive Environment -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“Like brightly hulled steel ships at sea, we live in a spiritually corrosive environment where the most gleaming convictions must be mindfully maintained or they can become etched, then corrode, then crumble away.” — Steven J. Lund This world we live in is full of sin...
If You Will Listen
“I promise that if you will listen, you will feel the spirit well up within you. The Lord will tell you what he wants you to do with your life. In conferences we can receive the word of The Lord just for us.” — Robert D. Hales Conference is coming. There are fewer...
Knowing Jesus By His Many Names – Latterdayhelp Quotes
“I invite you to develop your own list as you come to know Jesus by His many names. In doing so, you will find that there are other names-along with their corresponding Christlike attributes-that you will want to take upon yourself as Jesu’s covenant disciple.” —...
Do We Act Like Christians?
“It is never an option to claim Jesus Christ as Savior and behave in an uncivil manner with anyone, under any circumstance. Never.” — Mark Demoss We cannot profess to be disciples of Christ and then mistreat those who Christ loves enough to Atone for. We are all...
My God How Great Thou Art! -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“We do not need to be deceived. The miracle of intelligent life constantly plays before us. And a brief gaze and reflection upon the wonders of the heavens arrayed with numberless stars and galaxies prompt the soul of the believing heart to proclaim, “My God, how...