Welcome back! My name is Spencer Charles aka Latterdayhelp and I will be sharing this week some things I enjoyed about Come Follow Me. Let’s start! 

Suggestion: when using The Come Follow Me book, use this page for my commentary and overview. You will see a quote from the Come Follow Me and my comments on it. First, look at the quote below and when it appears in the book, read my commentary below the quote. Repeat until you finish the Come Follow Me for this week. Enjoy!!! 

Perhaps one lesson is that regardless of our past experiences, our spiritual strength depends on the choices we make today. We can also see in these accounts that it isn’t our own strength or courage or wisdom that will save us—it is the Lord’s.

Our spiritual strength depends on our choices. If we choose evil, our spiritual strength gets weaker. We need to make good choices so our spiritual strength gets better and stronger.

David’s faithfulness to the Lord in the past did not make him immune to temptation when he “walked upon the roof of the king’s house” and “saw a woman washing herself” (2 Samuel 11:2). Consider what lessons you can learn from his experiences.

We always need to be on the lookout so we don’t fall into sin. None of us are immune to temptation.

Ponder why “an understanding heart” to “discern between good and bad” (verse 9) is a valuable gift. What can you do to seek this gift?

This is a good question. Think deeply about it.

Perhaps your family would enjoy creating homemade crowns while discussing why you are grateful that Jesus Christ is your Eternal King.

I really like this idea! Jesus Christ is the king of kings!

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