What a wonderful blessing it is to bless the sacrament on Easter Sunday – I thought after church, but that’s not what I thought when I was told that I was needed to bless the sacrament less than an hour before church started! 

Me and my family because of COVID have been doing online church up until a few months ago. Because of this, I have not received very many opportunities to bless the sacrament in church, but lots of opportunities to do it at home! I was a little nervous to do it because I was blessing the sacrament In front of so many people! 

“What if I mess up and have to repeat the prayer?” “What if I can’t speak correctly and by mouth gets dry?” What if…” I can go on and on with all of the thoughts that went through my head. Yes, I have blessed the sacrament in church before, but not recently in church! 

While having a somewhat mental war, a thought that I believe from Heavenly Father entered into my mind. “Spencer, Christ probably felt the same way before suffering the atonement, and it is possible that He was even more nervous.” Suddenly everything clicked. Just like Jesus Christ, I was being called to do something hard, well not that hard as I am looking back on it right now, but hard in the moment. Christ probably felt the same way when He knew His hour arrived. And what did He say? 

“…O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.” 

— Matthew 26:39

I realized what I needed to do, ask Heavenly Father that His will be done, and if that meant me blessing the sacrament, so be it. I prayed that His will be done and that He would help me and give me comfort and peace. Like Jesus having to suffer the atonement, we will have to go through somewhat similar things but all will be well. 

After looking back, things that we have to do in the moment may seem hard but what we have to go though will eventually pass. While we are in the boat during the storm, it may be awhile until Christ comes walking on the water, to calm the storm and to help us. 

It is truly a blessing and an honor that The Lord wanted me to bless the sacrament on the day that He rose from the dead, to serve so many people, and to feel comfort and peace during that experience. Just like Jesus during the last supper started the sacrament ordinance, I was also able to bless the sacrament. 

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