Jesus Christ Messages 16

The field is the world. Satan has corrupted many souls and those people are the tares. The people of God are the wheat. As we progress towards the second coming, the angels of Christ will separate the tares from the wheat. We can see this happening today, many people are showing their true colors, if they are evil or good. The tares will be burned and the wheat will be put into His barn. Become a wheat so you will receive eternal life and not eternal death.

** This video clip is apart of the Bible Videos produced by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Spiritual Crusade edited the clip but did not produce it.**

More Jesus Christ Messages: 

You Must Be Born Again – Jesus Christ Messages 01

For God So Loves The World – Jesus Christ Messages 02

Jesus Christ Messages 03 – Drink Of The Water Christ Gives

Jesus Christ Messages 04 – Be A Fisher Of Men

Jesus Christ Messages 05 – Preach The Gospel

Jesus Christ Messages 06 – Blessed Are Ye

Jesus Christ Messages 07 – Ye Are The Light Of The World

Jesus Christ Messages 08 – Do Good To All

Jesus Christ Messages 09 – Do Good To Them That Hate You

Jesus Christ Messages 10- Do Your Good Works In Secret

Jesus Christ Messages 11 – First Cast Out The Beam That Is In Thy Own Eye

Jesus Christ Messages 12 – By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them

Jesus Christ Messages 13-Do You Know Him?

Jesus Christ Messages 14 – Weep Not Over The Dead

Jesus Christ Messages 15 – Be The Good Seed

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