The Bible is the word of God besides the Book of Mormon. The Bible is a special book, specifically the gospels in the New Testament. Without the Bible, many important truths would be lost. Many people have died for the Bible. We should not let their sacrifice be in vain. Read the Bible as often as you can, for the words of God are within it. 

The Bible contains spiritual light, truth, and knowledge. It helps us know how to live our lives and gives us spiritual strength. The Bible is an important weapon against Satan and the forces of darkness. There are many important things in the Bible which are crucial for spiritual survival in these last days. 

I know the Bible and the Book of Mormon are testaments of Jesus Christ. The Bible, both new and old testaments, testify that Jesus Christ is the son of God. Jesus Christ is an important part of the Bible, without the Bible, we wouldn’t be able to study the life of Jesus Christ and that would be terrible. I am very grateful for the Bible, as long as it is translated correctly. In the name of the son of God who is Jesus Christ, amen. 

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