Latterdayhelp Motivation

When the Devil attacks, when he sends earthquakes to shake you, whirlwinds to blow you away and storms to confuse you and make you fall, God is still there. You are not alone and never will be. 

During times of temptation, it can seem imposible to succeed. The Devil knows who you are and your potential so he tempts and lies to you. He says you are not a child of God. He says you are worthless and a piece of trash. He tempts you to sin so you get farther from God. He confuses you and tells as many lies as possible. He turns friends into enemies. When the Devil sends all Hell against you, there is a way to succeed. To succeed, you need God and Jesus Christ. 

Christ overcame all temptation. ALL TEMPTATION!!! He knows exactly what you feel and how how hard it is. Jesus Christ can give you His strength and power to resist Satan and to push him back. When Satan starts to push you around, turn to God and Christ for strength, then push the Devil back and remind him you are a child of God. 

If you build your foundation on Jesus Christ, strengthen it daily, study the scriptures daily, repent and turn unto God in every thought and pray often, the Devil will have no power over you. If the Devil starts to lie to you or tempts you or does anything else, don’t be afraid to verbally tell him to “get thee hence Satan in the name of Jesus Christ.” Through God you can have the strength to overcome all the Devil throws at you. Remember you are never alone and God is always with you when Satan attacks. 

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