by Spencer Charles | Jan 3, 2022 | -Spencer, Book of Mormon, Gospel, Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, Latter Day Help, Missionary Work, Prayer, Priesthood, Restoration of the Gospel, Testimony, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Work
I testify unto you all that I am a member of Christ’s church. I bring forth the good news that His church has been restored to the earth. When Christ and the rest of His apostles died, Jesus Christ’s church was taken from the earth because of how great the wickedness...
by Todd Bruce | Jan 2, 2022 | -Todd Bruce, Elk Valley Latter Day Saint, Jeffrey R. Holland, Last Days, Love, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
“We are facing a kind of Third World War that is not a fight to crush our enemies, but a conscription marshalling the children of God to care more about each other and to help heal the wounds we find in a conflicted world.” – Jeffrey R. Holland Love one another! It’s...
by Spencer Charles | Jan 2, 2022 | -Spencer, Christ, Family Home Evening, Jesus Christ, Latter Day Help, Potential, You Matter, youth
“Our future will be determined far less by our starting point and much more by our slope. Jesus Christ sees divine potential no matter where we start. He saw it in the beggar, the sinner, and the infirm… no matter where we start, Christ considers what we do with what...
by Spencer Charles | Jan 1, 2022 | -Spencer, Christ, Jesus Christ, Latter Day Help, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
“We must know Christ better than we know Him. We must remember Him more often than we remember Him. We must serve Him more valiantly than we serve Him. — Howard W. Hunter In order to become closer to Jesus Christ and God, we need to take extra steps. We need to know...
by Todd Bruce | Jan 1, 2022 | -Todd Bruce, Elk Valley Latter Day Saint, God, Holy Ghost, Jesus Christ, parenthood, Parenting, Scriptures
“The Holy Ghost, along with the other members of the Godhead, is every parents strongest ally in raising resilient youth.” – Lynn G. Robbins As we try to raise the next generation unto the Lord, we must involve Him and the Godhead in leading them. We must do the...
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