Hi Guys! My name is Spencer Charles but a lot of people know me call me Latterdayhelp. Today I will be sharing this week some things I enjoyed about Come Follow Me. Let’s go!

Suggestion: when using The Come Follow Me book, use this page for my commentary and overview. You will see a quote from the Come Follow Me and my comments below it. First, look at the quote below and when it appears in the book, read my commentary below the quote. Repeat until you finish the Come Follow Me for this week. Enjoy!!!

Because the work of establishing Zion continues in our day, it’s helpful to ask, How did Enoch and his people do it? How did they become “of one heart and one mind” (Moses 7:18) despite the wickedness around them?

Right of the bat, this is starting to get good. We al need to start to become at Zion with ourselves, then with our family and lastly with everyone around us. Important question to ponder about.

Latter-day Saints might be this: Zion is not just a city—it is a condition of the heart and spirit. Zion, as the Lord has taught, is “the pure in heart” (Doctrine and Covenants 97:21). So perhaps the best way to build Zion is to start in our own hearts and homes.

If we want to be at Zion with ourselves, our families and others around us, we need to be pure in heart. In Matthew 5, it says those that are pure in heart will see God.

Moses 7:18–19 lists important characteristics of the people whom the Lord called Zion. Why do you think these characteristics are necessary to build Zion? How is Zion, as described in this chapter, different from other united groups or organizations in the world?

Come Follow Me never stops to amaze me! This is good spiritual food! I would write that list of important characteristics down from Moses 7:18-29 and then put it somewhere in your home where you can see it. If you have others living with you, put it in a more public place and have everyone often read it and strive to obtain those attributes.

Verse 62 describes events of the last days. Consider what phrases like these might mean: “righteousness will I send down out of heaven,” “truth will I send forth out of the earth,” “righteousness and truth will I cause to sweep the earth as with a flood.” What do these phrases teach you about God’s work in the latter days?

Another amazing paragraph. God will flood the earth with truth and righteous. I would assume through missionary work perhaps?

How can we have faith and hope despite the wickedness in the last days?

Really good question.

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