Latterdayhelp Motivation- Your Time Is Now!!!

These are the last days. There isn’t much time on earth left until Christ returns. Out of all the different opportunities God could of sent you to the earth, He sent you on earth at the hardest time period, the last days. This is because you are one of His strongest children. Those that are weak wouldn’t stand a chance in this day, therefore you are strong. 

Whatever you are struggling with, whatever is going on in your life that is hard, you can succeed. Everyone is somewhat weak on their own but with God, you are stronger than you can imagine. Since you are here in the last days, you are the strongest and fiercest out of all the people that have come before you. Through God you can do all things. God will not let you fail. You cannot fail, it is impossible for you to fail. Yes, you may stumble and fall but you cannot fail. God has never lost to the Devil and neither will you if you are with God. You are a winner and you can succeed because you are a child of God. 


I can not emphasize how important this is. God determines how long your battles will go on and if you give up, God can’t turn you into the person He needs you to be. We all go through trials to become closer to God and so that God can shape us into the person He needs us to be. If you give up, you cannot be who God needs you to be. And you are never alone. God will be on your right hand and Jesus Christ will be on your left. Their angles will be around you. You cannot fail. This is your time to succeed. Failure is not possible which mean you are destined to succeed. Therefore…


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