In the Bible, God’s people followed the law of tithing. In Christ’s restored church, Christ restored this law to bless his children. God only asks that we pay one tenth of our income back to Him throughout His son’s church. This is called the law of tithing. This money is used by the Lord to help others, build churches, temples and so much more! 

Bring ye all the ​​​tithes​ into the storehouse, that there may be ​​​meat​ in mine house, and ​​​prove​ me now herewith, saith the ​​Lord​​ of hosts, if I will not ​​​open​ you the ​​​windows of heaven​, and pour you out a ​​​blessing​, that ​there shall​ not ​be room​ enough ​to receive it.

Malachi 3:10

By paying tithing you will receive many blessings. You will receive many blessings and you will not have enough room to receive them! A privilege of being apart of Christ’s church is paying tithing. Even thought it may seem hard to give up one tenth of your income to God, God has literally given you that money. He has given you everything that you have. Giving one tenth of what you make at your job is a small price to give back to God when He has given you everything. This money helps complete the work of the Lord on earth. 

Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings.

Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation.

Malachi 3:8-9

If you don’t pay tithing you are not just robbing God but you are also robbing yourself! You are robbing God by not giving His money back to Him and you are robbing yourself from the wonderful blessings you could have received. 

“Consider, for example, ten apples. Now, all ten of these apples actually belong to the Lord, but He asks us to return to Him only one-tenth, or one apple. Are you offering only a small bite of that apple and keeping 90 percent? Are you willing to offer the Lord such a small portion?” 

— Elder Yoshihiko Kikuchi

The scared money called tithing is given to local leaders in your church. They then transmit the money of the Lord to His apostles and prophet as well as the presiding bishopric. These men called of God then pray about what they should use His money for. They then receive personal revelation from the Lord and act accordingly. 

​Verily, thus saith the Lord, the time is now come, that ​​​it​ shall be ​​​disposed​ of by a council, composed of the First Presidency of my Church, and of the bishop and his council, and by my high council; and by mine own voice unto them, saith the Lord. Even so. Amen.

D&C 120:1 

Tithing is ALWAYS used for the Lord’s purpose from building temples and church buildings, sustaining missionary work, giving the money to the poor and needy, educate church members, and many other things that will help progress the work of the Lord. 

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