Scriptures are extremely important and it is extremely important to study them every single day, especially during these unique times. Reading the scriptures is not enough. You must study them if you are to understand them and if you want to hear God speak to you. Reading them is basically just reading about what the people in the scriptures did but the scriptures are there to teach us and to help us become closer to God.
Without the scriptures, many things which are important would be lost in time. God commanded His people to write down what He has said so that we will be able to read them often and reflect on His words. The scriptures hold secret knowledge that many people are not able to find because they do not study their scriptures.
The scriptures hold light, truth and knowledge. The only way to obtain of these things is to study the scriptures. As we can see, reading the scriptures is not enough. I encourage all of you to often study the scriptures and ponder and reflect on them. If you do this, many wonderful things will be revealed to you. I concluded these things in the name of my lord and savior, Jesus Christ, amen.
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