by Spencer Charles | Nov 21, 2021 | -Spencer, C. S. Lewis, Celestial Kingdom, Choose the Right, Heavenly Father, Kingdom of God, Latter Day Help, light the world, Overcoming the World, young men, young women, youth
“When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind.” — C. S. Lewis In this world, many people are doing wickedness which makes evil seem good and good seem evil. Many people have fallen into sin...
by Todd Bruce | Nov 21, 2021 | -Todd Bruce, Christ, Elk Valley Latter Day Saint, Holy Ghost, Jesus Christ
“Through the power of the Holy Ghost, Christ will enable us to see ourselves and see others as He does.” – Michelle Craig We need to always strive to have the Holy Ghost to be with us. We are so much better off with Him, than on our own. We simply cannot do it. Trust...
by Spencer Charles | Nov 21, 2021 | -Spencer, Child of God, Latter Day Help, youth
“President Nelson’s second truth spoken to us that day is to know our purpose. This is our grand and noble charge.” — Bonnie H. Cordon It is extremely important to know your purpose in the world. You are extremely important in the war against evil. You are a beautiful...
by Todd Bruce | Nov 21, 2021 | Be Better, Change, Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, Russell M. Nelson, Trust
“Ultimately, the Lord wants our hearts. He wants us to become new creatures in Christ.” — Russell M. Nelson Trust in God and lean not unto thy own understanding. As we trust, we change, and we become better! We become who the Lord wants us to...
by Spencer Charles | Nov 20, 2021 | -Spencer, God, God's Love, Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, Latter Day Help, Love, Peace
Have you ever looked outside during a sunrise or sunset? Have you ever gone into nature and listened for that still, small voice? Have you ever looked outside and thought about how beautiful the earth is? The beauty of the earth and sky is a gift from God. The...
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