Peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth but as I give unto you. 

(Simplified Scripture of John 14:27) 

This sentence above is the exact words God has spoken unto me today (11-6-21) in my mind. While sitting in the car looking out the window, God opened my spiritual eyes. I saw more clearly about the world than I have ever before. I truly saw that we are in the last days before Christ returns. I could see the wickedness of this world and before Jesus Christ returns, it will only get worse. I already knew this but I never really thought about it until now. 

The world can be a scary place and it can fill you up with fear if you dwell on the wickedness of this people for too long. And I started to fear! It was crazy because I constantly remind myself not to fear but I did! I feared for my family and for the safety of the righteous. As I was filled up with fear, BOOM! Right there out the window, I saw the temple! I was staring at a building and as the car moved, the temple came into view. 

Peace instantly washed over me and I heard in my mind “Peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth but as I give unto you.” Christ spoke to me! The world gives us a false sense of peace but Christ gives real peace unto us when we seek it and when we are in desperate need of it, like I was. 

I hate to admit it but I haven’t been able to attend the temple since a few months before COVID hit. I know, I know…,  it’s been more than a year since I have been able to go. The temple is a special place, a scared place, a place of peace and revelation. A place of happiness. I will now seek to go to the temple as soon as possible, even if I can only go on the temple grounds. 

I know the temple is an important place and It can give us refuge from the storms of life. It is where people can be untied with their families for eternity and where people who have passed can receive their baptisms and confirmation. The temple isn’t just where we can do the work of the Lord, it is a place to rest and hear that still small voice. 

Do not fear. I am a hypocrite as you have seen me above say I have feared but, don’t fear. God is with you, He knows you, and He will guide you. When the time comes, if you are prepared and worthy to go, God will guide you away from the world and to Zion when it is established. If you want to be safe from the evil world, prepare to go to Zion. I won’t tell you how to go because that’s what you need ask God about. I have felt the fear. You don’t want to wait until the last minute before all must flee to Zion because if you aren’t ready, you can’t go! So prepare and keep going to the temple. The temple will give you peace, more peace than you can imagine. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen. 

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