Hello and welcome back! My name is Spencer Charles also known as Latterdayhelp and I will be sharing this week some things I enjoyed about D&C 135-136. Let’s start!
Suggestion: when using The Come Follow Me book, use this page for my commentary and overview. You will see a quote from the Come Follow Me and my comments on it. First, look at the quote below and when it appears in the book, read my commentary below the quote. Repeat until you finish the Come Follow Me for this week. Enjoy!!!
“And yet it was not the end of the divine cause they had embraced. And it was not the end of the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. There was more work to do and more revelation that would guide the Church forward. Killing the Prophet could not kill the work of God.”
Even though Jospeh Smith, his brother and some of their friends were murdered in jail even though they were innocent, the same thing happened to Abinadi in the Book of Mormon. We must stand up for the truth even until death. I hope we will never have to be imprisoned and killed for not denying the truth but God may ask us of it. Killing prophets and witnesses of Christ’s church will not stop the work of God.
“What would you say to someone who asks, “Why would God allow His Prophet to be killed?”
This is a really good question to ponder about. My thoughts are that when righteousness people are killed for what the Lord asks, their reward in Heaven will be immeasurable and their innocent blood will stand against those that killed the prophets on judgment day.
“Think about the blessings that have come to you as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ. How many of them are a result of the mission accomplished by the Prophet Joseph Smith? Doctrine and Covenants 135:3”
Another amazing question!!! Basically everything from the priesthood to scripture is all made known and given to us because of Jospeh Smith! If he didn’t help Christ restore the gospel, we wouldn’t have all of these many things in the church that we have today!
“Keep this context in mind as you study section 136. What counsel do you find that could help turn a difficult trial in your life “into an important … spiritual experience”? You might also ponder how the counsel can help you accomplish the Lord’s will in your own life, as it helped the early Saints make the difficult trek to the West.”
All trials we have in this life our for us to grow and to learn. When you face trials, often think about what you need to learn and What God is trying to tell you.
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