I know that we are in the last days before Christ comes again. If you look carefully and study the signs, you will know His return is even at its doors. 

The world gets more wicked every day and people are doing unbelievable things that are an abomination in the sight of the Lord from Gay couples to abortion and premarital sex. There are a lot of things that are an abomination in His eyes and people are doing them!!! It’s insane how wicked this people already are and it will only get worse before He returns. 

However, this does not mean it’s alright to do these things. Justice will eventually be brought upon them in due time. You can live in the world but not be apart of it. If you are going to survive these days, you will need the spirit of the Lord with you at all times and at all places. Without the spirit, you will become lost. 

I testify unto you all Jesus is the Christ and we are living in the last days before He returns in all of His glory and power. If we endure to the end, repent and keep His commandments, we will be saved. I hope you all will keep looking for the signs of His return because if you don’t, He will return like a thief in the night. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. 

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