“He knows you personally, He conferred the priesthood upon you, and your rising up and magnifying the priesthood matter to Him because He loves you and He trusts you to bless people He loves in His name.“ Henry B. Eyring
A few years after we were married I was called as a Stake Missionary and was instrumental in helping the sister missionaries teach and baptize this wonderful man. It was such an amazing experience. Well, a year later when he called me to have the honor of giving him the priesthood, I didn’t feel worthy and asked him to find someone else. This has been one of my biggest regrets in my life and I have tried to not ever allow that to be the case again. I have not been perfect, but I can and we can do better starting today.
The reality is that the Lord needs our willing, virtuous, and righteous hands as His hands to bless His children. Will we step up to this awesome responsibility? Will we forsake and repent of our favorite sins and let go of hard feelings and grudges we may harbor in our hearts and rise up and be the Lord’s hands? I pray that we will!!
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