If you would die for your Saviour, then take that same energy and live for Him. Love one another. Serve those in need and be kind! Do the things He would do!

“A missionary once asked me ‘Elder Holland, would you give your life for the Church?’ and I said, ‘Elder, I am giving my life for the church, every day I’m giving my life for the Church! Because I know it’s true!'” – Jeffrey R. Holland

We are all children of God. Every. Single. One. Of. Us. None are more precious or more loved than another. God loves, misses, mourns and hopes for each of us. Our Heavenly Parents want the best for us, and that involves helping one another! We are all better off together! Reach out with love to those around you. Send a text, a phone call or a plate of cookies to someone. Be kind and do good unto all!

“Unity is enhanced when people are treated with dignity and respect, even though they are different in outward characteristics.” – Quentin L. Cook

The ‘new normal!’ It’s a tough concept as no one can seem to agree on what that is. Regardless of how we fee, we’ve been asked to redouble our efforts and our focus on our Heavenly Parents and our Elder Brother Jesus Christ. Choose to be kind! Choose to be humble and meek! Choose to follow the prophet and avoid contention. We must do all we can to invite and maintain an inviting environment for the Holy Ghost. Let us love one another, and that’s includes on the Internet, at work or school and especially within the walls of our home.

“Today we often hear ‘a new normal.’ if you really want to embrace ‘ a new normal,’ I invite you to turn your heart, mind, and soul increasingly to our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. Let that be your ‘new normal.'” – Russell M. Nelson

The crazier the world gets, the tighter we need to hold on to our Saviour and our Heavenly Father. The two, along with the Holy Ghost, will see us through any challenge we will face. But we must seek Them, and Their loving guidance and celestial support.

“The world’s current chaotic situation may seem daunting as we consider the multitude of issues and challenges. But it is my fervent testimony that if we will pray and ask Heavenly Father for needed blessings and guidance, we will come to know how we can bless our families, neighbours, communities, and even the countries in which we live.” – M. Russell Ballard

Being deeply rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ will make the harder days easier, the storms more bearable and help us see the challenges in life for what they are, opportunities for strength.

“Even in turbulent times, faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is gritty and resilient.” – Lisa Harkness

Life lessons are invaluable and can be learned in no other way than by living. Learn to turn to the Lord early and it will be almost reflexive to turn to Him, instead of having to due to lack of options.

“I think what we’ve been left with, fortunately, in a blessed way, is that if we haven’t been able to turn here and we can’t turn there, we can turn up. I hope one thing we’ve a;; done is come closer to God.” – Jeffrey R. Holland

We need to always strive to have the Holy Ghost to be with us. We are so much better off with Him, than on our own. We simply cannot do it. Trust in Him, and the inspiration you receive.13w

“Through the power of the Holy Ghost, Christ will enable us to see ourselves and see others as He does.” – Michelle Craig

Great words by Spence Kimball and repeated by Ron Rasband. For our own sake for the benefit of those around us, we need to step up and be the people God has asked us to be. He will magnify our efforts, but we must be willing to do the things within our power. Be worthy, be willing to work and you will be qualified. No one can do what you can do in building up the kingdom of God on the earth!

“You must do the work assigned – you must make yourself able, worthy and qualified.” – Spencer W. Kimball

One of the best parts of my calling is working with the Youth. And I agree with Sister Cordon, the youth are spectacular, they are a light, and they will do great things!

“Young women, you are glorious! You are the Lord’s symphony; you are His battalion! This work is your purpose; it is why Heavenly Father sent you here; at this time. It will bring you joy! Continue to be a light. Continue to move forward. There will be bumps, there will be roadblocks – of course there are – they are part of our mortal journey. Don’t let that stop you from your glorious and eternal work,” – Bonnie H. Cordon

Heavenly Father has given us the tools to become our best selves! It’s through our Saviour Jesus Christ’s Atonement that we can try again and again to make our weaknesses strong. Gifts such as the Holy Ghost, prayer, revelation, the scriptures, and our family can help us get there, among many other gifts of the spirit. Seek Him, Seek those gifts and ask to make your weaknesses strong!

“Those who do not see their weaknesses do not progress. Your awareness of your weakness is a blessing as it helps you remain humble and keeps you turning to the Saviour. The Spirit not only comforts you, but He is also the agent by which the Atonement works a change in your very nature, Then weak things become strong.” – Henry B. Eyring

When you are discouraged, it’s ok to wallow for a minute, take stock of how you are feeling and how you got there, then remember who you are and who suffered for you! Then, get up, dust yourself off and press forward!

“Faith pushes through discouragement and allows us to face the future with resolve and squared shoulders.” – Lisa Harkness

Perspective changes everything and if you maintain an eternal perspective, you gain so much more than when you’re solely focused on the day-to-day or week-to-week stuff. That doesn’t mean it’s easy though. Start by being grateful and looking for the good! Strive to see the tender mercies on your life and by being kind! These little changes will help you to move mountains!

“It might sound contrary tot he wisdom of the world to suggest that one who is burdened with sorrow should give thanks o God. But those who set aside the bottle of bitterness and lift instead the goblet of gratitude can find a purifying drink of healing, peace, and understanding.” – Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Trials and challenges are opportunities for growth, but we must be willing to put the work in to take advantage of it.

“Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don’t recognize them.” – Ann Landers

There is no point of no return! There is no place you can go where the Saviour hasn’t seen! There is nothing we can do in this life that our Father isn’t aware of! Regardless of the places we’ve chosen to go, we have been redeemed by Christ, we just need to be willing to take advantage of that! We can return home!

“As we come to trust God, sometimes through the darkest, loneliest, most uncertain moments, we learn He knows us better and loves us more than we know or love ourselves.” – Gerrit W. Gong

While we should never be sign seekers and tempt the Lord in that manner, we can have faith that there is nothing for which Jesus Christ cannot do for us. He has done it already. The Atonement of Jesus Christ covers all things, and redeems us regardless of the depths we’ve fallen. But, if it’s needed, pray to Heavenly Father, in in Jesus’ name and ask to know how our Heavenly Parents and Saviour Jesus Christ feel about you individually! That is a test They will gladly answer!

“try the Lord, and see if anything is too hard for Him!” – Parley P. Pratt

Take time to connect to those around you. Reach out and help them to feel loved. You may not be able to do everything or help everyone, but you can certainly do something and help someone! Do what you can, and pray for the rest!

“In these difficult times, I hope you will focus on the things you can do and not on the things you cannot do. You muster your faith. And you listen for the guiding word of the Lord and His prophet to lead you to safety.” – Dieter F. Uchtdorf

All things will work for our benefit and learning! We just have to be willing to be patient and maintain an eternal perspective throughout. Having faith means trusting in Him!

“Faith means trusting God in good times and bad, even if that includes some suffering until we see His arm revealed in our behalf.” – Jeffrey R. Holland

We cannot be casual Christians, passively filling our oil lamps hoping that we fill them without exerting any great amount of effort! Eternity and especially exaltation is everything, and the most important things do not coming without great effort, so you can imagine the effort required for the most important of things! Luckily we have the Saviour, Jesus Christ, who makes up for all that we lack!

“The future of your faith is not by chance, but by choice.” – Neil L. Andersen

There are few certainties about your future and how things will progress in this crazy world, but one thing we all can rely on is Jesus Christ! We can trust that He has our best interests in mind. We can trust His heart.

“The process will unfold in His way and on His schedule, but Christ stands ready always to heal every ounce and aspect of your agony. As you allow Him to to do, you will discover that your suffering was not in vain.” – Matthew S. Holland

The Lord’s gift of unlimited second chances! I’m blown away by the love Jesus offers me! To try and try again until I learn and become better is a special gift! I’m in awe of the completeness of the plan of Salvation and opportunity at exaltation.

“It is the hardships, the struggling, and the stretching that help us develop resilience – the ability to get up, dust ourselves off, and continue on the strait and narrow path. That path is often rocky, and we will all have our share of stumbles and setbacks. It is the Lord’s gift of unlimited second chances that enables us to move forward with resilience.” – Lynn G. Robbins

When we choose to repent, we choose to change. And changing is what the Atonement of Jesus Christ is all about. He has given us the opportunity to be better, to try, again and again to become more like Him.

“What can we give to Him, who paid the incalculable price for our sins? We can give him our change, It may be a change of though, a change of habit, or a change of direction we are headed.” – Becky Craven

The knowledge of the plan of Salvation and our connection to Heavenly Parents is a balm to a struggling world. Let us make sure we are sharing the light of the Gospel for all to see the way!

“You and I are believers in and preachers of a glorious gospel that can deepen all human relationships now as well as projecting friendships into eternity. Friendships as well as families, are forever.” – Neal A. Maxwell

We are living in the dispensation of the fullness of times! Much has been given and much has been required! But we were saved for this stretch because we have been prepared to handle these chaotic times! Seek Jesus and find peace in Him and we will thrive!

“Our Heavenly Father has reserved many of His most noble spirits – perhaps, I might say, His finest team – for this final phase, Those noble spirits, those finest players, those heroes – are you.” – Russell M. Nelson

We can do hard things, and God will magnify any efforts we make. Doing what we can will result in weak things becoming made strong and mountains moving! Trust in Him and do His will and miracles will happen!

“The Power of God is the power to do more than we can do by ourselves.” – Richard G. Scott

Moms are the greatest! They work so hard to ensure the lives of their loved ones are the best they can be! The love and care and effort they put in day in and day out, hour by hour and minute by minute can not be duplicated! Theirs is an divine mandate with eternal consequences and you know what, they, for the most part, are killing it! Moms are the greatest!

“”There is no greater good in all the world than motherhood. The influence of a mother in the lives of Her children is beyond calculation.” – James E. Faust

As we try to raise the next generation unto the Lord, we must involve Him and the Godhead in leading them. We must do the things that help acquaint our children with Them! Reading scriptures, praying with real intent and being an example for goodness are key things to help our children come to know Him.

“The Holy Ghost, along with the other members of the Godhead, is every parents strongest ally in raising resilient youth.” – Lynn G. Robbins

Love one another! It’s a plain and simple commandment that has yet to be revoked! God has not rescinded it nor given caveats or conditions to this commandment. We must simply love everyone. It’s more critical now than ever.

“We are facing a kind of Third World War that is not a fight to crush our enemies, but a conscription marshalling the children of God to care more about each other and to help heal the wounds we find in a conflicted world.” – Jeffrey R. Holland

We are going to face many highs and lows in life, and that’s by design. We are here to learn from every aspect of life and we don’t learn as much when there’s smooth sailing. The biggest lesson we can learn is to lean on Jesus Christ through thick and thin.

“The mountains in our lives do not always move how or when we would like. But out faith will always propel us forward. Faith always increases our access to Godly power.” – Russell M. Nelson

He knows the details of the details! He knows so much about each of us and He has a plan, when we want to question our life’s direction, all we must do is look at where we’d like to be in relation to God, and then trust that He knows what He’s doing. He’s got our backs!

“God is our Heavenly Father. He loves all of us. He knows our potential way better than we know ourselves. He knows not only the details of our lives. God knows the details of the details of the details of our lives.” – Chi Hong (Sam) Wong

Sometimes it’s a scripture that hits me, other times it’s something I’ve read or heard, sometimes it’s a meme or quote on social media and other times, I’ve been inspired by the comments of the person who posted and someone who chimes in. Inspiration is a beautiful thing and if we are open, we can find it in the world. If you are in need, ask our Heavenly Father to guide you and show you what work there is for you to do!

“When you feel forgotten in the work of the Lord, it could be because He is waiting to answer your asking.” – Taylor Ricks

You are a Child of Heavenly Parents! You are loved! You have a divine heritage and eternal potential! Do not let this world limit your own self worth and what you can do. Seek Christ in all things and He will help you to become your best self and the person God has designed you to be.

“‘Finding yourself’ is not really how it works. You aren’t a ten-dollar bill in last winter’s coat pocket. You are also not lost. Your true self is right there, buried under cultural conditioning, other people’s opinions, and inaccurate conclusions you drew as a kid became your beliefs about who you are. ‘Finding yourself’ is actually returning to yourself. An unlearning, an excavation, a remembering who you were before the world got its hands on you.” – Emily McDowell

Our history, background, and experiences combine with our family history, cultural identities, and personal circumstance to make us uniquely positioned to love and serve others. Our details fill out story and our story is special to each of us and to God!

“Our spiritual identity is enhances as we understand our many mortal identities, including ethnic, cultural, or national heritage.” – M. Russell Ballard

We’ve been given an amazing gift. We can legitimately have a member of the Godhead to be with us always and all we need to do is be worthy of it! What a gift!

“The gift of the Holy Ghost is the greatest gift that mortal man can receive.” – Wilford Woodruff

Life comes with many peaks and valleys, highs and lows, good days and bad. Our response to those challenges, including those valleys which are of our own creation, and ones we are thrust into, speak more to our willingness to grow than anything else we can will face in this life. Fortunately for each of us, God is ever willing to forgive and accept us.

“Seasons of our lives can take us to places both unexpected and undesirable. If sin has led you there, pull back the curtain of darkness and begin now to humbly approach your Heavenly Father with a broken heart, and contrite spirit and repent.” – Timothy J. Dyches

When we look to become like our Saviour, we simply need to do basics of the Gospel. Love God, love one another, pray, read the scriptures daily, try to be better every day, and keep your covenants! Anything beyond this is overshooting the mark.

“The instruments we need to create a brighter day and grow an economy of genuine goodness are abundantly provided for in the gospel of Jesus Christ.” – Jeffrey R. Holland

We need to be better and the world needs to be better! As we step up and live the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we are more loving, more kind, more humble and more willing to forgive one another! The world needs more of that and so do we!

“We cannot afford – and this world cannot afford – our failure to put these gospel concepts and fortifying covenants to full use personally and publicly.” – Jeffrey R. Holland

Jesus Christ has come to heal and uplift! Not demand and discriminate! He came to build bridges, not build walls. Trust in Him and allow Christ to heal you, so you can go on, doing the work you were called to do!

“He hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised.” – Luke 4:18

As Christians, we need to live a sanctified life filled with love of our God and love of our neighbours. If we cannot live up to the covenants that we made at baptism, we’re at risk of putting our souls at risk in the eyes of Heaven.

“If our beliefs do not influence our daily decisions – our religion is vain, if not dead, is certainly not well and is in danger of flat-lining!” – Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Thru the ups and downs in life, look for the tender mercies of the Lord. As you do so, you will recognize His hand throughout your life, and therefore, of His love for you!

“Even while we suffer inexplicably, God can bless us in simple, ordinary, and significant ways. As we learn to recognize these blessings, our trust in God will increase.” – Dale G. Renlund

Let us remember to keep the most sacred things sacred, and the most holy things holy! Don’t let the things that matter most become things that we don’t give proper respect to.

“In matters of covenantal purity, the sacred is too often being made common and the holy is too often being made profane.” – Jeffrey R. Holland

I love Jesus Christ! I’m grateful for His willingness to live a mortal life, experience all He did, and descend below all things in order to raise us up when times are tough. The Atonement of Jesus Christ is the single greatest act in history and allows each of us an opportunity to be better. He gets it and can help us and for that, I love Him.

“Jesus Christ was no stranger to affliction and as part of His infinite Atonement descended below all things. He understands our desperation. He is our Saviour, our Redeemer, our Hope, our Consolation, and our Deliverer. – Gary E. Stevenson

Our loving Heavenly Father has a divine plan for even the flowers in the field. If we could comprehend for a minute the depth of His love and care for each of us, we can see just how much He has guided our lives and directed our paths, but we must reciprocate and love Him back. Choose to seek Him and Hear Him in our lives and we can find peace and belonging in a world bent on division.

“Knowing that we are love by our Heavenly Father will help us know who we are and that we belong to His great eternal family.” – M. Russell Ballard

Build your life on a rock who will never fail you! Make Christ a priority in your life and nothing shall overcome you! With Him, you can manage every trial, challenge or temptation which comes your way and come through stronger for it.

“Although earth and hell may combine against us, they cannot prevail if we choose to let God prevail by establishing our lives upon His rock.” – Chi Hong (Sam) Wong

There is no waiting while waiting on the Lord. Think of it as action not inaction. Do what has been asked, press forward with faith and stay close to the Lord.

“Waiting upon the Lod implies continued obedience and spiritual progress toward Him. Waiting upon the Lord does not imply biding one’s time. You should never feel like you are in a waiting room.” – M. Russell Ballard

Make sure to build your life on something solid and eternal! Do not base it off philosophies of men or popular culture. These things are fluid and changing and will leave your foundation in ruin. Trust in God and Follow Jesus Christ!

“Where our foundation is really matters, and this has a decisive effect on the outcome ultimately and eternally.” – Chi Hong (Sam) Wong

Every voice is unique and makes the church stronger. It is needed for the impact it will have in helping others to connect with the church and with one another as children of God.

“Never forget that you are a child of God our eternal Father now and forever. He loves you, and the church wants and needs you! we need your voices, talents, skills, goodness, and righteousness.” – M. Russell Ballard

We choose how we respond and we choose how we prepare! Seek the Holy Spirit to help us be prepared for things yet to happen, and things that may have happened.

“We may not be able to chance all of what is coming, but we can choose how we prepare for what is coming.” – Chi Hong (Sam) Wong

There is no greater thing we can do in life than learn to do all things that God has in store for us. In good or bad times, or in the ups or downs of life, we are learning the lessons that God has in store and learning to become more like Him. Trust in Him.

“Nothing else, no other choice we make, can make us what He can.” – Thomas S. Monson

If we trust in Jesus Christ, He can turn all things we face in life into opportunities for growth and a chance to become like our Heavenly Parents. But we must trust in Him, by putting faith into action and doing what we say we will.

“If we let Him, Jesus Christ will consecrate the unfairness for our gain. He will not just console us and restore what was lost: He will use the unfairness for our benefit.” – Dale G. Renlund

We come to know our Saviour best through our trials and shortcomings, for when we struggle, we reach out to Him. And when we need Him most, is when we come to realize just how badly we need Him, and we become that much more grateful to Jesus Christ for His infinite Atonement.

“One who feels gratitude and accountability to the giver of life will live much differently from those who feel no obligation to the One who paid for their sins with His blood and redeemed them from death.” – D. Todd Christofferson

Jesus Christ lived, Atoned, died, was resurrected and will return again one day. He did so and will do so as part of the Plan of Salvation, which helps each of us to grow, and be better, so that one day, we may become like our Heavenly Parents.

“Christ will come again a second time, but this time it will be with great glory and majesty.” – Chi Hong (Sam) Wong

One thing the pandemic taught us was to appreciate the gifts God has given us when we can do them, because it can disappear very quickly. The temple is a huge blessing, one we should never take for granted! Book an appointment to go, and go as often as you can! You will never regret time spent in the House of the Lord.

“To have all our temples reopened, at least to some degree, is a cause for rejoicing. May we cherish the blessings of the house of the Lord and attend the temple as often as our circumstances permit.” – Russell M. Nelson

The only time we ever truly fail, is when we stop trying! That includes when we give up on ourselves or our loved ones! Don’t ever stop loving and trying to help those you love and those around you! It’s what Jesus Christ would do!

“Charity has staying power. When you love someone, you do not give up on them.” – David A. Bednar

Seek after the best things in life. Things that matter. Eternal things. Seek God and seek a relationship with Jesus Christ and you will have that light that we all so desperately need. Do good and be kind and love one another!

“When you’re running from the darkness, it’s a feeling of fear. When you’re running towards the light, it’s hope. You know you’re running to strength, and peace, and happiness. We all need to be running to the light.” – Peter Johnson

Despite the condition of the world, none of it has surprised our Father in Heaven. Every last bit has been foreseen and the cure for all of it is Jesus Christ. We need to come unto Him and help others to recognize where they might find that peace that we feel thru Him.

“The gospel of Jesus Christ is exactly what is needed in this confused , contentious, and weary world. Each of God’s children deserves the opportunity to hear and accept the healing, redeeming message of Jesus Christ.” – Russell M. Nelson

When we approach the Lord with humility and a grateful heart, our eyes can be opened to see the many tender mercies which the Lord has given us. Don’t just say your prayers, but talk to your Father in Heaven and then listen, and you will catch glimpses of what He has in store for you!

“If you look at your life prayerfully, I believe you will see many ways in which the Lord has been guiding you through this time of hardship. I know the Lord has great and marvelous plans for us – individually and collectively.” – Russell M. Nelson

Life is tough! It’s not all sunshine and rainbows! This is by design though for we cannot simply become like our Heavenly Parents by simply being, we must experience and choose for ourselves. As we do so, we can know that throughout the struggle that we call life, we have never been alone, the Christ has been there with us through it all. And in Him, we can find peace!

“Even while we suffer inexplicably, God can bless us in simple, ordinary, and significant ways. As we learn to recognize these blessings, our trust in God will increase.” – Dale G. Renlund

Peace has got to be one of the under appreciated and undervalued feelings out there. But when you need it, boy, does it feel like a million bucks! Our Saviour offers continual peace and love! Look to Him, doubt not, fear not!

“Pease amidst confusion or sorrow is a miracle… The miracle that Jesus Christ, the Great Jehovah, the Son of the Highest, is responding with peace.” – Ronald A. Rasband

Faith required effort and action. Faith without action is hope, but faith with action can move mountains! Choose today to do something that helps you build your faith! Make and enact a plan that will help you to grow!

“What would you do if you had more faith? Think about it. Write about it. Then receive more faith by doing something that requires more faith.” – Russell M. Nelson

We need to seek Jesus Christ in all we do. Seeking Him will help us to be more humble, meek, submissive and most importantly, we will have a desire to love God and love on another, and that’s something the world needs more of.

“In Him, we find cause to do good, reason to be good, and increasing capacity to become better.” – Gerrit W. Gong

Don’t beat yourself up for your shortcomings and transgressions. The Saviour of the world suffered so that you might learn and grow, make mistakes and try again. As long as you continue to try, He will not condemn you, so recommit to doing better and press forward!

“The Lord understands out mortal weakness. We all falter at times. But He also know our great potential.” – Russell M. Nelson

One of the greatest lessons we can learn is how to feel of God’s love! It’s always there, He never stops loving us, but we need to learn how to feel the peace-filled love of God that helps us to want to be better. The Book of Mormon along with Prayer does that for me, and I’m grateful for that gift!

“If it teaches nothing else, the Book of Mormon teaches us that His love really is within our reach. Each of us, even though still imperfect disciples, can experience the love of Christ consistently throughout our loves.” – D. Todd Christofferson

When we are doing the little things, and putting our faith into action, we should expect miracles! Not necessarily miracles that we want, but miracles our Heavenly Father knows we need!

“Miracles are worked through the power of faith.” – Ronald A. Rasband

The beautiful thing about the Gospel of Jesus Christ is it’s all about our personal relationship with Jesus Christ and how we reciprocate the love, mercy and grace He gives to us. His love and grace is both all encompassing and individual.

“I glory in plainness: I glory in truth, I glory in my Jesus, for He hath redeemed by soul from hell.” – 2 Nephi 33:6

If you look, you will see the miracles in your life! They are tender mercies which show you God’s love for you. Write them down and cherish them. They will carry you thru the rough days and help you look for Him even as you struggle.

“The Lord performs miracles to remind us of His power, His love for us, His reach from the heavens to our mortal experience, and His desire to teach of that which is of most worth.” – Ronald A. Rasband

If our relationship with our personal Savior, Jesus Christ is not a focus in our life, we need to re-evaluate what our priorities are.

“Knowing the Saviour is the most important pursuit of our lives. It should take priority over everything else.” – John U. Teh

Despite the struggles we face in these last days, and thru the turmoil and tribulation, we can still seek Jesus Christ and His peace in our own lives! In fact, to survive in these last days, we must strive to have the Holy Spirit with us and in doing so, we will not only seek Christ, but we will find Him.

“In spite of frightful prophecies and unsettling scriptures declaring that peace will be taken from the earth generally, the prophets have taught that it does not have to be taken from us individually.” – Jeffrey R. Holland

The Saviour of the world has grace enough for even you! He loves you, not despite of your shortcomings, but because of them. He knows you better than you know yourself and understands the challenges you face and how far you’ve come despite the weight you carry! He doesn’t love you less because you fall, but He reaches out always and when we fall, we come to know how much we really need Him. What a wonderful love! I’ll live for that!

“Our Savior, Jesus Christ, knows everything about us we don’t want anyone else to know, and He still loves us.” – Gerrit W. Gong

A beautiful thing about the Gospel of Jesus Christ is that it gives us space to grow, and allows for all the mistakes, sins and warts that entails. Despite those stumbles, we can still have faith in Him, and in exercising that faith, we commit to being better tomorrow than we were today.

“The Lord does not require perfect faith for us to have access to His perfect power. But He does ask us to believe.” – Russell M. Nelson


~Todd Bruce

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