These are popular quotes Latterdayhelp has made from the summer of 2021. Enjoy!

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” No matter our circumstances, no matter our challenges or trials, there is something in each day that can bring gratitude and joy if only we will see and appreciate it.”
—Elder Uchtdorf

It doesn’t matter what challenges we are currently facing. We still have the ability to cherish and be grateful for things. We can still seek for hope at the end of the tunnel and feel joy. It doesn’t matter what we are going through because our trials don’t define us, they refine us and make us become more like God!

“Being a father or mother is not only a great challenge, it is a diving calling. It is an effort requiring consecration. President David O. McKay stated that being parents is “The greatest trust that has ever been given to human beings.”
—James E. Faust

It is a divine calling from God for you to be a father or a mother. Being a parent requires a lot of dedication and hard work but it will be worth it in the end! It is a blessing and a trial to be a parent and by being one you may be blessed.

”Our loving Heavenly Father has not given us every answer. He expects us to believe— even when it’s difficult to do so. He expects us to straighten our shoulders, take courage, trust God, and take another step forward. This is the way we learn and grow.”
—Elder Uchtdorf

We can not expect God to give us all of the answers to everything in this life. The Lord wants us to trust him and believe that there is a reason we can’t know the answer to everything. God does this so we can gain more faith and so we can grow!

“Wether we reflect on who we tried to become over the past 6 or 60 years, or what we have learned through the grace of God—and through the Atonement of Jesus Christ— that we can change for the better and come closer to our heavenly destination.”
—Elder Uchtdorf

If we have tried to become better or learn something for a short or long period of time, it is through the grace of God and the atonement that we are able to change for the better and become closer to our heavenly destination.

“The evil one knows where to attack. He is going to attack the home. He is going to destroy the family. That’s what he wants to do. … Let us make up our minds he will not do it to our families.”
—Spencer W. Kimble

The devil knows that the family is an important part of God’s plan and he is going to brutally attack it. Satan will do everything he can to degrade marriage only between a man and women. He will inspire others to promote Gay and Lesbian marriage as well as divorce. We need to make our families a stronghold and a place of refuge against the storms of life. We need to strengthen our families and do everything we can to invite the spirit into our homes.

“I knew it, and I knew that God knew it and I could not deny it, neither dared to do it.”
—Joseph Smith

Joseph Smith saw God and his son, Jesus Christ at the age of 14 when Joseph prayed to know what church is true. When Joseph went to tell others of this wonderful experience he had, others mocked him and didn’t believe him. Joseph Smith could of denied what he saw but he knew that God knew, and he knew we should never deny the truth.

“ I testify that the gospel light of truth and live shines brightly throughout the earth today.” 
—Elder Alan R. Walker 

The gospel light of truth still shines brightly in our day on the earth! The light cannot be darkened no matter how hard the Devil and his followers try. Let your light of the gospel shine so others may see the truth and hope!

“There is peace in Christ when we follow him.” 
— Unknown 

Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the light of the world. When we come unto him and follow him, we will receive peace in Christ in this crazy and wicked world.

“ The heavens will not be filled with those who never made mistakes but with those who recognized that they were off course and who corrected their ways to get back in the light of gospel truth.” 
— Elder Uchtdorf

The heavens will never be filled with people that are perfect because no one is perfect except Jesus Christ! The heavens will only be filled with those that corrected their way to get to the light of the gospel truth. If we repent, follow Christ and do our best in this life, everything will work out in the end!

“My young friends, the world will not glide calmly toward the Second Coming of the Savior. The scriptures declare that all things shall be in commotion.”  
—Elder Anderson 

The world will only get more wicked and worse as it gets closer to the return of Christ. The scriptures and prophets have said that EVERYTHING will be in commotion. Being a Christian will be hard. No matter what, remember God and follow his son. We have nothing to fear if we are doing what is right. Await for that day when God will send angles to guide us to Zion.
You can find some signs of the second coming here

“ When reading the scriptures, please study many topics. Your scripture study should allow you to experience the full symphony of the teachings of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” 
— Elder Holland 

When you are reading the scriptures, you should study many topics so you can experience all of the teachings of the gospel of Christ. The more you study certain topics, you will see things you haven’t seen there

“You can’t find happiness outside the plan of happiness!” 
— John Bytheway 

God’s plan is called the plan of happiness because it will bring you joy if you follow his plan! The less evil we do the more happiness we will receive.

  1. Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
    -Mathew 7:14

“God judges men according to the use they make of the light which he gives them.” 
— Joseph Smith

“ When we are accomplishing the good, the greatest opposition comes.” 
—Jospeh Smith

When we are are accomplishing good and doing our best, the greatest opposition comes. Satan is going to strike when you are trying your best to do good. You can resist him by putting on the armor of God daily!

“Sacred ordinances and covenants that bind us to God and set us on the covenant path clearly manifest “the power of godliness.”
— Elder Alan R. Walker

The sacred ordinances and convents that help bind us to God set us upon the covenant path. We must always stay upon the path but the more covenants that we make with God will help us stay on that path!

“As we gather on both sides of the veil, as we make sacrifices to serve and make the temple pivotal in our lives, the Lord is truly building us-He is building His covenant people.

— Elder Alan R. Walker

When we gather Israel on both sides of the veil, make sacrifices to serve and make the temple important in our lives, God is building us. He is making us spiritually stronger!

“The prophet Joseph learned in 1820, and millions more have since learned, that God “Giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not.”
—Elder Alan R. Walker

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him
James 1:5

God will always give us an answer to our prayers even if it isn’t the answer we aren’t looking for. God doesn’t withhold answers from his children.

“Miracles are worked through the power of faith, as President Nelson so powerfully taught us in the last session. The prophet Moroni exhorted the people, “If there be no faith among the children of men God can do no miracle among them; wherefore, he showed not himself until after their faith.”

All miracles are worked through faith. In the scriptures, many prophets used faith to work wonders upon the children of men. God only works miracles until you use your faith.

“ It matter with not whether the principle is popular or unpopular, I will always maintain a true principle, even if I stand alone in it.” 
— Joseph Smith 

It doesn’t matter if one of God’s commandments is popular or unpopular. You should always keep that commandment even if you stand alone. But remember that you are never alone when God is on your side!

“As we participate in these sacred ordinances for the living and for the dead, we gather Israel on both sides of the veil and prepare the earth for the Second Coming of the Savior.”

— Alan R. Walker 

When we participate in the sacred ordinances for both the living and dead, we help gather Israel! We also help prepare the world for the second coming of Christ.

“I testify to you that Jesus Christ lives. He directs his church; He speaks to his prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, and he loves all Heavenly Father’s children.” 
— Elder Rasband 

He is risen! Christ is still alive and he directs his church. He speaks to the prophet of his church and he loves all of God’s children!

“Miracles, signs, and wonders abound among followers of Jesus Christ today, in your lives and in mine. Miracles are divine acts, manifestations and expressions of God’s limitless power, and an affirmation that He is “the same yesterday, today, and forever.” 
— Ronald A. Rasband 

Many miracles, wonders and signs are in the lives of those that Follow Jesus Christ. If you look closely, you will be surprised that there are many of these things in your life and that you had no idea!

“As I’ve reflected upon these very sacred moments of my life, I have been overwhelmed with profound, enduring joy. I have felt and continue to feel the love of a compassionate Father in Heaven, who knows our individual needs and our heartfelt desires.”

— Alan R. Walker

Just like Elder Alan R. Walker, if you reflect upon the sacred moments in your life, you will be overwhelmed with profound and enduring joy. You have a Heavenly Father and he knows you personally!

“Though we are incomplete, God loves us completely. Though we are imperfect, He loves us perfectly. Though we may feel lost and without compass, God’s love encompass us completely. …He loves every one of us, even those who are flawed, rejected, awkward, sorrowful, or broken. 
— Dieter F. Uchtdorf 

Even though we aren’t perfect or complete, God loves us perfectly. God loves everyone no matter if they are flawed, rejected, sinners or broken. He loves everyone and his mercy is extended unto us if we repent.

“Many of you have witnessed miracles, more than you realize. They may seem small in comparison to Jesus raising the dead. But the magnitude does not distinguish a miracle, only that it came from God.” 
— Ronald A. Rasband 

I am sure that many of you have witnessed miracles more than you realize! The miracles that you witness may not be as great as Jesus raising the dead or giving the blind their sight but, the magnitude doesn’t distinguish a miracle.

“Have miracles ceased because Christ hath ascended into Heaven, and hath sat down on the right hand of God?” the prophet Mormon asks in the Book of Mormon. He answered, “Nay; neither have angles ceased to minister unto the children of men.” 
— Elder Rasband 

Miracles haven’t ceased and happen often in the world today. The surprising happen very often and we usually don’t realize when they happen. The more we seek to see the miracles in our life, you will see them and you will be surprised to see what the Lord has done for you!

“The Lord’s truth is not altered by fads, popularly, or public opinion polls.”
— Elder Bednar

The things God has said is what he has said. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Truth is truth and nothing will change the truth. Whatever God says will not be altered by Popularity, Fads or opinion polls. God’s Commandments never change. They will always be the same since before the earth was made.

“Miracles can come as answers to prayer. They are not always what we ask for or what we expect, but when we trust in the Lord, He will be there, and He will be right. He will suit the miracle to the moment we need it.” 

— Elder Rasband 

When we pray, we may receive miracles as an answer to our prayer. The miracles may not be what we expect or ask for but, he will suit the miracle at the moment we need it.

“Faith in Jesus Christ is the greatest power available to us in this life.” 
—Russell M. Nelson 

Faith in Jesus Christ is truly the greatest power available to us in this life! Through Christ, we are able to all things. He is the light and life of the world. Draw on his power when you have no more strength and you will truly see God’s hand in your life.

“He is the savior and redeemer of the world. He is the promised Messiah. He lived a perfect life and atoned for our sins. He will ever be at our side. He will fight our battles. He is our hope; He is our salvation; He is the way. 
— Dieter F. Uchtdorf 

Jesus Christ is truly the savior and redeemer of the world. He is the life and light of the world. He is the prince of peace. Christ lived a perfect life as an example to show us how we should act and live. He will fight our battles. He is the way.

“Miracles are wrought by divine power by Him who is “mighty to save.” Miracles are extensions of God’s eternal plan; miracles are a lifeline from heaven to earth.”
— Ronald A. Rasband 

Miracles are extensions of God’s plan and they work by the divine power of God. Miracles are also a lifeline from Heaven to Earth. We need to look more closely at our life and see the miracles in it. When you do you I promise you will be surprised to see what God has done for you!

“To is in times of trial He has said, “Behold the wounds which pierced my side, and also the prints of the nails in my hands feet; be faithful, keep my commandments, and ye shall inherit the kingdom of heaven.” That, brothers and sisters, is the miracle promised to us all.” 
— Ronald A. Rasband

Jesus Christ has told us that when we have trials to behold the wounds which pierced his side, and also the prints of the nails in his hands and feet. He has also said to keep his commandments and if you do so, you will receive the kingdom of heaven.

“During his mortal ministry, Jesus declared, “I am the light of the world: he that followers me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” The spirit of Christ “is in all things [and] giving life to all things. “It conquers the darkness that otherwise would surround us.” 

—Elder Timothy J. Dyches

When Jesus Christ was on the earth he declared that he is the light of the world and whoever follows him will not walk in darkness but they will have the light of life. Jesus is the light and life of the world. Say close to him.

“Come down from the cross,” the crowd of nonbelievers jeered at Him on Calvary. He could have preformed such a miracle. But He knew the end from the beginning, and He intended to be faithful to His Father’s plan. That example should not be lost on us.”

— Elder Rasband 

While on the cross, Christ was mocked. The crowd told him to come down from the cross if he truly was the Son of God. Jesus could of preformed a miracle but, he knew his father’s plan and what he needed to do. This example should not be lost on us. Know what God wants you to do and heed not to the wicked. 

“If we are prepared, we should not fear!” 
— Latterdayhelp 

We have no reason to fear anything if we are prepared for it. We all need to prepare for the second coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Wickedness will increase which means destruction, plagues and famine will also increase. But, if we repent and prepare for the day he comes, we have no reason to fear!

“We know that sunlight is vital to all life on earth. Equally vital to our spiritual life is the light that emanates from our Savior. In His perfect love, God grants the Light of Christ to every person “that cometh into the world” that they may “know good from evil”and be prompted “to do good continually.” That light, revealing itself through what we often call our conscience, beckons us ever to act and be better, to be our best self.” 
— Timothy J. Dyches

Our spirits need the light of Christ. In God’s perfect love, he gives the light of his son to everyone that comes into the world so they may know good from evil. The light of Jesus Christ which most often reveals itself through what we call our conscience, urges us to act better than ourselves!

“Just as sunlight daily bathes the earth to renew and sustain life, you can daily brighten the light within you when you choose to follow him- Jesus Christ.” 
— Timothy J. Dyches

You can everyday brighten the light of Christ within you when you choose to follow Jesus Christ. I promise you as you study Christ’s words and as you do your best to follow his perfect example, that light within you will grow and you will become closer to him.

“We departed from the glorious light of heaven and descended through a veil of forgetfulness to a darkened world. Our Heavenly Father did not abandon us to darkness but promised us light for our journey through His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.”

—Elder Timothy J. Dyches

All of us left the glorious light of Heaven and went through the veil of forgetfulness into this dark and evil world. God didn’t abandon us to the darkness but he promised us light through Jesus Christ!

“Without the constant guide of the Holy Ghost, we will not survive in coming days.” 
— @Latterdayhelp

The Holy Ghost tells us the truth and warns us of danger. Without him in our lives, we will become lost and in danger of the things of the world. Do whatever it takes for him to be in your life at all times.

“It may seem that the world is in commotion; and it is! It may seem that there are wars and rumors of wars; and there are! It May seem that the future will hold trials and difficulties for you; and it will! However, fear is the opposite of faith. Do not be afraid! I do not fear. 
— Boyd K. Packer

The world is currently in commotion, there are rumors of wars and the future holds trials and difficulties for you. However, fear not! God is with you! The Second Coming is closer than ever but if you keep trying your best and keep repenting, everything will work out.

“Gender is eternal. Before we were born on this earth, we all lived as male and female spirits in the presence of God.”

— Elder Oaks 

Gender is eternal and nothing or no one can change that. God created man and women, not man, women or a third gender. Before we lived on this earth, we lived as male and female spirits with God in heaven. We didn’t live with God as man, women, and a third gender. We must not let the world deceive us of the truth.

“Make no mistake about it, brothers and sisters; in the months and years ahead, events will require of each member that he or she decide wether or not he or she will follow the first presidency. Members will find it more difficult to halt longer between the two.” 
— Neal A. Maxwell 

We need to listen to the First Presidency but we also need to ask the Holy Ghost if what they are saying is true. With this in mind many people think that when they urged all of us to get the vaccine and to wear masks in public, that they commanded us. They didn’t command us to do these things. They urged. Please ask God when the prophets and apostles says things for us to do so you will know if God wants you to do it. They didn’t command us because some people can’t or don’t need to wear a mask or get vaccinated.

“Thereafter, when your desires and actions are centered on the covenant path, the Holy Ghost, as a light within you, will reveal and testify of truth, warn of danger, complete and cleanse and provide peace to your soul.” 
— Timothy J. Dyches 

When our actions and desires are centered on the covenant path, the Holy Ghost will testify you the truth of all things. He will be a light within you and he will also warn you of danger. He will provide peace to your soul. So stay on the path and center your actions and desires on Jesus Christ!

“The greatest source of light that Heavenly Father imparts to you in mortality comes through the Holy Ghost, whose influence “shall enlighten your mind [and] fill your soul with joy.” 
— Elder Timothy J. Dyches 

You will receive the greatest source of light from the Holy Ghost. When we receive the gift of the Holy Ghost after we are baptized, the Holy Ghost is one of the greatest gifts you will receive. God gives us light through the Holy Ghost. Let your light shine!

“Don’t underestimate your family on the other side of the veil.” 
— Jeffery R. Holland 

Your family on the other side is waiting on you to help them. They need your help if they haven’t been baptized or sealed in the church. Help your family on the other side if possible. Your family on the other side will help you and guide you when needed!

“I assure each of you that as you go to the temple or visit the temple grounds, you will walk on sacred, holy ground. You can hear the still, small voice of the Spirit in the temple or on its sacred grounds in ways you never will at the mall, in restaurants, and in public places.” 
— M. Russell Ballard 

Elder Ballard has told all of us that if we visit the temple grounds or go to the temple, we will be able to hear the Holy Ghost in ways we will never hear him in public areas like at a store. The temple and it’s grounds are holy and they are one of the best ways to feel the spirit. Please go to the temple as often as you can.

“Because “light cleaveth unto light,” the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost will lead you to make choices that will tend to keep you in the light: conversely, choices made without the Holy Ghost’s influence will tend to lead you into shadows and darkness.” 
— Elder Timothy J. Dyches 

Light cleaves unto light and because of this, the Holy Ghost will lead you to make good choices that will keep you in the light. Following the Holy Ghost’s promptings to make good choices will lead you in the light and not in the darkness.

“There is no choice, sin, or mistake that you or anyone else can make that will change His love for you or for them.” 

— Elder Ronald A. Rasband 

Heavenly Father and his son will love you no matter what but that doesn’t mean you can just do whatever you want. If you love God you will keep his commandments. Unfortunately not all of his children love him but God loves all of his kids no matter what!

“We need to stay on God’s path!”

— Latterdayhelp 

All of us need to stay on God’s path of righteousness. If we leave his path we will only find misery and more pain than if we stayed on his path. You can’t find happiness outside of God’s path. We all need to stay on the path!

“Don’t be fearful, and don’t be discouraged. God will be with you on your journey always. Just be sure to take Him and His word with you, and remember, pray always to hear His voice in the scriptures.” 
— Jeffery R. Holland 

Don’t be afraid or discouraged! God is with you wherever you go, just remember to take him and his word with you as well as pray to hear his voice in the scriptures.

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