Welcome guys! My name is Spencer Charles also known as Latterdayhelp and I will be sharing this week what I liked about Come Follow Me. Let’s begin.

Suggestion: when using The Come Follow Me book, use this page for my commentary and overview. You will see a quote from the Come Follow Me and my comments on it. First, look at the quote and when it appears in the book, read my commentary below the quote. Repeat until you finish the Come Follow Me for this week. Enjoy!!! 

“Today houses of the Lord are found around the world. Even if they are not at the center of our cities, they can be central in our lives. Though each temple differs in appearance, within them we learn the same divine pattern—a heavenly plan to bring us back into the presence of God. Sacred, eternal ordinances help us build our lives and strengthen our families “not after the manner of the world” but after the pattern God shows us.”

Please make the temple an important part of your life. The temple should always be a central part of your life. It doesn’t really matter that the temples look a little different, what matters is that they help us make covenants with God and do His work in them.

“As you ponder these instructions, consider what you can do to experience the Lord’s glory and presence more often, both inside Church buildings and in your everyday life.”

Definitely do this!! We all need to involve God more in our lives.

“Doctrine and Covenants 95:8.How have making and keeping temple covenants brought “power from on high” into our lives? Perhaps family members could share how they feel about the temple or share experiences when they have felt blessed with “power from on high” through worship in the temple.”

Keeping temple covenants bring power from God into our lives. When you can, make covenants to the Lord, keep them, and see the amazing things that happen!

“Doctrine and Covenants 97:8.According to this verse, how can we be “accepted of” the Lord? How is that different from being accepted by the world? What does it mean to “observe [our] covenants by sacrifice”? How have we done this?”

You can accepted by the world or just accepted by God. I would rather be accepted by God, wouldn’t you?

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