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Challenge Number One

I have done this challenge in the past and it is amazing what you experience when you just pray for random people. You can feel of Gods’s love for his children. I would recommend praying for more than one random person that you see in a day because you are able to feel God’s love more.

Challenge Number Two

The more you are in nature, the more you can feel of God’s love for you. You are able to feel peace and free from the evils of the world. If you are ever in need of feeling God’s love for you, this is a good option.

Challenge Number Three

When we start to see how many blessings we have received, big or small, we become more humble and grateful for everything God has some for us. It is important every to at least find five things that you are grateful for.

Challenge Number Four

Doing things that will help people will make you feel happier and God will bless you. It is important to do these simple acts of kindness because in these days, many people have lost hope and there is a lot of wickedness everywhere. One simple act of kindness can help someone a lot.

Challenge Number Five

It is very important to remind others that you know how important they are in your life. Many people forget their worth to others and in serious cases that can lead to them killing themselves. Everything is important in everyone’s live and we need to go the extra mile so that they know how important they are .

Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God; ( D&C 18:10 )

Challenge Number Six

The more we serve others, the more happiness we will feel! Service is one of the best ways for you to feel good about yourself and for the other person that you are serving to feel good about themselves. Service can also help us become more like God. Unfortunately, no that many people care about others but hopefully we can all make a change.

Challenge Number Seven

We always need to thank God for everything. He has given us everything we have including the simplest things. When we start to thank God for the simple things in our life, we start to see God’s hand more in our life! 

Challenge Number Eight

Basically everything that we need to know is in the scriptures. If you come upon a verse that stands out to you, memorize it! When Christ was being temped by Satan, Jesus used verses from the scriptures to fight him off. The scriptures are an important weapon that we can use against evil. The more we memorize, the more weapons we can add to our spiritual arsenal!

Latterdayhelp Challenge Number Nine

Lots of people these days don’t really get compliments. We have the ability to choose otherwise! When presented with the opportunity to give someone and compliment, do it.

Latterdayhelp Challenge Number Ten

We need to read the Book of Mormon every day if we are going to survive in coming days. The book was written for our day.

“When I think of the Book of Mormon, I think of the word power. The truths of the Book of Mormon have the power to heal, comfort, restore, succor, strengthen, console, and cheer our souls.”

“My dear brothers and sisters, I promise that as you prayerfully study the Book of Mormon every day, you will make better decisions—every day. I promise that as you ponder what you study, the windows of heaven will open, and you will receive answers to your own questions and direction for your own life. I promise that as you daily immerse yourself in the Book of Mormon, you can be immunized against the evils of the day, even the gripping plague of pornography and other mind-numbing addictions.”

— President Nelson 

Latterdayhelp Challenge Number Eleven

Fear not. The Bible says at least 365 times not to fear. God has told us to not fear because everything will go according to his plan. Trust God and don’t fear!  

Latterdayhelp Challenge Number Twelve

A lot of times people may just say a quick and fast prayer or, they may repeat a lot of things in their prayers. We need to pray as if we are talking to God face to face. 

Latterdayhelp Challenge Number Thirteen

This at first might seem like a strange challenge to do but it is worth it. By putting kind messages on pieces of paper and putting them around your house/apartment, you will feel uplifted and if others live with you they will also feel uplifted. It is important to constantly feel uplifted!

Latterdayhelp Challenge Number Fourteen

Jesus Christ set the perfect example on this earth to show us what to do and how to act. As we find out how to become more like him, you will find that you are more happy and you are on your way to the path of eternal life!

Latterdayhelp Challenge Number Fifteen

When we come unto Christ and follow him, we will receive peace and happiness. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life of the world. We all need to come unto him and follow him!

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