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For some reason, people for a long time have been making things up about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Hopefully you will be able to see some of the lies people say about us. Basically anything weird or crazy you have heard about us is false.

1. Their religion is LDS or Mormon.-Our religion is the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints. LDS and Mormon are nicknames given to us but we should be called by the true name of our religion.

2. They are not Christian.- We are actually Christian. Anyone who believes in Christ is a Christian.

3. Joseph Prince was the first prophet of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. -Joseph Prince is not a person in our church history. The first prophet of the restored gospel was Joseph Smith.

4. They have secret handshakes. -We do not have any secret handshakes. We shake people’s hands normally like everyone else does.

5. The Mormon religion is actually a cult.-We are a religion. We are not a cult.

6. Joseph Smith is the founder of their church.- Jesus Christ is the founder of our church. Joseph just helped restore the church back to the earth after the great apostasy.

7. They baptize dead bodies.- We do not baptize dead bodies. We do baptisms for the dead so they have a chance to accept the gospel in the other life. A living person represents the dead person.

8. Mormons lie to you about their religion. -We don’t lie to you. What do we accomplish by lying to you about our religion? That would mean every member of the church would be living a lie.

9. They brainwash their kids and other people. -We do not brainwash anyone.

10. Woman are not treated the same as men in the religion. – Everyone is equal in everything.

11. The Book of Mormon says that the mark of Cain was dark skin. -Apostles and Prophets in the past misunderstood a scripture in the book. Everyone is equal regardless of race or gender. The Book of Mormon doesn’t say that about dark skin.

12. There was no true church until Joseph restored it.- The true church existed before Christ was on the earth.

13. The LDS church teaches that Jesus failed to hold His church together. – We do not believe that about Jesus.

14. They have secret police. – We don’t have secret police.

15. Their religion does weird secret rituals.- We do sacred not weird rituals in the temple.

16. Mormons are a sex cult and practice polygamy. – We are not a sex cult and we do not practice polygamy.

17. Joseph Smith had 100 wives. – He did not have 100 wives.

18. They have magic underwear. – We do not have magical underwear. Like the cross for some people we instead have sacred garments.

19. Joseph Smith had teen wives. -Joseph Smith did not have wives in their teen years.

20. Mormons will go to Hell. -You do not know who will go to hell. You can’t judge others because you aren’t God.

  21. They scam you for your money. – Tithing has been practiced for centuries and we do not scam anyone.

22. Mormons are Nazi followers.- The Nazi are evil and we don’t follow them. 

23. They use secret mind control. – We do not mind control anyone or anything.

24. LDS believe in many Gods. -We don’t believe in many Gods. We believe in God, his son and the Holy Ghost as three separate beings. 

25. They are part of the Illuminati. – We are not part of the Illuminati and the Illuminati might not exist.

26. Members of their church can’t dance.- We literally have dances at the stake center so we can dance. 

27. The members are like the Amish. -We are not like the Amish. 

28. All Mormons live in Utah. -We live all across the Globe. Our religion is a world wide religion. 

29. Woman can’t be leaders of the church. – We have many woman leaders in our church. 

30. All members of the church are Republicans.- There are both Republican and Democratic members.

31. Members of the church can’t use birth control.- We can use birth control. The church says “is extremely intimate and private and should be left between the couple and the Lord.”

32. Members of the Church Of Jesus Christ get naked in the temple.- no one is naked in there. Seriously people?!

33. Members of their church don’t believe in the Bible.- We believe in the KJV Bible. 

34. Little green men like from Willy Wonka’s factory work in the temples. – People voluntary work in the temples and little green people don’t exist. Like seriously, where do people get this from? People are weird.

35. Members of their church keep live snakes in their church buildings.- We do not keep live animals in our churches.

36. Mormons worship a man named Brigham Smith.- Brigham Smith is not in our church history and we do not worship people. We worship God only. 

37. President Monson ran an underground fighting ring. -This is false and funny. 

38. The angle Moroni on top of our temples will some time in the future come to life. – This is nuts and will not happen.

39. If you look at a Mormon, you will catch on fire because they are evil.- No one is going to burn if you look at us. We aren’t evil. 

40. Members of their church  can’t go to the bathroom because their body is a temple.- Your body is a temple and it also has basic human functions.

41. You can’t go to heaven if you don’t have kids.- You don’t need to have kids to go to heaven. 

42. LDS can only eat chicken on Tuesday. – That is false. Eat meat when you feel like it. 

43. Joseph Smith is the Holy Spirit- The Holy Spirit isn’t a person, he is a spirit and Joseph isn’t the Holy Spirit. 

44. They are secretly planning to take over the world.- We are peaceful people and we have no plans of conquering the world. 

45. Mormons believe in 2 Jesus Christs.- There is only one Jesus Christ. 

46. Members of their church believe in the trinity. – We do not believe in the trinity because it is made from man and it is false. We believe in the Godhead.  

47. Drinking Pepsi and Coke is a sin- Drinking soda isn’t a sin and putting caffeine in your body isn’t a sin. 

48. There are multiple versions of the First Vision. – There are many different records of the first vision but there is only one version of it.

49. Children as early as early as their teens are indoctrinated for numerous months by COP employees at missionary training centers.- This is false and makes no sense. Only missionary’s that are preparing to go on a mission go to the training centers and learn how to preach about the gospel. No children are sent there and none of them are indoctrinated.

50. Mormons believe that God approves of murder for a good cause. – Murder isn’t ever alright and it is a sin. God doesn’t approve that. 

51. God lives near a planet called Kolob- God lives near a star called Kolob but it isn’t necessarily his home.

52. Mormons are racist. -We are not racist and we believe everyone is equal. 

53. The LDS Church scams it members by having them pay money. – The church doesn’t scam anyone. We willing give up our money to God and it is called tithing.

54. Because members of the Mormon church said blacks can’t get the priesthood and have committed polygamy, they aren’t the true church. – The past is complicated to why things happened the way they did but we know that our prophets and apostles can make mistakes. We don’t practice polygamy and blacks can receive the priesthood. 

55. Members worship Joseph Smith. – We only worship God not prophets. 

56. Since Mormons wear suits, they are secretly FBI and CIA.- We don’t work with the government. We believe that we should wear our best clothing to church. 

57. Mormons believe in some type of celestial Feudalism in the high they receive their own planet. -We do believe that we will become like God and we should strive to be like him. This is what it says in the Doctrine & Covenants, Pearl of Great Price, and Bible. We do not exactly know what it means, but this specific image of millions of celestialized Mormons getting to become gods of planetary duchies is not found anywhere in scripture and it isn’t doctrine. 

58. LDS believe in magic. – We don’t believe in that.

59. Their church was found guilty in 13 counts of election fraud. – This is false and illegal. We believe in doing good and not evil. 

60. They worship the Devil. – We only worship God. 

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