All topics and Images were made by @Latterdayhelp. You can find him on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest. This post is part of the Church Of Jesus Christ- Real Life Stories series made by @Latterdayhelp. You can find more parts of the series on this website or on Instagram.

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“For it is expedient that an atonement should be made; for according to the great plan of the Eternal God there must be an atonement made, or else all mankind must unavoidably perish; … yea, all are fallen and are lost, and must perish except it be through the atonement”

(Alma 39:9)

The atonement is when Christ suffered for you so that you may be able to repent and return to God. If Jesus didn’t make this merciful sacrifice, we would never gain eternal life and we would never be able to return to God again. 

There is no word in any language to describe how amazing this gift is. He SUFFERED and DIED for YOU! 

It is amazing how much he loves you! We celebrate Christmas because it is when the savior, our only hope, was born into the world to save us. It is so incredible that he would do this! In Doctrine and Covenants 59:23 it says “But learn that he who doeth the works of righteousness shall receive his reward, even peace in this world, and eternal life in the world to come.” If we do what is right, Christ will provide us with peace and eternal life in the next life. This is also an amazing blessing.

We celebrate Easter because it marks when Christ was resurrected after dying for us on the cross. Christ suffered in the garden for all of our sins. Jesus was also killed for our sins when He allowed Himself to be crucified. “lifted up upon the cross and slain for the sins of the world” (1 Nephi 11:33).

Christ suffered and died for us because of the love that he has for us and because it is what his Father asked of him. Their love for us is immeasurable. We can not comprehend the love they have for us at this time.

Jesus redeems all from the fall from Adam and Eve. That includes you and everyone you will ever meet. This gift is truly amazing. If Jesus didn’t suffer and die for us, we would never be able to return back to God. Christ didn’t have to die and suffer for our sins but he did because he want all of God’s children to return to heaven and because he loves you no matter what you will do. 

Praise God and His son! Rejoice in them, speak of them frequently, and follow their commandments. Jesus is the way! We can overcome all things through him. He is truly the savior of the world and he is coming again soon to rule as king of kings and lord of lords on this earth. You need to be worthy for that day unless you want to be destroyed with the wicked. Always remember that if you make a mistake, there is always a way back through repenting because of Jesus Christ. 

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