All topics and Images were made by @Latterdayhelp. You can find him on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest. This post is part of the LDS Topics series made by @Latterdayhelp. You can find more parts of the series on this website or on Instagram.

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Part One Of Four

If you haven’t noticed, the world gets worse and worse by the day because most of the inhabitants of this earth unfortunately refuse to repent, strive to be peacemakers and try to help one another. If we look closely and carefully, we can see that some of the signs of the lord’s second coming are near. The moon has become blood red and the sun has refused to give it’s light.
(Joel 2:31, Acts 2:20, D&C 133:49.)

If we do not look often for the signs of Christ’s second coming, we will be caught off guard and we will not be ready. Many times the scriptures and the prophets have said to repent. If we do not repent, we will not be saved when Christ comes again. We will be destroyed with the wicked. 

The second coming will mark the beginning of the of the millennium. This period of time will be a dreadful and fearful day for the wicked but a day of happiness and peace for the righteous.

“The hour and the day no man knoweth, neither the angels in heaven, nor shall they know until he comes” (D&C 49: 7)

We will not know when Christ will come until it is too late but, he has given us many signs to know when he will come. 
Those that are righteous need not fear the Second Coming or the signs that will precede it.The Savior’s words to His Apostles and Prophets apply to all who prepare for His next coming and who look forward to it with joy.

“Be not troubled, for, when all these things shall come to pass, ye may know that the promises which have been made unto you shall be fulfilled” (D&C 45:35)

Part Two Of Four

Behold, I am Alpha and Omega , and I come quickly. Amen. (D&C 68:35)

Jesus is coming soon and if we do not repent, it will be too late. Our Father In Heaven and Jesus Christ love us more than we can imagine. Their hearts ache for us when we make a mistake or when we do something wrong. Christ loves you so much. Because of this, he died for you so that you may be able to repent and return home to our Father In Heaven. This is why daily repenting is really important.

“You can change! You can be anything you want to be in righteousness. If there is one lament I cannot abide, it is the poor, withered cry, ‘Well, that’s just the way that I am.’ I’ve heard it from too many people who want to sin and call it psychology. You can change anything you want to change, and you can do it very fast. Another satanic sucker punch is that it takes years and years and eons and eons to repent. That’s just not true. It takes exactly as long to repent as it takes you to say, ‘Ill change’ and mean it. Of course, there will be problems to work out and restitutions to make…but change, growth, renewal , and repentance can come to you as instantaneously as for Alma.” (Elder Jeffery R. Holland) 

The world may not end this or next year but, we need to be prepared. It is our current duty to gather Israel.
(Gather those that want God to prevail in their life) Many horrible thing will happen leading up to the second coming like the Crona but, we need not fear even though the world may panic and fear. We can combat these fears that we may start to have by repenting, turning more to Christ and relying more on our faith. Difficult days are ahead and this is why we need to prepare. 
Rarely in the near future will it be easy or popular to be a faithful Member of the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints. Each and every one of us will be tested. The Apostle Paul warned that in the last days, those who diligently follow the Lord “shall suffer persecution” (2 Timothy 3:12). This very persecution can either crush you into silent weakness or it can motivate you to be more exemplary and courageous in your daily lives. 

Part Three Of Four

The only way to receive peace is through Jesus Christ. Christ has overcome the world and he is the way. (John 16:33) 

Because we are living in these last days, many hard times will be brought upon us. This is why we need peace in our life. Some examples of this are COVID-19, fires, earthquakes, famine, riots in the streets and fighting and contention against neighbor and neighbor, brother and brother.
The wicked will be destroyed in the last days but, if we believe in Christ, he will not destroy us! ( John 3:36)

Christ will protect you. Even if you do not belong to the LDS church and you believe in Christ, you will also not be destroyed if you repent and follow Christ.
The destruction of the wicked is the end of the world! If you do not believe in Christ, you will be destroyed either by fire, tempest (wind), earthquake, bloodshed, pestilence (disease) and famine. 
Have you seen any of these disasters? If so, you shall know the lord is starting to destroy the wicked. Now, if you are starting to fear that you will be destroyed because you are not doing good, your only chance at being saved is to repent, and believe in Jesus Christ. 

Be of good cheer! You need to always remember that if you do your best in this life, repent, become humble, believe in Christ and do your best at keeping the commandments, everything will be alright. The words of Christ will tell you all things that you shall do. Christ wants you to return unto him so please if you have not done so yet, repent. 

Part Four Of Four

When Christ comes again, he will cleanse the earth and he will rule on the earth for 1,000 years until the final judgment. 
( Revelation20:4, D&C 29:11) 

The millennium will be a time of peace, happiness and righteousness. At this time Satan will have no power over the hearts of man. (D&C 45:55, Revelation 20:1-3)

The prophet Joseph Smith said, “Christ and the resurrected Saints will reign over the earth during the 1,000 years. They will not probably dwell upon the earth, but will visit it when they please, or when it is necessary to govern it.” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 268.)

Men and woman’s body’s will change. In this new and different physical state, we will be mortal, but our own bodies will not be subjected to the physical ails that plague them now. There will be no disease, no pain, and no natural death. There will only be righteousness and peace. (See Revelations 21:4, 3 Nephi 28: 7-9, The Millennial Messiah.)

In some other words, those who live during the Millennium will not experience any death as we currently know it but instead they will be resurrected instantaneously when they reach old age, which, according to Isaiah, is about 100 years (Isaiah 65:20).
Something to remember is that the lost scriptures like the Book Of Lehi in the Book Of Mormon will most likely be revealed at this time. More scriptures means more revelation! 

During the Millennium, all people on the earth will be good and just, but many people will not have received the fulness of the gospel. They could be from other religions that believe in Christ. Consequently, members of the Lord’s Church will participate in missionary work.
Members of the Church will also participate in important temple work during the Millennium. The Latter Day Saints will continue to build temples and receive ordinances in behalf of their kindred dead that were not righteous enough to live on the earth at this time. Guided by revelation, they will prepare records of their ancestors all the way back to our first parents, Adam and Eve. At the end of the 1,000 years, Satan “shall be loosed for a little season, that he may gather together his armies.” 

The armies of Satan will fight against the hosts of heaven and those that follow Christ. They will be led by Michael, or Adam. Satan and his followers will be eventually be defeated and cast out forever. (D&C 88:111-15) 

After this, God and his son will judge all men and woman according to what they have done in this life. Depending on what you have done, you will end up in one of God’s three kingdoms. Yes, God is so merciful you may dwell in one of his kingdoms even if they aren’t the best places to be.

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