A great strength of the church is its members! Clearly the Lord can do all things, but when the members of the church get involved with the Lord, miracles happen. People’s hearts are changed and they become reborn with the Spirit. This change, and a person’s personal conviction and testimony, can lift spirits and help everyone they know. Cultivate that testimony within yourself by doing things that bring you closer to Christ.

“The strength of the Church lies in the efforts and ever-growing testimonies of its members. Testimonies are best cultivated in the home.” – Russell M. Nelson

God is with you, always! He’s not some far off, distant being, unaware of you or your life! He’s aware, and He’s keenly invested in you! That doesn’t mean we won’t struggle or go through difficulty. It doesn’t mean bad things won’t happen. But it does mean He is aware of your challenges and will support you if you ask for help.

“God is among us – and is personally involved in our lives and actively guiding His children.” – Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Wow! This one hit home for my wife and I! Love General Conference for this exact reason! It helps us identify things we need to be doing better and helps explain why it is so important! What is more important than our children? They should be, after all, our Primary focus!

“Wouldn’t we rather have [our children] ‘sweat’ in the safe learning environment of the home than bleed on the battlefields of life?” – Joy D. Jones

We must let the Atonement of Jesus Christ reach deep within our souls and change us into new beings; refreshed and uplifted.

“To be truly life-changing, conversion to Jesus Christ must involve our whole soul and permeate every aspect of our lives.” – Jan E. Newman

We are going to face trials, challenges and have weaknesses, or should I say, we’re going to have learning experiences and development opportunities. But, we have much to look forward to, The Saviour of the world Himself, will lead, us, guide us and walk beside us and when all is said and done, we will be shocked that so little was asked of us to gain all that we have gained. Bear your experiences with patience and always look into Him for light!

“When we confront life’s wind and rainstorms, sickness and injuries, the Lord – our Shepherd, our caregiver – will nourish us with love and kindness. He will heal our hearts and restore our souls.” – Gary E. Stevenson

God loves us all! Regardless of our backgrounds, nationalities, genders, skin colour, sexual orientations, political persuasions or religious affiliations or lack thereof, He love us all! Love is not condition based! It is for its own sake and God loves us all!

“”We rejoice that God loves his children in our different backgrounds and circumstances. In every nation, kindred & tongue. With room for all in His inn.” – Gerrit W. Gong

This is beautifully simple! If we do the things we need to, so that we are worthy and our hearts are open, then invite the Spirit into your life and you will receive revelation. Do the right things, and you will receive support!

“The temple is a holy place where revelation comes to us easily if our hearts are open to it and we are worthy of it.” – Henry B. Eyring

Safety and peace isn’t just for covenant keeping members of the church. Everyone is seeking peace and acceptance and safety. If they cannot find it in the home, how will they recognize it when they need it. Love your family! Protect them, accept them and prepare them for the world in which we live. Help them to recognize the Spirit and to understand how best to achieve peace and love in their lives. Teach them what home means.

“Everyone has the right to be loved, to feel peaceful and to find safety at home.” – Jeffrey R. Holland

The power of revelation and inspiration will lead us and guide us in doing the work and will of the Lord. We must go to work, but listen for the voice of the Lord while we are serving.

“As we minister we should be led by revelation to those who are most in need, as opposed to just going down a list or visiting people in a methodical way. We should be led by the power of inspiration.” – Jorge T. Becerra

We are all children of God, which means we are spirit brothers and sisters. As brothers and sisters, we should strive to love, support, uplift and when needed, defend one another. Have courage in standing up and helping one another. We’d want our children to do the same for each other, and God is no different!

“Not throwing stones is the first step in treating others with compassion. The second step is to try to catch stones thrown by others.” – Dale G. Renlund

As a man who serves in the Church, I couldn’t agree with this sentiment more. Women work and get it done! So much is asked of them and they amazingly thrive! I’m grateful for the women in my life and their willingness to serve.

“We love and honor the amazing women of this Church. With intelligence and wisdom, you bear the burdens of your family. You love. You serve. You sacrifice. You strengthen faith, minister to those in need, and greatly contribute to society.” – Neil L. Andersen

In a world full of confusion and chaos, there is someone we can turn to for understanding. That is the source of all goodness. If you are looking for answers, for peace and for comfort, seek Him. There is peace in Christ!

“He is the antidote and remedy to the confusion of the world. He is the standard of excellence for exaltation, even Jesus Christ.” – Thierry K. Mutombo

We are often too liberal with our judgments of others and less open to evaluating where we are sitting in relation to qualifying for eternal blessings. In matters of judgment, focus less on others and more on ourselves. On matters of service, focus more on others and less on ourselves.

“In the final analysis, a person’s capacity, desires, and opportunities in matters of agency and choice, including qualification for eternal blessings, are matters only the Lord can judge.” – M. Russell Ballard

The church has restructured the Ward leadership to free up the Bishop to spend more time with the youth! This doesn’t mean adults aren’t important, but they can and ought to be cared for by Elders Quorum and Relief Society Presidencies when appropriate. The time given to a young adult or youth can never be replaced! It’s critical at this phase of life to know that God lives and lives you and that they are given the best counsel possible to help them. Maybe most important, they need to feel loved!

“Thoughtful leaders have always sacrificed for the rising generation, this is where the Bishopric members spend the majority of their Church-service time.” – Quentin L. Cook

We are each unique and special and have so much to offer. So many of us confuse our uniqueness and personality and believe there is no room for us in the body of Christ and we couldn’t be more wrong! We need to take our character, personality, and imagination and improve our Ward Family, not remove ourself from it. Our ward needs us. Our family needs us and we need Christ.

“Please use your imaginations to increase faith in Christ, not ruin it.” – Ahmad S. Corbitt

‘Thou Shalt Love Thyself!’ We are pretty awesome! Each and every one of us has a spark of divinity and a uniqueness about us. We are not meant to be like anyone else. Be grateful for who you are! Celebrate it, own it and cherish it! Love yourself, love your God and love one another!

“Have you ever thought of loving yourself as a commandment? How do we truly love God and love his children if we don’t love ourselves.” – S. Gifford Nielsen

God has faith in you and there is nothing you cannot, with a Christ, do. We were never meant to struggle through alone. Life was designed to prove us, but we’re given the skills and talents and ability to succeed, especially as we include Jesus Christ in our efforts.

“You may feel small compared to the great sweep of what the Lord will do. If you do, I invite you to ask prayerfully how the Lord sees you.” – Henry B. Eyring

Christ is uniquely qualified to know exactly what we are going through and as such, He knows how to help us through it! Seek Him and He will bless us to learn the lessons and receive the strength to do what is needed. He will comfort us through it all.

“All who suffer any kind of mortal infirmities should remember that our Savior experiences that kind of pain also, and that through His Atonement He offers each of us the strength to bear it.” – Dallin H. Oaks

Like stars in the sky, we shine brighter when we shine together, and we paint a brilliant picture when we do. Reach out to those around you, help them shine, be kind and loving and you will grow.

“We can accomplish so much more together than we can alone. God’s plan of happiness would be frustrated if His children remained isolates one from another.” – Russell M. Nelson

He truly understands every little thing that we are struggling through. Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, He knows exactly our trials, temptations, and challenges and He knows how to help us but we must come unto Him.

“Christ is ever aware of the adversities we experience in mortality. He understands all of the bitterness, agony, and physical pain as well as the emotional and spiritual challenges we face.” – Ulisses Soares

Broken hearts can be healed, anguish can become peace, and distress can become hope because of Jesus Christ! I can think of no greater message, no more important debt, and no greater gift to mankind, than that of knowledge of the Atonement of Jesus Christ! Now that we know, let us live up to that gift!

“Through the redeeming Atonement and glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ, broken hearts can be healed, anguish can become peace, and distress can become hope. HE can can embrace us in His arms of mercy, comforting, and healing each of us.” – Reyna Aburto

Jesus Christ lived, taught, served, atoned, was crucified and rose again the third day. He is not a fairy tale or exaggeration. He lived, suffered and died for you and for me. Knowing this gives life and death meaning. Knowing this helps us understand there is place for us after this life! Knowing this helps us know that we can grow and be better as we press forward in life.

“Jesus Christ has risen from the dead, and because of this, we too live again after we die. This knowledge gives meaning and purpose to our lives.” – S. Mark Palmer

We are so much more than what we are today! Our potential for greatness is through the roof. Don’t get bogged down if things are tough, look to the horizon and brighter days ahead, and most importantly, look at the person you will have become because of the challenges you are facing! You’re growing right now! Don’t stop now! And certainly don’t ever give up! Keep pressing forward!

“It is not so much about what we are going through in life, but what we are becoming. There is joy in pressing toward the mark.” – Edward Dube

Whether our bulb is bright or dim, we still impact others. Our light will help them, but obviously it will help them more, the brighter we shine, and the brighter we shine, the more easily we can guide others to Jesus Christ.

“Do not underestimate the potential you have to influence others for good, both by the service of your actions and by the service of your example.” – José A. Teixeira

If God didn’t love, why would He take time to correct me? He gives me development opportunities because He wants me to grow and become the best version of myself. Don’t for correction and chastisement. Fear apathy and the easiness of the way.

“Sometime, God manifests His love by chastening us. It is a way of reminding us that He loves us, and that He knows who we are.” – Taniela B. Wakolo

Such a great General Conference talk by Elder Wong. We are not meant to make the Gospel of Jesus Christ a part of our lives, but make our lives a let of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! What is stopping you from being there?

“Just going to church once a week is not enough to build upon the Rock. Our entire lives should be filled with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The gospel is not part of our life, but out life is actually part of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” – Chi Hong (Sam) Wong

Some knowledge brings greater value than others, and the greatest knowledge we can attain is to know Jesus Christ! Any price we can pay, will be well worth knowing Him.

“Knowing the Savior is the most important pursuit of our lives. It should take priority over anything else.” – Michael John U. Teh

We find Jesus through our adversity, which helps us see why they are actually development or growth opportunities. Choose to believe! Choose to press forward! Choose to let God prevail in your life!

“The Saviour is never closer than when you are facing or climbing a mountain with faith!” – Russell M. Nelson

I’m sure we’ve all seen far too much of this, especially in the last few years. I’m grateful for a prophet of God who used language we cannot misunderstand to clear up this misconception in the church in these latter days. I’m grateful for strong inspired leadership that leads the Church in these confusing times.

“We should never assert that a faithful Latter-day Saint cannot belong to a particular party or vote for a particular candidate.” – Dallin H. Oaks

We witness miracles every day! They’ve just become so normalized, we don’t see it as a miracle. Paved roads, intercontinental travel, live video chats with anyone around the world, medical marvels which improved infant mortality and increased the life span of the average person. What about finding peace in uncertain times? Or finding that bit of inspiration when seeking direction? And connecting with an old friend? or a new friend? There are so many miracles if we look. Are you looking?

“Many of you have witnesses miracle, more than you realize. … But the magnitude does not distinguish a miracle, only that it came from God.” – Ronald A. Rasband

Every trial, tribulation and challenge we face is a chance to be miserable, or to see it as a growth opportunity. If we’ve invited the Spirit of God into our lives, we’ll maintain an eternal focus and see our trials for what they are, a chance to grow and be better!

“If we ‘let God prevail in our lives,’ the light of the Holy Ghost will reveal that there is purpose and meaning in our trials.” – Timothy J. Dyches

As we draw closer unto Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father, and fix our focus on Them, distractions fail in their efforts! Our lives won’t be pain or stress free, but we will be spiritually prepared and strengthened to thrive through those growth opportunities. Remember, a distraction doesn’t have to be evil to be effective. We need to regularly evaluate where our focus is, and make the changes needed so that Christ holds the primary position in that field of focus.

“When we are diligently pursuing the covenant path, we quite naturally avoid many unforced errors.” – D. Todd Christofferson

As we strive to become a covenant people, we are learning the lessons that make us His. We will become beautiful and wonderful beyond all our mortal comprehension.

“As we gather on both sides of the veil, as we make sacrifices to serve and make the temple pivotal in our lives, the Lord is truly building us – He is building His covenant people.” – Alan R. Walker

When we strive to know the Saviour, we learn what He really did for us, and we come to truly love Him for it. We must do all that we can to grow closer to Jesus Christ and live as He did.

“Learning, understanding, and living gospel principles strengthen our faith in the Savior, deepen our devotion to Him, and invite a multitude of blessings and spiritual gifts into our lives.” – David A. Bednar

We may not agree with the recommendations or even the need for COVID protocols, but the Prophet is asking us to take this serious. The temples re-opening and the our continued efforts in the gathering of Israel depend on it.

“Do all you can to bring COVID numbers down in your area so that your temple opportunities can increase.” – Russell M. Nelson


~Todd Bruce

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