There is always reason for hope when Christ is involved. He is loving and kind and wants us to be our best selves! He’s not interested in stunting our growth or holding us back. As we learn and grow, there is no end to what He is offering. His grace is truly sufficient for us all!

“I testify that the future is going to be as miracle-filled and bountifully blessed as the past has been. We have every reason to hope for blessings even greater that those we have already received because this is the work of Almighty God, this is the Church of continuing revelation, this is the gospel of Christ’s unlimited grace and benevolence.” – Jeffrey R. Holland


We should not simply complain our circumstance, but work to improve it for ourselves and those around us. We each have an opportunity to light our worlds, or rather, reflect the light of Christ within each of us. As we love, serve, and choose to be kind to one another, we do as He would do and light the world around us.

“It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.” – Eleanor Roosevelt


There are tender mercies to be seen everyday. These miracles are wrought by the hand of God and manifest through angels, neighbours and those around us. When you have an inkling to do something kind, do it! You are doing the Lords work!

“Truly, for those with faithful hearts and eyes to see, the Lord’s tender mercies are manifest amidst life’s challenges.” – Gerrit W. Gong


Like bricks in a wall, each opportunity to be obedient strengthens the foundation of our souls.

“When God commands, do it!” – Joseph Smith


When we are united, keep the commandments and are His, we are Zion. We are bringing our hearts and will into alignment with His and create a Zion in our own life, and as we each do that, we create an environment where the Spirit can thrive and all good may be accomplished.

“Zion has been established many times among men. From the day of Adam to the present moment – Whenever the Lord has had a people of His own; whenever there have been those who have hearkened to His voice and kept His commandments: whenever His saints have served Him with full purpose of heart – there has been Zion.” – Bruce R. McConkie


The only real thing we have to offer God is our time and our very selves. When we place ourselves on the altar of God, we are trusting that He can make more out of us than we can make of ourselves.

“More important than acquiring fame or fortune is being what God wants us to be.” – James E. Faust


We cannot hide our sins from God, so we’re better off being honest with Him in our prayers, and yes, when we’re struggling, it’s still important we pray. In fact, it’s even more important to pray when we’re struggling. That’s when, if we’re honest and sincere, we can invite the Spirit into our lives and learn to humble ourselves before Him.

“Above all, God wants honesty from us.” – S. Michael Wilcox


Love is glorious, but it’s for its own sake! Love should not be earned but freely given! But trust is something that is earned. It’s also lost so easily and takes time and effort to rebuild! Make sure you are tending to the relationships who trust you and make sure their trust in you is worth it.

“To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved.” – George MacDonald


The most important lessons we can learn in life are that God lives, we are His children and He loves us. If we can cement that into the foundation of our souls, we can trust that despite any and all trials we face, there is help out there and a grand plan that we are a part of. Have Faith in Him and let Him prevail in your life.

“Above all, never lose faith in your Father in Heaven.” – Jeffrey R. Holland


Trust in Him, then go to work! You’ll be amazed what the Lord can do with what you’re offering. Like the five loaves and two fishes, He can feed thousands from your humble offering.

“In the strength of the Lord, I can do all things!” – Carolyn J. Rasmus


Loving God includes loving one another, but it’s a lot more difficult to love one another because it requires each of us to overcome the shortcomings within us and that we see in others. It requires a pure and forgiving heart. It requires recognition that we are each on a journey home. Love is for its own sake, but showing that love requires effort on our part, but God sees that effort and knows that you love Him.

“Besides loving God, we are commanded to do what to many is a more difficult commandment-to love all, even enemies, and to do beyond the barriers of race or class or family relationships.” – David B. Haight


Pride is an individual battle that each of us must wage. To overcome, it requires us to place our wants on the alter of God and accept what He gives in return. We need to learn to become less judgmental of others and accept their offering and encourage one another to be better.

“Pride is a sin that can readily be seen in others but is rarely admitted in ourselves.” – Ezra Taft Benson


Choosing to see the good in one another requires being intentional and mindful in our thoughts and actions. Looking for problems in another says more about us than it does about those we are judging. Choose to be better and look for the good!

“See the Good!”


Faith is doing what God asks us to do, not because we understand, but because we trust that He has our best interests at heart! It’s also making Him a part of your life and going to Him in good times and bad.

“Faith is believing that God is there and He is listening.” – John Bytheway


Families are designed to help us become more like God! They are frustrating and infuriating and the absolute best thing that has happened to all of us. These imperfections our families have are what teach us to become more Godlike! We learn to unconditionally love, we learn to forgive and we learn to care about something more than ourselves! I’m grateful for my family and the joy they bring to me, and I’m grateful we are sealed together for eternity.

“Our family is the focus of our greatest work and joy in this life; so will it be throughout all eternity. The Church exists to exalt the family. God has revealed the eternal nature of celestial marriage and the family as the source of our greatest joy.” – Russell M. Nelson


Jesus Christ was the master teacher and exemplar! We need to know Him to become like Him and the best way is to learn of Him through the scriptures, then seek to do as he would through service! We can also apply simple acts He did, like never choosing to be offended.

“The Saviour simply never took offense.” – Lynn G. Robbins


Be clean! Be clean In Thoughts and behaviour. Build up your defences. Don’t give up what you want most for what you want at the moment! If you have made mistakes, seek out your Saviour, who paid the price so you can be clean again!

“I counsel you to live a morally clean life… you cannot do wrong and feel right . It is impossible! Years of happiness can be lost in the foolish gratification of a momentary desire for pleasure.” – Ezra Taft Benson


To keep an eternal perspective is to invite God into each decision and we would not make the mistake of giving up what we want most for what we want at the moment! Press forward and remember Him.

“As you continue to face many challenging choices in life, remember there is great protection when you know who are you, why you are here, and where you are going. Let your unique identity shape each decision you make on the path toward your eternal destiny.” – Russell M. Nelson


It is simple, love one another as Jesus loves you! Try to show kindness, minister to others, show them that you care, be an angel to those around you! Love is needed more so now than ever and we need to show it by our word and deed.

“Love is the greatest of all commandments – all others hang upon it. It is our focus as followers of the living Christ. It is one trait that, if developed, will most improve our lives.” – Joseph B. Wirthlin


When we choose to repent, we are inviting the Power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ into our lives and in so doing, we become more like Him!

“When we choose to repent, we choose to change! We allow the Savior to transform us into the best version of ourselves. We choose to grow spiritually and receive joy – the joy of redemption in Hi. When we choose to repent, we choose to become more like Jesus Christ.” – Russell M. Nelson


When we study the scriptures, we come to know the voice of God, we can’t get there in any other way! It requires sustained effort to know Him, but I promise, it is worth every effort to know Him.

“Faith is nurtured through knowledge of God. It comes from prayer and feasting upon the words of Christ through diligent study of the scriptures. Foster your faith. Fuse your focus with eye single to the glory of God.” – Russell M. Nelson


I’ve never really liked the term fear in reference to our relationship with God, but I’ve always thought of fear as a negative. In reality, fear exists when there is a healthy respect, reverence or awe for something outside of ourselves. As an example, the more you know about electricity, the more fear and respect you gain for it. The only difference is God loves you and wants you to become like Him, whereas electricity simply wants the easiest path to ground even if it’s going through you!

“As we fear God more completely, we love Him more perfectly. And ‘perfect love casteth out all fear.'” – David A. Bednar


When we put effort into becoming like Jesus Christ, the attributes of a Saint become a part of us and everyone who knows us will be made to benefit from it. We will become the best version of ourselves.

“Working with a will, Saints gain new appreciation of who they are and of their eternal worth. Righteousness, independence, thrift, industry, and self-reliance become personal goals. These qualities transform lives.” – Russell M. Nelson


People need connection. If it isn’t provided or forged early, it will be sought out in other ways! Connect with your kids! Connect them with Heaven! God loves you and wants the best for you and family is His plan to help you connect! Trust in Him and love your kids!

“If there are love and unity at home, and if children feel comfort there, they will know what to do when this problem presents itself. But if there are bitterness and disharmony and mistrust, then it is possible that they will seek escape through any form of vice available.” – Loren C. Dunn


Do not underestimate or undervalue this very important member of the Godhead! The Holy Spirit can be with you always, as you are worthy of it. The Spirit will guide, comfort and warn you and we cannot survive in these last days without its guiding influence!

“The source of our spiritual power is the Lord! The ultimate source of spiritual power is God our Father. The messenger of this power is the Holy Ghost. While electrical power can be used only for measured periods of time, spiritual power can be used for time and eternity.” – Russell M. Nelson


God lives and He is keenly invested in each of us and our growth. He wants us to be better and to become like Him, but only if we choose. He will go on loving us, regardless of what we choose. Just know that He exists, loves you and designed this Earth for each of us to be tested and prove ourselves willing to do what is needed to be like Him.

“I have a positive conviction that God is a reality – that He lives. He is our Heavenly Father, and we are His spiritual children. He created the heaven and the earth and all things upon the earth and is the author of the eternal laws by which the universe is governed.” – Howard W. Hunter


We have all been facing extreme challenges. But this is life. This is our chance to be proven willing to do all things the Lord has asked, even through difficult times. Remember, service opportunities do not always come when it’s convenient. But that’s the test.

“Let us know just endure the current season. Let us embrace the future with faith! Turbulent times are opportunities for us to thrive spiritually. They are times when our influence can be more penetrating than in calmer times.” – Russell M. Nelson


Agency suggests we can choose what we want. We just can’t choose the consequences of those choices.

“You’d better want the consequences of what you want!” – Neal A. Maxwell


Faith without action is hope! Which is powerful in its own right, but if we want to strengthen that hope, then action is required, and we will discover the power that comes with faith.

“Faith must be accompanied by action, else it has no life.” – Dieter F. Uchtdorf


Marriage is a divinely inspired institution along with families. There is no better way to build up people with strong character than to maintain a high level of standards in these sacred relationships. As we grow closer to each other, and we grow closer to Christ, we forge a reinforced foundation that helps us to be our best selves!

“In order to lessen the breaking up of homes, the present tendency toward a low view of marriage should be substituted by the lofty view of marriage that Jesus the Christ gives it. Let us look upon marriage as a sacred obligation and a covenant that is eternal, or that may be eternal.” – David O. McKay


When we love and serve one another, we are being Christ’s hands in doing what He would do! We are being angels in one another’s life! Go and do and love one another!

“Heaven never seems closer than when we see the love of God manifested in the kindness and devotion of people so good and so pure that angelic is the only word that comes to mind.” – Jeffrey R. Holland


Your temple covenants have endowed you with power! Remember those covenants! Keep them and keep your focus on God. You will gain the needed strength that will help you to be your best self!

“Even this year, when access to our temples has been seriously limited, your endowment has given you constant access to God’s power as you have honored your covenants with Him.” – Russell M. Nelson


Be careful and mindful of those you let into your close circle of trust. Be friendly and open with all, but be selective with those you place your trust. It is much more difficult to protect yourself against those you trust then those you don’t.

“Be careful of your friends. They can make you or break you.” – Gordon B. Hinckley


This great statement can be extended to the internet, to cell phone usage and how we spend our time in general. Our children will not be able to hear the lessons we are teaching especially if our actions don’t match.

“Parents must know what their children are watching on television and must protect them from its evil influence. They should set a proper example by watching only those programs that are uplifting and worthwhile and opposing those that are corrupt and degrading.” – Joseph B. Wirthlin


As we follow Him and do as our Saviour has asked, we become more like Him. As we become more like Him, make the world a better place and a little more like Heaven.

“As we continue in faith, the Lord gradually changes us. We receive His image in our countenance and begin to reflect the love and beauty of His character. As we become more like Him, we will feel at home, and He will feel at home in ours.” – L. Whitney Clayton


Missionary work is the Lord’s work and every member is a missionary. We share the Gospel through our actions and deeds, spreading seeds of the Gospel everywhere we go and with everyone we communicate with and this certainly applies to our online interactions! Remember who you are and who you represent in all of your relationships and interactions.

“We are to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to every human soul… Part of the answer may lie in our ability to more fully understand and accelerate the use of modern communication technology to teach the gospel to all the world.” – M. Russell Ballard


A temple recommend allows entry into the churches many Temples, but much more than that, being worthy of a recommend reassures us that we may know that our position in the Kingdom of God is secure. A recommend interview is an opportunity to evaluate where we stand in relation to our covenants our relationship w/ God!

“Whether for youth or adults, you temple recommend interview is not about do’s and don’ts. A recommend is not a checklist, a hall pass, or a ticket for special seating. It has a much higher and holier purpose. To qualify for the honor of a temple recommend you must live in harmony with the teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” – Ronald A. Rasband


We need to prepare ourselves, mentally, spiritually and physically for the coming conflict. The Prophet has warned that we cannot survive without the comforting guidance of the Holy Ghost and need counter strategies to combat the efforts of Satan. This shouldn’t be our sole focus, but it would be a mistake not to give it some attention, but through it all, we need to be found on the Lords side.

“The world will not glide calmly toward the Second Coming of the Savior. The scriptures declare that ‘all things shall be in commotion.'” – Neil L. Andersen


If it’s important to a Prophet of God, you can bet its because it important to God! If a Prophet’s deepest desire is for the churches members to understand the importance of holding a recommend, then we should strive to understand, and always try to be worthy of one!

“It is the deepest desire of my heart to have every member of the Church worthy to enter the temple. It would please the Lord if every adult member would be worthy of – and carry – current temple recommend.” – Howard W. hunter

If we could all maintain the perspective that a temple recommend is a badge of obedience, we’d hold ourselves to a higher standard and give the proper respect and reverence to our recommends for what it represents. Honour that recommend, live worthy of it and use it as often as you can!

“On that day, the temple recommend that we carry became a different object in my wallet. Before that, it was a means to an end, It was the means to allow me to enter a sacred house of the Lord; but after they Prophet made that declaration, that became an end in itself. It became y badge of obedience to a prophet of God.” – Russell M. Nelson

Our Heavenly Parents are watching with eager anticipation. They mourn every stumble and celebrate every triumph. They watch and care and bless as needed and as it helps us to grow! If they swooped in and saved us from danger every time we stepped out of line, we’d learn no lesson, see no growth and the purposes of this life would be thwarted. How can we expect to become like Them, without experiencing some of the things that made Them who They are? How can we beg to live with Them when we refuse to let go of worldly things. We are His focus. Becoming like Him should require us to focus on Him and how we can help others focus on Him.

“God has no distracting hobbies off somewhere in the universe. We are at the very center of His concerns and purposes.” – Neal A. Maxwell

Live the gospel, keep the faith, endure to the end and trust in God. He is in control and has great plans for you and for the world! We are living in a prophesied time!

“While it can seem dark and scary to not know what lies ahead, prophets long ago saw our day … and knew this time would be an age of light and wonderment such as the world has never before experiences.” – M. Russell Ballard

Look to Christ as your perfect example, your Advocate, your Saviour. His Atonement wasn’t to free you up in order to rack up sin after sin, but to let you learn and save you from punishment for those sins, and also, so He would better know you! He is all loving, all kind and all wonderful! Prepare now for the day you will meet Him.

“In a coming day, you will present yourself before the Savior. You will be overwhelmed to the point of tears to be in His presence. Choose to be one of His true followers now. Be one who truly loves Him, who truly wants to serve and lead as He did.” – Russell M. Nelson

Life is tough at times and that is by design! It’s for our betterment and growth! God loves us and wants us to be our best selves and that is accomplished by having us manage through hard things! Resilience is a skill learned through experience, and it’s so important for our spiritual and emotional well-being! Take time to thank God for teaching you how to be resilient.

“One of the ways Heavenly Father raises us to be resilient and to prepare us for our future happiness is by sending us into the world where our resilience will be tried and refined.” – Lynn G. Robbins

I’ve found diligently praying for those with whom we disagree will help us to have humility and empathy. It helps us to learn and understand and more effectively communicate with others and make us better! Be open, be humble, and be kind.

“We move toward loving our adversaries when we avoid anger and hostility toward those with whom we disagree. It also helps if we are even willing to learn from them.” – Dallin H. Oaks

Life is a test, or a time for us to be proven; proven that we will be willing to do all things the Lord has commanded. This will not often come when it’s convenient, but that is the test, whether we are willing to do what is asked, at all times!

“One of the ways Heavenly Father raises us to be resilient and to prepare us for our future happiness is by sending us into a world where our resilience will be tried and refined.” – Lynn g. Robbins

The generations keep getting stronger and more able to withstand the fiery darts of the adversary, not because they are better than everyone else or because God protects only them, but because they have been held back to come forth at this time! They have had righteous teachers who have experienced the challenges this world has to offer and because they are born into the fire of affliction. They will stand tall in these last days because they stand on the shoulders of giants and the Lord will see them through, if they will be seek Him in all things, as did the brothers of Ammon.

“I believe the promise of Ammon to his brethren applies to the youth today, In the 26th chapter of Alma we read: ‘Yea, they shall not be beaten down by the storm at the last day; yea, neither shall they be harrowed up by the whirlwinds; but when the storm cometh they shall be gathered together in their place, that the storm cannot penetrate to them; yea, neither shall they be driven with fierce winds whithersoever the enemy listeth to carry them. But behold, they are in the hands of the Lord of the harvest, and they are his; and he will raise them up at the last day.” – Vaughn J. Featherstone

Opposition plays a very important role in our lives. We need it to grow! You learn more from the losses than you do the wins. It helps us to focus our attention on the most important things! Be grateful for your opposition. It might seem overwhelming, but would you honestly trade it with that of another? You are equal to your challenges, especially so when you include Christ

“We all have our trials of life to strengthen us. Each thinks he has the hardest or most severe trials. It may be that they are the hardest or most difficult only because they are the hardest or most difficult for you. The diamond is enhances and make more valuable with polishing. Steel is made harder and more valuable through tempering. So also opposition builds the character of man. – Eldred G. Smith

Seek Him and seek to recognize His voice in your life! I promise He is reaching out, you simply need to learn what His voice sounds like to you. When you do, you will recognize it for what it is, divine communication from a loving parent!

“Heavenly Father knows you. He loves you. You are His children. He will respond to you in ways that are familiar and correct to you.” – Ronald A . Rasband

The Prophet has used some strong language in encouraging us to strive to Hear Him by recognizing the Holy Spirit in our lives. But our job isn’t done there, next we must strive to maintain that connection and help others to recognize that Spirit in their lives! It’s especially important for us to teach our children this skill so they may press forward beyond us and build their own testimonies.

“Not teaching our children spiritual self-reliance and resilience comes with this sobering warning from President Nelson: “In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost.” – Lynn G. Robbins

We are His hands! When we love, serve, help, mourn with and uplift others, we are doing what Christ would do and everyone involved is made better and brought closer to Him. So go about doing good!

“As we walk together and are mindful of each other, and as each of us are mindful of our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ – our weariness will be replaced by energy – producing peace, love, and confidence.” – Boyd Matheson

We can build a Zion nation today. All we need to do is live the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Satan will not have power over us! Just as important is to teach others, especially our youth, the importance of living the Gospel and staying on the covenant path.

“As we help our children take the spiritual offense, we put Satan on the defense, and thus hasten the ay when Satan will no longer have power over the hearts of the children of men,” – Tad R. Callister

We are given great gifts that can help defeat the adversary of our souls. But it only works if we keep that armour in good shape. The belt of truth and breastplate of righteousness only are effective if we are true and righteous. The shield only protects if we have and exercise faith by being obedient to the commandments. The sword works best if we know and understand the word of God. So be grateful for these gifts, but work to keep them battle ready, cause Satan will attack whether or not you are ready.

“The struggle to find ourselves is very real, and that is why God has given us this armor: that we might recognize truth and understand ourselves, that we might have faith because of the gift of salvation, that we might attain righteousness to help overcome the evils of life. If we don’t use this armor we’ve been given, we will, become tentative in our choices and decisions and leave ourselves open to the adversary.” – Lavell Edwards

I have to agree with Bro. McConkie. Take time to read, study and ponder the scriptures. These are God’s words to each and every one of us. It’s one of the ways He speaks to us. Don’t waste this gift.

“We read scriptures too fast.” – Joseph Fielding McConkie

God is in all things, and when you take a minute to hear Him, you will find He was there all along!2w

“Surely the Lord is in this place; and I knew it now.” – Genesis 28:16

Life is all about choices and our real test is how we respond to the difficulties we will face! Will we rise to the occasion and learn the lessons needed? Or will we murmur once things become a challenge? How you respond to little nuisances will say a lot about how you will respond to a major trial.

“So often in life, we are taught by trials. We don’t get to choose our difficulties and challenges, but we do get to choose whether or not we will learn something from them.” – Lloyd Newell

Life is not meant to be all sunshine and rainbows! That would defeat the purpose of living. The lessons we are meant to learn often come with loss, trials, challenges and extreme difficulty. But they make us stronger, if we choose to learn the lessons and see the good.

“Todays trials are tomorrow’s testimonies!” – Unknown

Take time this week to learn more about Jesus’ last week as a mortal! Learn more about why the Atonement of Christ was so important! Learn how it redeems us from the fall. Learn how you can repent and be better and why Christ played such a significant role in the Plan of Salvation. Take time this week for Him.

“Just as a man does not really desire food until he is hungry, so he does not desire the salvation of Christ until he know why he needs Christ. No one adequately and properly knows why he needs Christ until he understands and accepts the doctrine of the Fall and its effect on all mankind.” – Ezra Taft Benson

Comparison is the thief of joy and it stalls our growth! Never compare yourself to another. Only compare yourself to yourself! How are you being better today than you were yesterday? Don’t ever make the mistake of thinking you are lesser or greater than another! We are all simply on our own path, with different trials and struggles. Be your best self, and while you are at it, work on lifting others up.

“This is very dangerous if we go on thinking we don’t have to repent because other people are wicked!” – High Nibley

When you are struggling to find the good, seek Jesus Christ. Coming close to Him will bring His light and joy into your life. Not that it wasn’t there, but the clouds of anger, frustration, sadness and many other strong feelings often block it out! Seek Him and allow Him to heal you!

“Joy can overwhelm your pain.” – Dale G. Renlund

I love this little bit of wisdom! Life is too short for misery, so look for the good and be grateful for what you get. Some thrive and some need to scratch and claw, but money and success do not automatically lead to happiness. There is happiness and joy anywhere people strive to connect and help one another. Focus on the good and look to serve. Ask yourself, what would Jesus do? And make the choice to be more like Him. You and those around you will be grateful you did.

“Remember to be gentle with yourself and with others. We are all children of chance, and none can say why some fields will blossom while others lay brown beneath the August sun. Care for those around you. Look past your differences. Their dreams are no than yours, their choices in life no more easily made. And Give. Give in any way you can, of whatever you possess. To give is to love. To withhold is to wither. Care less for you harvest than for how it is shared, and you life will have meaning and you heart will have peace.” – Kent Nerburn

This mortal life is meant to test and try us. It’s a chance for us to prove ourselves! Every test we take, every struggle we endure and difficulty we face prepares us to become who God needs us to be. How we respond to these challenges determines who we become.

“Every trial endured and weathered in the right spirit makes the soul nobler and stronger than it was before.” – William Butler Yeats

How can we expect to become great without facing the adversity it requires to help us become great! We can do hard, especially when we are united with Christ! So go forth and be undaunted so we can become more Christlike!

“Learning to develop the Christlike virtues of faith, patience, diligence, and resilience, among many others, cannot happen without opposition or the ‘furnace of affliction.’ Our Father in Heaven, therefore, allows to face difficult challenges and so hard things.” – Lynn G. Robbins

Happy Easter Conference Weekend! I’m looking forward to more spiritual edification and uplift and I’m looking forward to hearing more Truth! With all the anxiety and stress in the world, it’s important to step back and focus on the most important things! I pray each of us will recognize truth when we see it and will have the courage and faith to act!

“Truth is truth, some things are simply true.” – Russell M. Nelson


~Todd Bruce

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