The Power of Christ’s Atonement

I hear from time to time the importance of studying the atonement of Jesus Christ and its impact on our lives. While I’ve attempted to dive deep and and expand my understanding of this miraculous power and how it’s possible, I find it difficult to accomplish. The greatest understanding I’ve felt of the atonement of Jesus Christ has come at the most difficult moments of my life. In those moments I start to feel as though I finally understand His saving power for me. Yet, I have found it nearly impossible to express in words that understanding or how I feel. The power of the atonement of Jesus Christ is so deep and personal that it’s difficult to share.

Elder Matthew S. Holland, in his October 2020 general conference address, did a fabulous job of expressing the power of the atonement of Jesus Christ in our lives. He uses the example of Alma from the Book of Mormon to capture how this gift of the Son changes lives.

When Alma remembered all his sins, his pain was nearly unbearable. He couldn’t even fathom the idea of standing before God. Yet, everything started to change for him the moment his mind caught hold upon the coming of Jesus Christ and His saving grace. Alma’s excruciating guilt and pain was changed to an exquisite joy, as exceeding as was his pain.

We too must feel the guilt from our sins. Repentance may be difficult, and a long road at times, yet it is undeniably worth every effort. Christ offers to bear the pain for us, and to wipe our slate clean, if we are willing to make those significant changes in our lives and truly come unto Him.

Elder Holland points out that this transformation from misery to joy can be instantaneous, thanks to the “immediate goodness” of God. “The crushing weight of our sins [immediately] starts to shift from our back to His”.

The Savior is far more actively involved in our lives than we can comprehend. Even without our asking, or even recognizing, He is working to expand our means, efforts, and abilities.

It is usually easy to see the Lord’s hand in our lives during the blessed times, when everything is going well. On the other hand, it is more difficult to see Him working in our lives during our trials and suffering. However, He is there for us at all times. In fact, so often it is the suffering we go through that brings growth and blessings to us and our families.

Christ’s healing power restores and beautifies us. He makes it all right. All the loss and grief and pain we may feel, can be swallowed up in Christ. His love can heal our hearts and penetrate our lives. As we turn to Him, we can immediately feel of His love and goodness, and enjoy the gift He offers. We can find true and lasting joy, in this life and the life to come.

Cindy Woodruff

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