This post does not include all quotes shared from 2020 General Conference. Those can be found in the One Quote from Each General Conference Talk, 8 Quotes from Moving Forward by Russell M. Nelson, and 15 Quotes from We Will Prove Them Herewith by David A. Bednar posts.
Live for your spouse! They should be your person, and you theirs. Treat them with the respect they deserve! Together, you are God-like.
“Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the Church, and have Himself for it.” – Ephesian 5:25
The trials we are facing are not for no reason. They are to prepare, teach and strengthen us. When in the midst of a trial, ask yourself why you might be going through it, and what the Lord is teaching you!
“God continues to do all things necessary to prepare His people for that day.” – Douglas D. Holmes
We often consider holding a temple recommendation as being safe in Zion. I love this view that instead of simply holding a temple recommend, are you recommended to the Lord? The bar is high, are we striving to that end?
“To be recommended to the Lord is to be reminded of what is expected of a covenant keep Latter-day Saint.” – Ronald A. Rasband
We aren’t expected to be perfect, at least not overnight… change one thing in your life, then change another! Slowly start doing the right things and soon you’ll be on the path toward perfection.
“Our daily choices will either help or hinder our progress. Small, but steady, deliberate changes will help us improve.” – Becky Craven
This life is the time to prepare to meet God. We are being tested continually and it is not meant to be easy. But He is aware of you and will help you through!
“Regardless of our circumstances, we can intentionally make efforts to build and increase our faith in Jesus Christ. ” – Lisa Harkness
We need to grow in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and have a relationship with our Heavenly Father. These are things we need to do individually so we can survive in these latter days!
“To connect our hearts with heaven, we need individual spiritual experiences. … Those experiences come as the Holy Ghost carries the word and love of God to our mind and heart.” – Douglas D. Holmes
When life gets tough, and you are struggling to understand why, don’t forget that God is in control! All things have been done in the wisdom of Him who knoweth all things! God is at the helm!
“God continues to do all things necessary to prepare His people for that day.” – Douglas D. Holmes
Don’t ever stop praying! It’s the key to your relationship with your Heavenly Father! If your worried about it, or hopeful, or grateful, or anything, bring it before the Lord! He’s aware already, but He wants to hear from you nonetheless! Pray brings us closer to Him and us for our benefit!
“You and I will have smaller parts to play in the ongoing Restoration, yet the enemy of the Restoration will try to stop us from praying.” – Henry B. Eyring
Jesus Christ paved the way and taught us how to return to our Father in Heaven, but straight is the gate and narrow the way. Fortunately, He also gave us scriptures, prayer, and inspiration as sign posts along the road. We just need to put in the work and pay attention!
“We can pray as Jesus prayed. We can strive to learn the knowledge that Jesus knew and knows. We have the scriptures, and we can study them, and we can learn to endure to the end. Jesus was and is our great exemplar.” – Russell M. Nelson
While we must do all things within our power to return to God, we can never do it on our own! We simply need Jesus Christ to play an active role in our lives by allowing Him to make us better! It’s His sacrifice that allows us to do so.
“Salvation cannot be bought with the currency of obedience; it is purchased by the blood of the Son of God.” – Dieter F. Uchtdorf
I love the scriptures! I love how regardless of how many times you can read them, there is more to learn and different scriptures that pop out! I read this one not long ago and marked it, then heard @thestevescott mention it one of his favourites! Can’t say I blame him!
“Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of Him to declare His word among His people, that they might have everlasting life.” – 3 Nephi 5:13
Be loving! Be loyal! Your spouse and your children depend on it! Their spiritual, physical and emotional needs are best met when you ensure you are doing right by your spouse and family!
“A home with a loving and loyal husband and wife is the supreme setting in which children can be reared in love and righteousness and in which the spiritual and physical needs of children can be met.” – David A. Bednar
We each need Christ! Regardless of our history, trials or our shortcomings, we each need Him. Part of the test of life is learning that! Whether you’re miles out, or inches, you still need His help to get there!
“Are we not all beggars.” – Mosiah 4:19
You have a divine heritage! You are the physical embodiment of the beginnings of perfection. Don’t forget who are and where you are going! You are only competing with yourself in being the best you! So step up and strive!
“Keep being you. Keep laughing. Keep praying. Keep trying. Don’t exhaust yourselves to live up to this ‘perfect’ image someone else created for your life. Stop thinking perfect is a thing, and don’t drink the poison of comparison. Because life is too short not to love the journey God has for you. Because life is too short to not give chance to the crazy and allow God the opportunity to show us how great He really is.” – Al Carraway
The gospel of Jesus Christ is not one of obligation, but we are given an opportunity to serve and grow! It’s a fundamental part of the gospel that agency factors in heavily in each of our opportunities to serve! We can be made better through our choosing to serve!
“There must be no compulsion in the work of the Lord, but there must be opportunity.” – Gordon B. Hinckley
Our example is key to our children’s growth and developments, we are teaching them through our actions! Let your spouse know you love them and sometimes, you might need to say it! Let your kids know how you feel about your spouse! Never criticize or belittle them ever! Your spouse ought to be your person, treat them that way!
“Husbands, love your wives well! Your children are noticing how you treat her. You are teaching your sons how they should treat women and you are teaching your daughters what they should expect from men.” – Dave Willis
Where can we turn for Peace? Where can we look for Joy? I testify that Jesus Christ can bring that joy and peace that is so essential in this time of chaos and contention. Seek Him and let Him prevail in your life! If you need help, listen to our living prophet, he will direct you toward our Saviour!
“As our Saviour becomes more and more real to us and as we plead for His joy to be given to us, out joy will increase. Joy is powerful, and focusing on joy brings God’s power into our lives.” – Russell M. Nelson
Life is a test! That doesn’t mean we need to be suffering and miserable every minute, neither does it mean we shouldn’t expect ease and comfort throughout life. Life is supposed to challenge us.
“we didn’t come to mortality to be comfortable! We came to learn how to be uncomfortable!” – Hank R. Smith
The greatest way to create and maintain a relationship with anyone, including God, is through communication. God wants to hear from you, and He is always available to listen. I can testify that personal, private, kneeling and, out-loud prayer everyday will change your life.
“Unfailing faith is fortified through prayer. Your heartfelt pleadings are important to Him. If we pray with an eternal perspective, we need not wonder if our most tearful and heartfelt pleadings are heard. You faithful Saints do not have to fight life’s battles alone.” – Russell M. Nelson
Exercising faith is doing what is asked , regardless of whether we understand the whys! It’s not blind though, it’s that trust in God and being led by His Spirit which guides us. It’s why striving to Hear Him is so important!
“You show you trust in Him when you listen with the intent to learn and repent and then go and do whatever He asks.” – Henry B. Eyring
Love is an action word! It requires effort! It’s sometimes not easy, but you know, it’s worth every effort! Love for its own sake is not dependant on the action of others, we should simply love, but how will they know we love them but by our actions and effort regarding them! Don’t ever stop loving and don’t ever stop reaching out!
“True love is a process. True love requires personal action.” – Marvin J. Ashton
For Where your treasure is, there be your heart also. Are the most important things in your life being given the appropriate time and energy? Take time to re-evaluate what is most important to you, then take the time needed to polish those things so they shine! Take care of and protect them and remember, if those things don’t care about you the same way you care about them, then it might be time to find new things to care about.
“If you want something to last forever, you treat it differently. You shield it and protect it. You never abuse it. You don’t expose it to the elements. You don’t make it common or ordinary. If it ever becomes tarnished, you lovingly polish it until it gleams like new. It becomes special because you have made it so, and it grows more beautiful and precious as time goes by.” – F. Burton Howard
I’m grateful for church leaders who lead, guide and inspire us! I have a full heart towards a loving Heavenly Father who provides inspiration to them and to each who seek Him!
“I have concluded that counting our blessings is far better than recounting our problems.” – Russell M. Nelson
Having gratitude in our trials is an act of faith in God! Showing that gratitude will help us to recognize the many positives in our life and focus less on those negative things. Keep being grateful, look for the good. #givethanks
“No matter our situation, showing gratitude for our privileges is a fast-acting and long-lasting spiritual prescription.” – Russell M. Nelson
The Lord will test and prove us! It’s a promise. We will be blessed for our commitment to Him, but that won’t remove the trials we will face. Those challenges are for our betterment and growth!
“Therefore, be not afraid of your enemies, for I have decreed in my heart, saith the Lord, that I will prove you in all things, whether you will abide in my covenant, even unto death, that ye may be found worthy.” – D&C 98:14
Praying with gratitude is the sincerest form of prayer! It’s not asking the Lord for anything and simply recognizing the blessings already given!
“Let us unite in thanking God through daily prayer.” – Russell M. Nelson
I’m so very grateful for my spouse! I will maintain till the day I die and likely well beyond that I married up! She is my favourite and I love to grow old with her! Look for a partner who loves you as you are but makes you want to be better! Work together in love and righteousness!
“Marriage, in it’s truest sense, is a partnership of equals, with neither exercising dominion over the other, but rather, with each encouraging and assisting the other in whatever responsibilities and aspirations he or she might have.” – Gordon B. Hinckley
The women of the church are glorious. They continue to do miraculous work in helping the work move forward. Their example and effort is key to the growth of the church in these latter-days.
“Young women, you are glorious! You are the Lord’s symphony; you are His battalion! This work is your purpose; it is why Heavenly Father has sent you here, at this time. It will bring you joy! Continue to be a light. Continue to move forward. There will be bumps, there will be roadblocks – of course there are – they are part of our mortal journey. Don’t let that stop you from your glorious and eternal work!” – Bonnie H. Cordon
Jesus Christ is our Saviour and Redeemer. He is our Advocate with the Father. He lived and died for each and every one of us. His love knows no bounds. There is nothing you can experience that He doesn’t fully comprehend, understand, or have experienced as He Atoned for the world’s sake. Seek Him in all that you do. Everything depends on it.
“Jesus Christ is the only Begotten and Beloved Son of God. He is our Creator. He is the Light of the World. He is our Savior from sin and death. This is the most important knowledge on earth, and you can know this for yourself. As I know it for myself. The Holy Ghost, who testifies of the Father and the Son and leads us into truth, has revealed these truths to me, and He will reveal them to you.” – Dallin H. Oaks
Jesus Christ is the light and life of the Gospel. He is the way. There is no other way to return to God than by Him. Life is tough, and there are many distractions, but none will lead us where we need to be, and none will help us, and love us, as Jesus does, through the difficulty in learning. Seek Him. Feel of His peace as you grow and learn and feel true joy.
“To those who have drifted, come back. To those who are fearful, listen to the Prophet. To those who are hurting, our Savior brings us peace in our bereavement, on our loss, in our pain, and He wants joy for you.” – Patrick Kearon
Our covenants define us, whether because we have kept them, or because we have broken them. The ability to keep covenants throughout life and all of the challenges life presents will be a defining characteristic of the faithful.
“The greatest compliment that can be earned here in this life is to be known as a covenant keeper. The rewards for a covenant keeper will be realized both here and hereafter. We, as faithful children of the covenant, will be blessed now and forever.” – Russell M. Nelson
~Todd Bruce
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