During one of the first Relief Society meetings, Joseph Smith was counseling the relief society sisters and he said, “it is natural for females to have feelings of charity— you are now placed in a situation where you can act according to those sympathies which God has planted in your bosoms. If you live up to these principles how great and glorious! If you live up to your privilege, the angels cannot be restrained from being your associates”

What a wonderful promise. I love how he says the angels cannont be restrained from being our associates. Implying they are there wanting to help but due to our actions, at times, they may be restrained from helping us fully. 

What does he mean by live up to our privileges and how can we do that?

Our relief society sisters ‘helped lay the foundation we now stand on’. Sister Jones tells us it is now our turn. “We have a divine errand from the Lord, and our faithful, unique contributions are vital.”

President Spencer W. Kimball said: “To be a righteous woman during the winding up scenes on this earth, before the second coming of our Savior, is an especially noble calling. The righteous woman’s strength and influence today can be tenfold what it might be in more tranquil times.”

Why do you think he says that a womens strength and influence today can be tenfold what it might be in more tranquil times?                     

Any thoughts on that?

In a general conference talk given in 2015 President Nelson pleaded with us he says: “I plead with my sisters of [the] Church … to step forward! Take your rightful and needful place in your home, in your community, and in the kingdom of God—more than you ever have before.”

What can we do to step forward in our homes and in our communities? I have actually been thinking about this a lot lately and I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas?

Many of you probably remember this short little clip that was played in general conference but I wanted to play it for you all today as you watch it I want you to think about what President Nelson says. 

Play clip

“The Lord loves effort and effort brings rewards.”

D&C 58:26-28

How do these teachings help you feel encouraged and strengthened?

Does anyone have an example of a time when they put forth greater effort than they typically do and what was your experience? 

What about examples in the scriptures? Some examples I can think of are the brother of Jared and Joseph Smith. In both those situations the Lord required them to put forth effort before he stepped in.

I like  how President Nelson compares Moses to us. Yes, the lord didn’t have to make him walk to the top of the mountain to receive the ten commandments but like he said “The Lord loves effort, because effort brings rewards that can’t come without it.”

Elder Harold B. Lee said: “There is a refining process that comes through suffering . . . that we can’t experience any other way than by suffering. We draw closer to Him who gave His life that man might be. We feel a kinship that we have never felt before. He suffered more than we can ever imagine. But to the extent that we have suffered, somehow it seems to have the effect of drawing us closer to the Divine, helps to purify our souls and helps to purge out the things that are not pleasing in the sight of the Lord”.

I want to talk a little bit about diamonds for a little bit

A diamond is a chunk of coal that did well under pressure. 

Also check out this great post: https://spiritualcrusade.com/2017/04/diamond-chunk-of-coal-that-did-well.html

3 Nephi 24:17 reads: And they [speaking of the righteous] shall be mine, saith the Lord of Hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them as a man spareth his own son that serveth him.

I love how the Lord says he will make his jewels out of the righteous. One of the most precious types of jewels are diamonds. What is interesting about diamonds, is how they are formed. It is not an easy process and doesn’t happen overnight.

Diamonds are crystals of pure carbon that form under extreme heat and crushing pressures. They are buried deep under the Earth billions of years ago, then pushed up to the surface through volcano eruptions. They can endure temperatures over 6000 degrees Fahrenheit.  

They are formed, not in spite of, but due to the extreme heat and pressure they go through. 

To be counted among the Saviors jewels, we will be required to be formed in the same way. 

We are all familiar with the story of the rich young man in the New Testament who came to Jesus to find out how he could obtain salvation. 

Matthew 19:20-22 it says:

20 The young man saith unto him, All these things have I kept from my youth up: what lack I yet? 

21 Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me. 

22 But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions.

We are left to wonder what could have been if he had just submitted himself over to the process of becoming a jewel. As we do as President Nelson has asked and “Step Forward and take our rightful and NEEDFUL place in our homes and communities” and as we do as  we are told in D&C 25:10 and “lay aside the things of this world and seek for the things of a better” we will become those polished jewels Jesus Christ talks about in these verses.

I think it is probably safe to say that all of us have felt at times that we are going through the refining process if not straight into the refiner’s fire. 

For the last couple years President Nelson has put a big emphasis on having each of us really learning how to receive our own personal revelation.

 I know that Heavenly Father knows us all so well and knows that the only way that we are going to be able to make it through the extreme heat and pressures that life is going to through our way is by having a personal relationship with our Savior.

 As I was preparing for this lesson I was thinking about how inspired our prophet is. 

I don’t know about you, but right now there are so many things in the world that just seem so confusing. 

You read an article saying one thing than you read another stating the exact opposite.

 It’s hard to know what is truth sometimes. 

So many times I have thought, I wish I could just know for sure what is true or not. 

 I feel like in the last 6 months I have felt more confusion than I probably ever have.

 I was thinking about that the other day and how I am sure there will be times in our futures where we will feel that same confusion but over things that are even more important.

 And instead of being able to just wish that we could know what to do, we CAN know what to do.

 If we heed President Nelsons council and learn how to receive revelation for ourselves. 

Over the last few years President Nelson has made so many changes and then over these last few months it has become so apparent why each of those changes were needed. It has been so inspiring to me to see how truly inspired President Nelson is and I know that his push for us all to be able to receive personal revelation is not only inspired but also has a great sense of urgency and shows the hastening of the work. 

In 2018 President Nelson said, “I plead with you to increase your spiritual capacity to receive revelation.” 

Background image by: Carsten Frenzl https://flic.kr/p/2jF92RP

In what ways have you heeded this council to increase your spiritual capacity to receive personal revelation and how has it impacted your life?

“The Prophet Joseph taught of the importance of knowing that the path we are pursuing in this lifetime is approved of God. Without that knowledge, we “will grow weary in [our] minds, and faint.””

Why is it important to know that the path we are pursuing in this lifetime is approved of God? How does that help us?

As we attain a greater degree of proficiency at doing so, we can receive more power in our individual roles to minister and accomplish the work of salvation and exaltation—to truly “lay aside the things of this world, and seek for the things of a better.” We can then more effectively inspire our rising generation to do the same.

How does personal revelation lead to personal progression? And how can we inspire our rising generation?

Sisters Jones, “Let us boldly declare our devotion to our Heavenly Father and our Savior, “with unshaken faith in him, relying wholly upon the merits of him who is mighty to save.” Let us joyfully continue this journey toward our highest spiritual potential and help those around us to do the same through love, service, leadership, and compassion.”

How do we BODLY declare our devotion to our Heavenly Father and Savior? When she says to rely wholly upon the merits of him and with unshaken faith that means more than casual worship. Don’t you feel like this is how we can really apply what the prophet has asked us to do in seeking greater personal revelation for truly the angels will not be restrained as we worship Him whole heartily with unshaken faith. 

Elder James E. Talmage tenderly reminded us, “The world’s greatest champion of woman and womanhood is Jesus the Christ.”

I know that the love Jesus Christ has for us is incomprehensible. He truly is our greatest champion. And as we turn to Him and follow Him and learn to trust Him we will become instruments in His hands. We will be able to find the courage to step forward and take our rightful and needful place in our homes and communities. And as we turn to Him we will also find a support greater than any other support we can find anywhere else. And even though the Lord requires effort, He is there to help us and bless our lives in more ways than we could ever imagine. I say things things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.


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