If we cannot sacrifice everything there is upon the face of the earth, that men hold dear to them, then we are unworthy of that great salvation that God has promised unto the faithful. The man that cannot bring every appetite into subjection to the mind and will of God, that cannot forego everything of this kind, and that is not willing to sacrifice houses and lands, and father and mother, wives and children and everything that men hold dear to them, is unworthy of that great salvation that God has in store for His faithful children. . . .If we value this salvation as we should, there is nothing that will stand between us and it. . . . We must love the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the cause that He established, better than we do our wives and children, better than we do our own lives. There is nothing upon the face of the earth that we should love as we do the Gospel. God requires this of us. (George Q. Cannon, In Assembly Hall, Nov. 20, 1881, JD23:100)

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