I regularly discuss religion and the presence of a greater being in the world with co-workers. I clearly state my beliefs and why I believe it, and some can understand while others refuse to. To them, I often state that we’ll just have to wait until after this life to see who was right and who wasted their chance. But like CS Lewis has said, I would rather spend my days serving God and find out I was wrong then to risk not serving Him, and have wasted my chance. I often then will encourage others to do what they must to find out for themselves whether God exists and loves them.

“If I’m wrong about God, then I wasted my life. If you’re wrong about God, then you wasted your eternity.” – Lecrae


In these latter days, each person is needed. The efforts that each man, woman, or youth makes in becoming better helps the Kingdom of God in Earth grow and become stronger. Together, we will prepare the world for the prophesied return of Jesus Christ.

“Sisters, it is out turn. We have a divine errand from the Lord. and our faithful, unique contributions are vital.” – Joy D. Jones


We are very fortunate to live when we live. But that also means a lot of trust has been placed in each of us that will fulfill the roles which we were placed here to do. Stand up, press forward and be the person you were meant to be!

“To live on the Earth in this season of dispensation of the fullness of times is the blessing of a lifetime.” – David A. Bednar


I love Neal A. Maxwell. He didn’t mince words at all. I often wonder what he would’ve said in this day with all the strong opinions these days. Luckily we have Prophets and Apostles who can encourage us along the path we should stay. Some use stronger language than others, but they all lovingly beckon us forward.

“In a happy day ahead, they that murmured shall earn the doctrine.” – Neal A. Maxwell


No man can serve two masters! It’s time to decide which side of the fence you want to be on, and you can’t sit on the fence, cause Satan owns the fence.

“There are those among us who are trying to serve the Lord without offending the devil.” – Marion G. Romney


The time is coming when we will no longer have a choice which voice we will listen to. If we have chosen wrong or refuse to choose, we will be sifted as with the wheat and the tares. Choose today who you will serve. Choose to serve Him. Choose to be better.

“The time is coming when those who do not obey the Lord will be separated from those who do.” – Russell M. Nelson


After all that is said, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and with it, our relationship with Jesus Christ, should instill hope within our mind and soul. Don’t ever fall victim to the precepts of men and the philosophies in the world! God lives, you are loved and because of Jesus Christ, you can have hope for a better future.

“Because the restoration reaffirmed the foundational truth that God does work in this world, we can hope, we should hope, even when facing the most insurmountable odds.” – Jeffrey R. Holland


You cannot deny what you know! But you can forget. Whether it’s knowledge, intelligence, friendships, or spiritual experiences. Cherish those memories. Write them down. Review them often and press forward with the knowledge that you have, however incomplete it may be. Then trust that our Father in Heaven will not leave your knowledge incomplete for too long. More knowledge will come, but having faith is key to our personal growth.

“I had actually seen a light, and in the midst of that light I saw two Personages, and they did in reality speak to me; and though I was hated and persecuted for saying that I had seen a vision, yet it was true. … I knew it, and I knew that God knew it, and I could not deny it.” – Joseph Smith


The Book of Mormon helps us to better understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ and our role within that plan. It can bring peace into our lives and help strengthen us as we struggle.

“I testify with my whole soul that in a most miraculous and single way, the Book of Mormon teaches us of Jesus Christ and His gospel.” – Russell M. Nelson


God is speaking to each of us, but are we listening? Are we even on the same channel or attempting to attune ourselves toward hearing Him? If you are taking time and investing effort into learning how you best Hear Him, I assure you the message will be one of love and of your importance in the work. Keeping pressing forward, keep doing the right things and keep listening.

“Along with the peaceful direction we receive from the Holy Ghost, from time to time, God powerfully and very personally assures each of us that He knows us and loves us and that He is blessing us specifically and openly.” – Neil L. Andersen


The Lord loves effort and effort brings rewards. Those rewards often come in the form of spiritual defining moments!

“Spiritually defining events often come in learning about the restored Gospel or in sharing the Gospel with others.” – Neil L. Andersen


Part of our growth in life is learning to be obedient and trusting in God. Once we place ourselves on the altar before God and let Him make us into done things better, we then can truly become great!

“Obedience is a part of greatness!” – Mark E. Peterson


Spiritually defining experiences may come in times of trials, while having a crisis of faith or when we are struggling to progress, but they will come if we are pressing forward and seeking His help. Pray to Him with all your heart and He will pour out His love to you that you may know that you are His and He loves you!

“Spiritual defining experiences are always accompanied by an exceptionally strong spiritual confirmation of the love of God.” – Neil L. Andersen


Prayer is a gift! We can speak to our Father in Heaven anytime and anywhere. We are better off as we earnestly speak to Him and bring our wills into alignment with His. As we do so, we will find many blessings which He has given us.

“Weary the Lord until He blesses you.” – Joseph Smith


Always treat your spouse as your eternal partner! They are not to be controlled, but loved and appreciated. The covenants you make with them are eternal and your spouse needs to know they are your highest priority.

“Tenderness and respect – never selfishness – must be the guiding principles in the intimate relationship between husband and wife.” – Howard W. Hunter


Pray for miracles, then open your eyes to see the miracles around you every single day! Be grateful for the things you have and recognize the tender mercies of the Lord that you have been blessed with. And please quit asking for a sign! If God wanted us the have proof, we’d have it, but that would disqualify the need for faith! Live by the Spirit and trust in God.

“Perhaps your prayers have been answered again and again, but you had had your expectations fixed on a sign so grand or a voice so loud that you think you have had no answer.” – Dallin H. Oaks


You are a child of God! You are God-like already! Remember your divine heritage and do what you can to live up to that!

“Who you are should determine what you do!” – Ken Nuimatololo


Life is hard, but it is also very beautiful! We can dwell on those hardships, or trust in a loving God and strive to see the lesson behind the trial. Don’t let your trials destroy you. Seek Jesus Christ through your good times and the bad.

“Suffering is universal; how we react to suffering is individual. Suffering can take us one of two ways. It can be a strengthening and purifying experience combined with faith, or it can be a destructive force in our lives if we do not have the faith int he Lord’s atoning sacrifice.” – Robert D. Hales


The prophet has focused his efforts on helping us learn how to receive revelation! If it’s important to Pres. Nelson, it should be important to us, as he is the watchman on the tower and is working to prepare us for coming days! Take time to slow down and listen to God’s voice in your life.

“I invite you to think deeply and often about this key question: How do you hear Him? I also invite you to take steps to hear Him better and more often.” – Russell M. Nelson


Look for His hand in your life! There are tender mercies that He has designed and put in place just for you and your family! See the miracles and thank God for them.

“Tonight, and tomorrow night, you might pray and ponder, asking the questions: Did God send a message just for me? Did I see His hand in my life or the lives of my [family]?” – Henry B. Eyring


If you are still struggling to hear Him, checkout Neil L. Andersen’s checklist for opening the windows of Heaven and receiving that personal revelation.

“Faith, obedience, humility, and real intent open the windows of heaven.” – Neil L. Andersen


Just because we don’t necessarily end up where we want to be, doesn’t mean God isn’t in control and have us exactly where we were meant to be. Embrace where you are and press forward. Help those around you. Serve them, love them and you will be doing the work of God where He intended you to.

“When our worthy desires are not granted in the way we hoped, it may actually be for our ultimate benefit.” – Brook D. Hales


Hear Him! Do what you need to in order to hear Him. We simply cannot survive in these Latter days without the guiding hand of the Holy Ghost. It’s imperative and absolutely needed for our spiritual survival. Make the needed changes and be better.

“We hear Him in our prayers, in our homes, in our hymns, as we worthily partake of the sacrament, as we declare our faith, as well serve others, and as we attend the temple with fellow believers.” – Neil L. Andersen


Life can be hard! We will each struggle at times. Despite the challenges we each must face, we’ve each been blessed with experiences that can carry us through our trials and challenges. Trust those experiences. Trust in God.

“When personal difficulty, doubt, or discouragement darken our path, or when world conditions beyond our control lead us to wonder about the future, the spiritually defining memories from our book of life are like luminous stones that help brighten the road ahead, assuring us that God knows us, loves us, and has sent His son, Jesus Christ, to help us return home.” – Neil L. Andersen


Go to work! Set your affairs in order, take care of yourself and yours, but go and do the work that God has set for you to do. Satan laughs when you dodge the work which God has for you.

“Satan selects his disciples when they are idle: Jesus selected His when they were busy at their work either mending their nets or casting them into the sea.” – herndon


We learn line upon line, precept upon precept. As we learn and grow, and learn to recognize those learning opportunities, we will be given more opportunities to grow our spiritual capacities.

“As you willingly acknowledge and carefully treasure the spiritually defining events in your life, more and more will come to you. Heavenly Father knows you and loves you.” – Neil L. Andersen


Seeing others as God does is a gift! I love this. On top of praying for how I can help others, I’m going to include the hope to see others as our Father in Heaven sees them.

“Seeing others as God does is a gift. I invite all of us to seek for this gift. As our eyes are opened to see. We will also be able to help others see themselves as God does.” – Douglas D. Holmes


The Atonement of Jesus Christ isn’t a backup plan for our failures. It’s the only plan to help us overcome our shortcomings. We will fall short! We will fail! We will break! But, through Him, we can be made whole and return to our Father in Heaven!

“Restoring what you cannot restore, healing the wound you cannot heal, fixing that which you broke and you cannot fix is the very purpose of the atonement of Christ.” – Boyd K. Packer


I’m so excited for General Conference! I loved last Conference! I feel like we are living in prophesied times and these Conferences will become cherished spiritual memories for all those who are striving to #hearHim !

“Hosannah! Hossanah! To God and the Lamb!


~ Todd Bruce

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