My son wanted to use this quote for his talk for our home sacrament meeting awhile back. I loved it so much that I wanted to post it as well. “Our ultimate quest in life is to prepare to meet our Maker.” I wonder if many of us have flip flopped our properties and made the quest to meet our Maker much further down on our priority list. If that feels like that describes you, then join with me in making some much needed changes in our lives. Vitalize with me for a minute, running into the longing arms of God, with the perfect knowledge that He was your most prized quest and desire of your heart. What joy will fill your heart and what love will feel your soul. You will encompassed about by His love and wrapped in His glory. This thought fills my eyes with tears and my heart with an new found burning desire to make Him, my everything. There is no sacrifice too great, no mountain too tall, no gulf too deep, and no trial too hard if in the end we are safe in His arms, it will all be worth it!!!


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