Salvation could not come to the world without the meditation of Jesus Christ. Joseph Smith
This quote really hit home today. Yesterday, I started listening to “Visions of Glory” again. Every time I listen to it, my soul gets filled with light. What an amazing book, I simply love it. As I listened to it this time, the spirit was so strong and I felt a great desire to step up my prayers and my communication with the Lord. This was my first witness.
Then I started editing a video my daughter made for Come, Follow Me and she shared her thoughts about Mosiah 29:20 “…he did deliver them because they did humble themselves before him; and because they cried mightily unto him…” This was my second witness to increase my prayers and to cry mightily unto the Lord.
Finally, I read this amazing quote. Prayer is a form of meditation, but both are required. In my opinion meditation is a form of putting faith in to action.
Let us redouble our efforts to cry mightily unto God and to meditate on Jesus Christ and His atonement. As we do this our level and focus of spirituality will increase in our lives.
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