‘The reward is so great, so eternal and everlasting, so joyful’ that we will scarcely comprehend the price that was asked of us in life. All we are asked is to love one another, keep the commandments, come unto the Father with broken hearts and contrite spirits in the name of Jesus Christ and willfully forego our agency in order to obedient unto Him. The trade off is ridiculous, we win that trade ten out of ten times. But often, we choose to think that we know better! Think to yourselves, who has a better track record of success, yourself or God? Trust in Him and be better!

“I do not know why we have the many trials that we have, but it is my personal feeling that the reward is so great, so eternal and everlasting, so joyful and beyond our understanding that in that day of reward, we may feel to say to our merciful, loving Father, ‘Was that all the was required?’ I believe that if we could daily remember and recognize the depth of that love our Heavenly Father and our Saviour have for us, we would be willing to do anything to be back in Their presence again, surrounded by Their love eternally. What will it matter … what we have suffered here if, in the end, those trials are the very things which qualify us for the eternal life and exaltation in the kingdom of God with our Father and Saviour.” – Linda S. Reeves


We need to be consciously aware of the voices we listen to and the paths we follow. If we are not careful, we might just find out that we’ve built our foundation on sandy shores and have put ourselves at risk.

“If we spend too much time in faithless places, seemingly well-intended voices deprive us of the spiritual oxygen we need.” – David P. Homer


If nothing else, our experiences should tell us that there is always more to it when somebody stumbles, falters or chooses another way. Knowing our own struggles should buy others some leeway and forgiveness. Let’s be better and allow room for others to make mistakes and grow, just as the Saviour has given each of us that room. Love one another and be kind!

“Who am I to judge another when I walk imperfectly?” – Lord I Would Follow Thee, LDS Hymn 220


Life is for the living. We don’t need to intentionally running around making mistakes, but mistakes will be made, and learning will happen. As we learn we can be made better. So don’t regret, but strive to learn and be better, so we can minimize the hardest learning experiences.

“To regret the experience is to regret the lesson – Because the lesson is inextricably contained in the experience.” – Chad Hymas


Don’t ever give up! Not ever! Keep pressing forward! Hold fast to the faith you have. Brighter days are ahead. God loves you yesterday today, tomorrow and everyday! The night might seem dark, but Jesus Christ is the light of the world and He will brighten up any darkness you might be facing, just please don’t ever stop trying!

“Night never had the last word. The dawn is always invincible.” – Hugh B. Brown


Life is a challenge! It’s meant to be a challenge. But those challenges come in peaks and valleys. Part of the lesson is to teach us to love one another and show empathy and concern for others. Life can be hard, but it’s made easier with friends and neighbours who care!

“When we, for the moment are not being stretched on a particular cross, we should be at the feet of someone else’s, full of empathy and proferring spiritual refreshment.” – Neal A. Maxwell


The world is crazy right now and it’s easy to get distracted between the politics, the uncertainty, and the problems of the world. It’s more important than ever to be found doing the right things.

“The message is clear: Whether in prosperity or in adversity, if we are not diligent and faithful, even the elect of God, even those greatly blessed by the Lord, can fall prey to the Great Lie and become hard-hearted, self-absorbed, stiff-necked, and puffed up in their pride.” – Kim B. Clarke


We choose! God will not force us into one path or another, that is Satan’s plan! Satan has no other interest other than taking away our agency and the freedom that comes with it! He restricts us by enticing us to go into debt, become addicted to drugs, alcohol and pornography and to shame, isolate and alienate us from thinking we can be saved. God has no such thoughts, our Heavenly Father is a God of Peace, a God of Choice and a God of Love. Because He is that way, we choose!

“Agency is your power to become. Each choice takes you closer to or further from what you are meant to become.” – Randall L. Ridd


With General Conference coming up and especially with the state of the world as it is, never has there been a greater need for inspiration! Devote yourself to receiving the revelation from God which will lead to eternal joy and happiness. Do what is right, let the consequence follow! Happy conference weekend everyone!

“Never forget that there are two powers in the universe; one invited us to choose the right and experience eternal joy and happiness, and the other invites us to choose the opposite, bringing sadness and regret. Life is a test – a time to see which invitation we will accept.” – M. Russell Ballard


No matter what we do, there will be shortcomings and missed assignments. I’m not sure the Saviour will hold these against us. Learning and striving to be better will help us want to reduce these instances. Our love of the Saviour will have us wanting to serve Him as best as we can.

“I am not afraid of death. What I am afraid of is that I will meet the Saviour and He will say, ‘you could have done better.” – Spencer W. Kimball


Oh how I love General Conference! My prayer is that each who is desiring to Hear Him, will do so through the voice of His holy prophets and the Holy Spirit.

“The most important lasting effects of this historic conference will be as our hearts change and we commence a lifelong quest to hear Him.” – Russell M. Nelson


I loved so many talks from the morning session! All I can think of is I need to go take some vitamins and rest up between sessions! I loved this quote! It’s a part of everything I try to do! Our relationships with our God, our Saviour and one another are the most important of things we will learn in this life! Treat others well! Love them and show them that love by your word and deed!

“Because they are such a natural part of the Church of Jesus Christ, we sometimes forget the importance of relationships in our ongoing journey to Christ.” – Douglas D. Holmes


The more humble we are, the more we’ll see Jesus Christ in our lives. If we refuse to Him, we risk requiring something dramatic or devastating to help us to draw closer to Him. Remember your spiritual experiences and choose to draw close to Him. Be thou humble!

“What does it take for you to be drawn to the Saviour?” – Dale G. Renlund


All these things will give us experience! Our Heavenly Father isn’t interested in punishing us in the mortal life, but teach us what it takes to become more like Him. As we suffer and are tried, we come to better understand the Atonement of the Saviour and strive to be more like Him.

“With the passage of time, moral agency and mortal experiences help us become more like our Saviour as we labor with Him in His vineyard and follow His covenant path.” -Gerrit W.Gong


It doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to recognize that a man and women are different, but that difference does not make one lesser than the other. We each have our strengths and when working together, we are much better and can great good than working separately!

“When women and men work together we accomplish a great deal more than we do working separately, our roles are complementary rather than competitive.” – Jean B. Bingham


The Church of Jesus Christ is the kingdom of God on Earth. Our goal is to prepare the world for the return of the Saviour of the world. We do so by doing what He would do, by loving and serving one another and by being a light in the world. A light hidden is good for nothing, so let your light shine so be the light!

“Let us not just talk of Christ, or preach of Christ or employ a symbol to remind us of Christ, let us put our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ into action.” – Russell M. Nelson


We are, quite literally, all in this together! We need to be doing the right things and helping each other to do the right things, so the world can progress to a point where we are prepared for the return of the Saviour of the world!

“The doctrine of Jesus Christ unties all of us – around the world – as sons and daughters of God, as brothers and sisters in the gospel.” – Ronald A. Rasband


“We do not come to the temple to hide from or escape the evils of the world. Rather, we come to the temple to conquer the world of evil.” – David A. Bednar

We can and should apply the temple and the principles taught therein in helping us to be better, not simply as a time out from the world, although I do appreciate being able to hit the pause button while inside the temple. But the real power is in changing, turning and putting our hearts and focusing on Jesus Christ.

“The essence of the Lord’s work is changing, turning, and purifying hearts through gospel covenants and priesthood ordinances.” – David A. Bednar


We will be judged off the opportunities we’ve been given and what we have done with those opportunities, but our loving Father in Heaven will continue to give us opportunities to grow and be better! The more we take advantage of those opportunities, the more we will grow and the more opportunities we’ll be given to continue to grow!

“We will be judged according to our actions, the desires of our hearts and the kind if person we have become.” – Dallin H. Oaks


Keep trying and keep moving forward. At no point have you been disqualified from His love, His care and attention or of His grace. God is simply there, always beckoning us to Him. When you fall, dust yourself off, and press forward! He is waiting!

“There is no threshold of perfection you must attain in order to qualify for God’s grace.” – Dieter F. Uchtdorf


~ Todd Bruce

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