As we journey thru life, opportunities will arise to help and serve others. We cannot make this journey alone, and it’s thru serving others and being served by others, that we can make it. God loves each and every one of us, and loves to see us serve one another. Please remember the difference between one refuses to act, one who will just act and one who will act with love. If you can act with love, you will move mountains and change hearts. People have a unique ability to cut through inauthentic efforts and we also respond best to love. Go and do and love!

“Act by inspiration, motivated by love.” – Russell M. Nelson


I pray that when the day comes that the world turns on the saints and against Jesus Christ, we’ll have the strength to always remember Him and to always stand by Him. There is nothing to be gained by going to the great and spacious building, or even by releasing our firm grasp on the iron rod. Pray for strength, and to be obedient to the guidance of our prophet so that you are on a solid foundation and will stand with your Saviour.

“‘What would Jesus Do?’ will not always be a popular response.” – Jeffrey R. Holland


We let the Lord know we are serious by our faith. Not the hopeful, wishful thinking kind of faith that disappears when we don’t get what we want, but the kind of faith that leads us to act, to improve, to help others, and to be the best version of ourselves. When we are at that state, the Lord will work wonders thru us.

“When you let the Lord know that you are serious about doing exactly what you came to earth to do, watch what happens. He may change many things dramatically. So hand on for the ride of your life. The ride that you were born to take.” – Wendy Watson Nelson


Now is the time to exercise our faith. We speak of having faith in God. It’s the first principle of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Well, now is the time to exercise that faith! We need to let that faith lead us to do the right things! Don’t panic at this time, let your faith guide you to invite the spirit of peace into your life, and move forward!

“Now is the time to exercise our faith. Now is the time to commit ourselves to righteousness. Now is the time to do whatever it is required to resolve our undesired circumstances. Now is the time to reconcile with God through the merciful process of change afforded us by the Redeemer of mankind.” – Donald L. Hallstrom


Journey on! Focus on what you can do and do it! Remember what you have learned, and the strategies you’ve been taught and move forward. God is aware of you and Heaven is cheering you on. The opportunities for growth are there and your Saviour is awaiting you, seek Him and the peace of the Lord will be yours as you press on!

“My friends, life will challenge you. Difficulties will come. Heartbreaks will strike. So wherever you are going, make your way to Christ first. Make you covenants with Him and keep them as you journey on.” – Jeffrey R. Holland


Take courage! The Lord is working a miracle with, for and through you, and miracles take time! You wouldn’t want to get a rotten miracle would you? When you pray for a miracle, trust in Him! Part of trust in Him is trusting in His timing!

“God doesn’t work for Amazon Prime. HE doesn’t guarantee two-day delivery. Keep Waiting, Keep Praying. Keep Believing.” – Amy Weatherly


We are all here to learn and grow and be better. Part of being better is helping others on their journey. We learn so much about God and about ourselves from helping others! Do better and be better and help one another!

“We’re all just walking each other home.” – Ram Dass


Prayer is a gift! It allows us to learn from our Heavenly Father. As we earnestly pray, we attune ourselves to God and the opportunities He has blessed us with. When we are attuned, we are better able to recognize blessings or share gratitude, and that in turn refines our ability to recognize His hand in our life and further builds our trust in Him.

“Simply saying prayers is quite a different thing from engaging in meaningful prayer.” – David Bednar


We make choices every day which indicate our willingness to obey! The commandments are not arbitrary rules which God put in place to test our obedience. They are in place to teach us and protect us. Much like the rules of the road and good driving habits, we can choose to obey, or choose to risk having a serious incident. Speeding, not wearing a seatbelt and texting while driving could lead to disastrous results. Taking lightly the Sabbath day, allowing addiction into our life whether through drugs, alcohol, or pornography, or simply by murmuring against or being unforgiving of our leaders, who are just making the best decisions with the information they have, will lead to disastrous results for us spiritually. Let’s be better, let’s be good citizens and people who are lovers of God and obedient to His counsel. Be safe everyone!

“Obedience is a choice. It is a choice between our own limited knowledge and power and God’s unlimited wisdom and omnipotence.” – L. Tom Perry


Our efforts may be menial, but they still make all the difference! God gives us commandments and trials to test us! He tests our faith and willingness to be obedient! How we respond to these trials will dictate the blessings and trials we will receive in the future. No amount of faith will guarantee that we will be exempt from trials. Faith is trusting in God and being ok with whatever trials comes our way. There are a lot of nerves and uncertainty floating around but we need to remember that the only thing we need to fear is sin, because sin is the only thing that can separate us from our God. Yes, our efforts may be menial, but they lead to miracles.

“Whatever God requires is right, no matter what it is, although we may not see the reason thereof until long after the events transpire.” – Joseph Smith


Building your own self esteem by tearing another’s down is an easy and dangerous habit to get into. It doesn’t improve, elevate or help us in any way. It only creates negative and severs the connections we should be working to strengthen. We need to be better and strive to look to for the good and be forgiving of the shortcomings of others. In short, treat others as Jesus would treat them!

“Looking for the weakness in others is easy, but missing out on their humanity is a mistake.” – M. Russell Ballard


~Todd Bruce

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