Mothers and wives are some of the most under appreciated yet valuable members of society. They do it all and many work on top of everything else. A mother’s influence on her children cannot be overstated. The Army of Helaman credited their mothers with teaching them of Christ and a mother’s role is no less important in these last days.

“No woman should ever feel the need to apologize or feel that her contribution is less significant because she is devoting her primary efforts to raising and nurturing children. Nothing could be more significant in our Father in Heaven’s plan. Second, we should all be careful not to be judgmental or assume that sisters are less valiant if the decision is made to work outside the home. We rarely understanding or fully appreciate people’s circumstances.” – Quentin L. Cook


I don’t know the originator of this quote but it’s outstanding! Look to your Saviour because He is your Saviour as much as He is mine. He has a personal relationship to each and every one of us. He knows us and is uniquely qualified to understand what we are facing. I thank God for the plan of happiness and that Jesus Christ stepped up and Atoned for each of us. What a love indeed!

“He died for me knowing that I might now ever want Him. What a love. I’ll live for that.”


The Holy Ghost is a gift from our Heavenly Father. It’s literally a member of the Godhead that can be with us always, as long as we are worthy of Its presence. Please remember that although we may justify poor choices or behaviour, the Holy Spirit will only stay if It’s in invited. It will leave if offended. Do what you must to keep the Spirit to be with you, and strive to learn the languages in which the Spirit speaks.

“The Spirit speaks to different people in different ways, and He may speak to the same person in different ways at different times. As a result, learning the many ways He speaks to us is a lifelong quest.” David P. Homer


Each of us has a responsibility to maintain a strong relationship to our Saviour. No one else can do that for us. He is at the door, but only you can open it. It sounds easy enough to do, and it is, compared to managing in life alone. but before you can open the door, you must decide and commit to doing what you must in order to have the strength to open that door. We cannot turn that door knob with weak wrists or half-hearts. Commit to Him and He will be there for you always!

“What enables us to live righteously is not out devotion to commandments, But our devotion to Christ.” – Stace Hucks Christianson


I occasionally get asked why I run this account. It can take up some time to create picture quotes and add insightful thoughts, then share them on various other social media sites. I do it mostly to add some inspiration to everyone’s feeds and this quote by Sister Larsen reinforces the need for more positivity in our lives. Seek the good and avoid the bad. Our souls need the boost from things that invite the Spirit and Satan laughs when we are brought low by negativity.

“In a world organized to highlight the negatives, most of us could better serve ourselves and the world by increasing our flow of positives to friends and strangers alike.” – Jo Ann Larsen


Your Heavenly Father wants to hear from you. He knows how you’re doing, but He still wants to hear how you think you’re doing! He wants to hear when you’re happy and full of gratitude, or sad and mourning. He wants to hear from you when you’re angry or struggling. He simply wants to hear from you, because when you are involved and have invested time and care, you are paying close enough attention that you will recognize the calming hand of the Lord in your life. He will bless you and you will notice. He could simply give you what you needed each time, but then you wouldn’t learn. So pray, and pray with your whole heart!!

“Pray in the name of Jesus Christ about your concerns, your fears, your weaknesses – Yes, the very longings of your heart, and then listen!” — Russell M. Nelson


My friends, God loves each and every one of us. He wants us to return to live with Him. He provided each of us a world, a body and a plan to help us achieve that goal. He knows our potential and wants us to succeed! Look to Him and live!

“The worth of souls is great in the sight of God” — Doctrine & Covenants 18:10


I love, love, love the Dallin H Oaks talk, ‘Good, Better, Best’, and this quote from Bro. Scott perfectly describes how the good things can actually distract us from the better or best things. Cell phones, sports, music, entertainment, idea games, family history etc etc etc are not necessarily bad, but when taken to excess to the point of not taking care of the most important things then they can become a problem. Focus on doing the right things at the right time and try and strike a balance in your life.

“A distraction does not have to be evil to be effective!” -Steve Scott


We are free to choose, but not free from the consequences of those choices. It’s such a fundamental right to our mortal lives that God won’t stop us from making mistakes. He especially won’t step in for through mistakes we may learn and learning to be like Him is the whole point!

“His son has made you free – not from the consequences of your acts but free to make choices. God’s eternal purpose is for you to be successful in this mortal life.” – Richard G. Scott


Satan is the author of all misery and misery lives company. He wants you to think you are beyond repair, but you are not. You are never too far for the Saviour to redeem you. Jesus Christ has that power and He loves you enough to meet you where you’re at and help you to be better. Start where you are and take His hand and be better.

“Satan does not want you to think you can change. HE will try to convince you that all is lost. That is a lie. You can return. You can repent. You can be pure and holy because of the Saviour’s infinite atonement.” – Elaine S. Dalton


On this Earth, in this mortal body, we are here to be tested. Part of that test is to see if we will follow God despite all of the temptations, love Him despite all of our trials, and serve others despite our schedules and willingness. This is our chance, our opportunity to learn, grow and become like Him. We have a work to do, that no one else can do like we can. Be prepared and take advantage of those opportunities. A kind word at the right time can make all the difference.

“No one is sent by accident to anyone.” – A Course in Miracles


Jesus never moves away from us, He maintains His position at all times. We only closer to or further away from Him. He is always reaching and inviting. He sends disciples to minister to each of us, encouraging us to come into Him.

“You didn’t find Jesus, He found you. He wasn’t lost, you were.” – Matt Chandler


Never stop! At no point in your journey are you safe from Satan’s many attempts to distract, derail or delay you on your journey. We need to be found doing the things that bring the Spirit and help us to avoid those wicked attempts. Too much is at stake! Strive to #hearHim today and each time you read the scripture or listen to the Prophets of God!

“Lucifer means ‘bringer of Light.’ He was one of the highest angels. Yet he still rebelled. Just because you’re in a good place now doesn’t mean you should stop seeking the word of God.” – Anonymous


God loves you. He has worked without end to create this world and the life you are now living. He continues to shape your future and help you to grow. He wants to hear from you and for you to learn from it. Never hesitate to apologize to Him, to thank Him, and to ask Him for help! He may not give you what you ask, but He will give you what you need!

“You need the help of the Lord. Never hesitate to get on your knees in some private place and speak with Him.” – Gordon B. Hinckley


What would you do differently today? If you you knew you would meet your Saviour tomorrow, would you live today differently? Let’s be found living the life we are meant to live, prepared each and every day for the coming of our Lord. God loves you and want you to be your best self! Prepare now to meet Him, for one day, you will.

“What if the day of His coming were tomorrow? If we knew that we would meet the Lord tomorrow – through our premature death or through His unexpected coming – what would we do today?” – Dallin H. Oaks


We can plan a trip all day long, but until we go, we will not experience all that that journey will entail. Like taking a trip, reaching our goals will not be without challenges or problems. Pushing through those challenges is where we learn and grow. It is why the plan of salvation exists and why we chose the plan. So go forward, make your plans and do!

“It’s in the doing, not just the thinking that we accomplish our goals.” – Thomas S. Monson


Do not continue in darkness! Seek out the Light of the world to illuminate your path. Thru Jesus Christ, you will shun the bad and seek the good. Do not allow Satan to overwhelm you with so much stuff that you can focus on the things that matter most. Decide what your priorities are and strive to that end. If you decide that Jesus Christ is your priority, you will never be unhappy or alone!

“The more distractions that surround us, the easier it is to treat casually, then ignore, ans then forget our connection with God.” – Donald L. Hallstrom


~ Todd Bruce

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