Happiness comes as a result of our obedience and our courage in always doing the will of God, even in the most difficult circumstances.

Benjamin De Hoyos

For a moment, visualize one of the most difficult circumstances that you can think of. My mind went to Abraham, who was commanded to offer up his son Isaac. On one hand the Lord promised Abraham posterity as numerous as the stars or the sand on the seashore, and on the other hand, He asked him to sacrifice his son who would be the means of accomplishing or fulfilling that promise. What a paradox, and how utterly difficult that must have been for him, and yet he was obedient and showed forth great courage in doing the right, and he was blessed far beyond his wildest dreams. His happiness is great, even so great to be saved in Eternal glory with God and Christ forever and ever. His posterity truly will be as the stars or the sand upon the seashore. What happiness will your obedience and your courage to do the right bring upon you?


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