January 25th – February 6th, 2020

I’ve never really understood meekness but then a read a book on the Beatitudes called ‘Blessed.’ Meekness is willing to take correction, its listening to our leaders, and it’s understanding that you didn’t do something because you could, it’s doing something (or not doing something) because you should. Just because an axe could chop down a whole forest, it doesn’t mean it should. So be better and be meek!

“Meekness is a defining attribute and is distinguished by righteous responsiveness, willing submissiveness, and strong self-restraint.” – David A. Bednar


We have so many blessings. Our lives. Our bodies. Our homes. Our family. Our liberty. Our opportunities. Count your many blessing! Count them one by one, count your many blessings and see what the Lord hath done!

“Joy comes when I pay attention to all things I’m grateful for instead of all my problems.” – Janene Wolsey Baadsgaard


There is work to do. Work that is unfinished. Bridges unbuilt, books unwritten, songs unsung. There are mountains unclimbed and challenges unconquered. So go and build, complete and conquer! There is work to do, and God needs workers!

“God left the world unfinished for man to work his skill upon. He left electricity in the cloud, the oil in the earth. He left the rivers unbridged and the forests unfelled and the cities unbuilt. God gives to man the challenge of raw materials, not the ease of finished things. He leaves the pictures unpainted and the music unsung and the problems unsolved, that man might know the joys and glories of creation.” – Thomas S. Monson


In these Latter-days, we can not afford to hope our children and families and friends are receiving the strength and support they ought to be receiving. If there are people in your sphere of influence that you can uplift and help through your actions, do so. Making regular our service will help. Sharing scriptures and prayers will help, but only if we do. If we do, I think we will find our children, family and friends will have been better for our doing so.

“Lessons taught through traditions we establish in our homes though small and simple, are increasingly important in today’s world.” – Steven R. Bangerter


Saw this Joseph Smith quote today, “Weary the Lord until He blesses you.” And I couldn’t agree more! Cry unto Him! Beg, plead and talk with Him as you would someone with whom you rely on for your life, because you do! Your physical and spiritual well-being hangs in the balance and depends on your willingness to humble yourself before the Lord and beg for His help! So beg away, and weary Him with your begging!

“The immediate goodness of God comes to all who call upon Him with real intent and full purpose of heart.” – Kyle S. McKay


For Come, Follow Me, we discussed Nephi’s efforts to build a ship with the Lord’s guidance. We pointed out to the kids how the Lord prepared Bountiful with all the materials to build tools and the high quality timbers to use. He prepared a way we’ll before the need was there. The last verse of chapter 18 also speaks of the promised land and how it had all the materials they would need to prosper. The Lord is mindful of you and has provided a way for you, whether you know it or not. I can assure you though, relying on the Lord and following His plans for you will be of greatest benefit to you. So press on, and thank the Lord for His tender care and attention in your life.

“One aspect of that perfect love is our Heavenly Father’s involvement in the details of our lives, even when we may not be aware of it or understand it.” – Brook P. Hales


We need not be so hard on ourselves! If we are trying, we are doing. All the Lord asks is we try, we don’t need to be perfect. We are all natural men (or women) but if we attempt to a spiritual man (or woman) and we still struggle, it’s not because we have failed, it’s because that’s the test. The test of life is equal for all, to see if we would rely on our Saviour! So keep trying, but remember, you really gotta try!!

“There is a difference between the natural man and the spiritual man who is taunted by the natural world in which he lives.” – Robert L. Millet


It’s a funny thing to be humble, because it’s not really something you can think about or dwell on. The harder you try to improve yourself by being humble, the more you’re worried about yourself. It’s when you forget about yourself and go to work that you are being humble, as you’re putting the needs of others ahead of the wants or needs of yourself.

“We don’t discover humility by thinking less of ourselves; we discover humility by thinking less about ourselves.” – Dieter F. Uchtdorf


‘When the going gets tough, the tough get going!’ What does ‘get going’ mean? I like to think it means the tough dig deep and find a way to press forward, to see just how much character each person has. But I also think, more importantly than how far we are willing to go, when trials appear, how do we respond? And does that response include the Lord? Those two questions will speak volumes to how each of us get going and ultimately, how far each of us will go!

“Our most significant opportunities will be found in times of greatest difficulty.” – Thomas S. Monson


As much as this a prayer pleading to our Heavenly Father, it’s also very much applied to each of us. Don’t allow him room and certainly don’t invite him in. Satan has no interest other than to rob and corrupt your soul and remove any chance of feeling the Spirit in your life. Each of us has two wolves within us; feeding Satan chases away the Spirit, and maintaining the Spirit closes the door on Satan. The two cannot coexist.

“Give place no more for the enemy of my soul.” – 2 Nephi 4:28


Keep pressing forward, if you’re alive, if you haven’t been released from a calling or if your circle of influence has or hasn’t changed, it’s because there is work to do, people to help and souls to save. Don’t ever begin to think your work is finished. The opportunities are too numerous, your role in this work is too vital and too much is at stake. Always be ready to defend and bear testimony of your Saviour. Don’t ever quit! Rest and take care of yourself, but don’t ever quit.

“Here is the test to find whether your mission on the Earth is finished. If you’re alive, it isn’t.” – Richard Bach


When reading about Lehi’s family in the wilderness, it’s no surprise that Nephi’s bow broke where it did or why they stayed by the seashore and named the area bountiful. The Lord prepared for these occurrences and knew what Lehi’s family would need for materials to build an effective bow, which is no small accomplishment, or to build a boat, a huge task! God is a Master Planner and is so many steps ahead, that we question if He’s there at all. But He is there, and He is building you into something amazing! You will see! So recognize and be grateful for His guiding hand in your life.

“One day, when we look back at the seeming coincidences of our lives, we will realize that perhaps they weren’t so coincidental after all.” – Thomas S. Monson


I always imagined when we were in the Pre-Earth life, that we were presented with what our life would be like, then were given a choice of what strengths and weaknesses we would have. But the older I get, the more I realize just how much control we do have in life. We are choosing our strengths and weaknesses right now, by what we focus on. Sometimes, we fortify one aspect of our lives, but leaves the gates wide open in another. These are choices we are making daily. With help from Jesus Christ, we can be better and strengthen up the weak things in our life by building up a resistance to it, but we have to put in the effort to close that gate! Don’t let a temptation you choose, affect your standing in the kingdom! Be better today!

“It is our own desires which determines the sizing and the attractiveness of various temptations. We set out thermostats as to out temptations.” – Neal A. Maxwell


We often cite the Israelites refusing to look at the staff of Moses as the prime example of being proud and refusing to look, but I firmly believe that when the veil is removed, we will realize the opportunity that we had in this life and be shocked that we too balked at the ask and it won’t simply be because of the easiness of the way. We will also refuse to look because it was a difficult thing that was asked. But in that day, we will look at our lives and be stunned at the opportunities lost. This will happen, and all we can do now is to take advantage of every opportunity given, don’t find excuses, simply we need to look to God and live.

“Look to God and live.” – Alma 37:47



~Todd Bruce

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