February 7th – February 17th, 2020

“Every day you are teaching your children what it means to be a father.” – Larry M. Gibson

It is said that when we think about our relationship with our Heavenly Father, we are really thinking about our relationship with our earthly Father. This is a lot of pressure on a dad, but illustrates the importance of setting priorities and acting on those priorities. We need to let our children know they are a priority by spending quality time with them and helping them to feel loved and cared for. They are not an obligation, they are a child of God placed in your care and if they don’t have a great relationship with you, how can they have a great relationship with their God. Schedule time to spend with each of your children in a loving and meaningful way, and your relationship will grow!

“There is no other relationship like that which can and should exist between a boy and his dad.” – M. Russell Ballard


Sometimes, the fog will seem thick and it’ll be hard to feel the warmth of the sun, but you can be sure that it is there. Likewise, our Heavenly Father is always there, watching over us. While things might not go as we hoped, they will always give us chances to learn and grow and you can be sure that our Heavenly Father is invested in your life and is guiding it towards the warmth and love that only He can provide.

“We have assurances that in His own way and in His own time, Heavenly Father will bless us and resolve all of our concerns, injustices, and disappointments.” – Brook P. Hales


There are no short cuts to eternal happiness. The goal is clear though, if we want eternal happiness, it can only be achieved through Jesus Christ. Don’t be distracted by the things of the world in your pursuit of Him.

“Let me make it completely clear that the people in that building (great and spacious building) have absolutely nothing to offer expect instant, short-term gratification inescapable connected to long-term sorrow and suffering.” – Glenn L. Pace


Prayer is the action given to man to bring our desires and plans into alignment with God’s. We cannot progress without it. We will not grow through ignorance. Avoiding or delaying a decision might provide short term relief but increasingly puts our eternal happiness at risk. Praying and trying to persuade God unto a course of action, then being angry when things don’t go how we hoped will also frustrate our growth. It’s only through bringing our will into alignment with God’s that we can truly come to know Him and become the best version of ourselves!

“If there lives a man who has never really prayed, that man is a stranger in the family of God’s children. Prayer is for the uplifting of the supplicant. God without our prayers would be God; but we without prayer cannot be admitted into the kingdom of God.” – James E. Talmage


We are living in a day that is preparing for the coming of the Saviour of the World. Things seem to be speeding up. The number of changes in the last few years is evidence of that. It is more critical than ever to be found keeping the commandments of God and to be striving to be better. Do the right things by aligning yourself with the will of God’s by attending the temple, studying the scriptures and earnestly praying. If you do so, when He comes, you will recognize Him and rejoice.

“The Church when restored to its fullness, will prepare the world for the coming of the Lord.” – Russell M. Nelson


The Church of Jesus Christ is the kingdom of God on Earth. We will draw closer to God by humbly following the prophets and apostles and by focusing on Christ’s role in our lives. When we do so, we shall stand a little taller, lengthen our stride and press forward in helping the world prepare the second coming of Jesus Christ.

“Now, my brethren and sisters, the time has come for us to stand a little taller, to lift our eyes and stretch our minds to a greater comprehension and understanding of the grand millennial mission of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” – Gordon B. Hinckley


I love this verse of scripture. It’s a perfect example of a scripture that finds new meaning in the different stages of life.
I hope as a parent, I can instill in my children a love of God. I hope they will study the scriptures and counsel with their Father in Heaven. I hope they will walk in truth, but if not, I will love them anyway.

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.” 3 John 1:4


Jesus Christ, the Saviour of all and of the one, suffered and died for each and every one of us. He suffered for our sins, our trials, and our struggles. He understands what we are about, in fact, He is the only one who fully understands what each and every one of us has gone through, is going through and will go through. He is uniquely qualified to be our advocate with the Father. I’m grateful to have Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father in my corner and cheering me on.

“Our Redeemer, the Lord, Jesus Christ, came to pay a debt He didn’t owe, because we owed a debt we couldn’t pay.” Russell M. Nelson


This is such an important principle to keep in mind. There is peace in the Plan of Salvation. Regardless of what is going on in the world. Regardless of all the things that could overwhelm and weigh you down, there is peace in Christ. Hold fast to your relationship with Him and in your testimony of the Plan of Salvation and you will find happiness.

“If you understand the great plan of happiness and follow it, what goes on in the world will not determine your happiness.” – Boyd K. Packer


Now is the time. Don’t procrastinate moving forward. Today is the day for you to grow and be better. The Sun is rising, the kingdom is growing and the work is moving forward, we need to be doing all we can to help. There is work to do that only you can do. Too much is at stake. Now is the time to commit to being better. So be better, and do better.

“This is a season to be strong. It is a time to move forward without hesitation. knowing well the meaning, the breadth, and the importance of our mission. It is a time to do what is right regardless of the consequences that might follow. It is a time to be found keeping the commandments. It is a season to reach out with kindness and love to those in distress and to those who are wandering in darkness and pain. It is a time to be considerate and good, decent and courteous toward one another in all our relationships. In other words, to become more Christlike.” – Gordon B. Hinckley


Please don’t stop! You play too important a role in God’s Army. No one can do what you can do. There are people who need you to be there for them at a critical time, but the only one who knows who and when that time is, is God. All we can do is the right things at the right time. Keep up the great work and know that you have help. You are never alone. Lean on your Saviour and He will help you overcome the challenges in your life!

“The Lord knows how hard you are trying. You are making progress. Keep going. He sees all your hidden sacrifices and counts them to you good and the good of those you love.” Your work is not in vain. You are not alone.” Sharon Eubank


Our Faith in Jesus Christ demands that we be better and do better. It demands we try to pattern our life after His. As we strive to do so, we grow and become the people that He would have us be.

“Our personal responsibility is to learn what we should learn, to live as we know we should like, and to become who the Master would have us become.” – David A. Bednar


Faith is a belief that causes one to act. If you are working to make changes in your life, even if they are minute. You are growing and stretching and helping yourself become better. Do the work required to gain a testimony of Jesus Christ, then exercise that faith and strive to be better.

“You have more faith than you think you do.” – Jeffrey R. Holland


~Todd Bruce


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