People, whether they are members, less actives, or nonmembers, have the unique ability to tell if someone really cares. If your invitations are half-hearted or without any real intent, people can tell, just as God can tell when we really mean it when we pray, or when we’re just saying a prayer. When we do something, do it with all the energy of our soul. Invite and follow up. See a need and fill it. Be the person you were meant to be by living intentionally and love!

“Love is the greatest power and will have the most powerful influence.” – Elaine S. Dalton


Marriage is a two-way street, requiring forgiveness, compromise and dedication from both partners. Working together, parents will provide a solid foundation for their children to grow and feel loved. This is the ideal, but not always the reality. You can’t force a relationship to be successful, but if both partners are committed to each other and to God, they have provided themselves the greatest chance at a successful marriage

“Husband and wife have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other and their children.” – The Family: a Proclamation to the World


If you ever want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans. Despite our best intentions, God has our best interests in mind when He doesn’t give us everything we want or when He allows some trial or adversity to manifest in our lives. It doesn’t make it easy to go through, but trusting in Him should and sometimes, you have to thank your Heavenly Father for unanswered prayers.

“Sometimes, our prayers are not answered int he way he hope for, yet with time we learn that God had greater blessings prepared for us than we initially anticipated.” Brook D. Hales


When we talk about doing the right things, it’s not for when things are going great, I mean, it applies to then as well, but when we’re asked to choose the right, read the scriptures, pray with real intent and serve one another, these very much apply in the tough times, when we don’t want to do it. These actions are how we push through the tough times and stay afloat. So pray, even when you don’t want to!

“If we don’t feel like praying, then we should pray until we feel like praying.” – Ezra Taft Benson


I don’t know the originator of this quote, but I love it. When we are the God’s team, we will always come off conqueror. The important thing to remember is our victory may not come as we hoped, but if we trust in God, our overall success will be assured!

“The giant in front of you is never bigger than the God inside of you!”


Satan is jamming the signal as best he can, but it’s only effective if we allow his distractions to work. It’s our choice though. How can you or I ask for the strengthening power of the Holy Ghost, if we’ve just offended the Spirit? We need to be mindful of the music, movies, tv shows and social media content we allow into our homes and minds, thus keeping our hearts and minds in tune and receptive to the Spirit. It’s essential! We will not survive without it!

“This trend to more noise, more excitement, more contention, less restraint, less dignity, less formality is not coincidental, not innocent nor harmless. The first order issued by a commander mounting a military invasion is the jamming of the channels of communication of those he intends to conquer.” – Boyd K. Packer


Rivers generally run into two types of material. Either it’s soft and can be eroded, or it can be hard, and firm and the water has to find a way around it. The eroded material takes effort for the water, but over time, that route gets easier and easier. Getting passed the firm rock requires more effort. The water needs to build up and create a pool. Eventually this pool will be tall enough to overflow passed the rock. The work created to get by both obstacles is not the same, but the lessons learned while overcoming them is the important part. Keep moving, keep learning, keep growing! God will help you, but that doesn’t mean it will be easy!

“That which we persist in doing becomes easier for us to do; not that the nature of the thing itself is changed, but that our power to do is increased.” – Heber J. Grant


Courage isn’t the absence of fear. Or lack of concern over the future. Courage to move forward means, despite your concerns, you are trusting in God that He’s got you! So trust in God and keep moving forward!

“We can have courage to keep moving.” Lisa L. Harkness


We can get to the Celestial Kingdom with the help of Jesus Christ, and how great will be our joy? And if our joy be great at simply being there, how great will be the joy that comes with being there with our spouse and our family?

“While salvation is an individual matter, exaltation is a family matter.” – Russell M. Nelson


One of my favourite quotes that I’ve never given full appreciation. It’s be stated many times, in many different ways and by many people, but in its simplest form, ‘we only fail when we stop trying!’ So don’t ever stop trying! Give yourself a break though, you don’t have to be perfect, just trying to be better! So be better, and don’t ever give up!

“You have not failed until you quit trying.” – Gordon B. Hinckley


We are not meant to live this life without joy and happiness. Life is joy. Life is also sadness. We should mourn with those who mourn, but we can also celebrate each other’s successes and victories. We can celebrate joy our occasions and we can find joy in our loved ones. We can find joy in quiet moments, and we can find joy in Christ! Look around, there’s is beauty, there is joy!

“Find happiness in ordinary things, and keep your sense of humour.” – Boyd K. Packer


The bar is set high, but the Lord has provided a way for each to reach those lofty expectations. It’s through Jesus Christ that each of us become enough, otherwise we’d all fall short. I’m grateful for the plan of redemption that made it possible for us fall, get up and try again!

“Because He loves us, the Lord expects much of us.” – S. Mark Palmer


~Todd Bruce


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