Mathew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God

What is the kingdom of God?  To me this is a loaded question that could be answered many different ways, it’s a personal understanding, and an eternal principle. I also find it intimidating to explain, yet, in the last month I have had two deep conversations about life and religion with complete strangers, whose main question was what/ how/ where is the kingdom of God. These questions have circulated in my mind for weeks now, and as a result, I have fallen in love with the Kingdom of God, and that it is available to all of us in so many ways. 

As we seek the Lord in our lives, we invite the Kingdom of God into our heart, it dwells within us, as we make those commitments to follow Christ. The Kingdom of God on earth is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Just like Christ is not of this world, nether is His kingdom. We have been commanded to live in the world but not of the world, which is exactly what the Kingdom of God is, it is in the world, but not of this world. The world screams at us to seek after riches, power, and followers on social media. Christ lovingly encourages us to seek after peace, understanding, faith, trust, and charity. As these principles penetrate our heart, then we will be living right in the middle of God’s kingdom, welcoming all we meet to come in and partake of His goodness, which is available to all who live on the earth. The greatest part of God’s kingdom is that it is eternal and constant. We can put our full trust in Him, His gospel, and His direction. He loves us all equally, and beckons us to come, follow Him. The adversary is working day and night to distract, deceive, and lull us away from God’s love and His kingdom, but when we immerse ourselves in His ways, wrapped in the power of His ordinances and covenants, Satan has no power over us. We submit our will to God, where is it protected, exalted, and magnified. 

D&C 115:5 Arise and shine forth, that thy light may be a standard for the nations

  • Written by Sherri Jorgensen
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