Truth is truth! But there are things that should hold a much greater value in our lives! While it is true that the Unicorn is the national animal of Scotland, isn’t it more important to know that we are children of God?

It is good to find answers to our questions, but not at the risk of jeopardizing or eternal welfare. Remember the essential truths in life, and everything else will sort itself out, in due time!

“Honestly acknowledge your questions and concerns, but first and forever fan the flame of your faith, because all things are possible to them that believe.” – Jeffrey R. Holland


It’s so difficult to be happy for our trials, but when we recognize God’s hand in our life, and that He loves us and wants the best for us. We can recognize our trials for what they are, opportunities for growth, and we can be grateful for them.

“Being grateful in our circumstances is an act of faith in God.”


This is a prime reason that we must do better and be better. We cannot expect to teach others the Gospel and have them truly believe what is being taught if we don’t live it. The example we set speaks so loudly, they will not be able to hear our words.

“Teaching something that we truly live can make a difference in the hearts of those we teach.” – Ulisses Soares


Faith is the first principle of the gospel for a reason. It’s foundational! It’s essential! It’s necessary for our eternal salvation! It is a gift and needs to be nurtured, but when nurtured, it leads us to act and strengthens us.

“If the foundation of faith is not embedded in our hearts, the power to ensure will crumble.” – Henry B. Eyring


We are each responsible for our relationship with Jesus Christ. He will always be there, reaching out for us, but it is up to us to reach up to Him. We can read or hear how others have come unto Jesus, but we still need to make an effort for our own sakes!

“If all you or I know about Jesus Christ and His restored gospel is what other people teach or tell us then the foundation of our testimony of Him and His glorious Latter-day work is built upon sand.” – David A. Bednar


We cannot live this life for anyone else, but I hope that we are the kind of people who encourage others. Help, love, serve and teach them. Do all things that are necessary to help them understand their divine potential, but you must still allow them room to learn for themselves, if that’s what they choose. Having said that, I’ve watched too many friends stray off the covenant path and regret not having said something! If you see another struggling, let them know you love them, then serve them! That’s what Jesus would do!

“As we see threats creeping up on persons or things we love, we have the choice of speaking or acting or remaining silent.” – Dallin H. Oaks


The one thing I really learned this year in Come Follow Me was that Jesus really spent most of His time serving and teaching and I’ve come to realize you can’t really have one without the other. Jesus taught by word and by deed. If we hope to teach others, we must be as Christ and teach with our actions, in so doing, we will learn more about ourselves and the ministry of Jesus Christ!

“Service opens a window by which we understand the life and ministry of Jesus Christ.” – M. Russell Ballard


Being authentic is important, but being Christlike should be the end goal! But don’t be upset if you’re not perfect though, none of us are. But strive to make small changes in your life that bring you closer to God! Cause He wants you to return to Him!

“Being sincerely Christlike is an even more important goal than being authentic.” – Quentin L. Cook


You will find every excuse possible to not go to the temple, but don’t listen to any of them! You simply need to go! You, your spouse and your family will benefit from having gone! So make the temple a priority and go!

“Here you will find personal power – power to change, power to repent, power to learn, power to be sanctified, and power to turn the hearts of your family together and heal that which needs healing.” – Dale G. Renlund


If we are open and attuned to the Spirit, we should be willing to act on promptings. What are prompting and what are your own thoughts? My rule has been if it’s good, do it. Either way, you’re either following the spirit or serving another. But I’ve found promptings to suggest doing something that is out of character or that I don’t really have time for.

“We must act on our first prompting. First promptings are pure inspiration from heaven.” – Ronald A. Rasband


Pray for answers! Earnestly pray and look for answers this weekend while listening to General Conference. I’m excited to hear from the Prophet and other General Authorities. I know I will find the answers I seek!

“Pour out your hearts to God. Remember to pray to Him every morning and night. Pray with your families. Pray in private. Pray to our Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Ghost. In doing so, He will direct you for good in everything you do.” – Russell M. Nelson


Without Jesus, our efforts would wholly insufficient and unacceptable. We are made whole through Him. His grace makes it so. I’m grateful to a loving Heavenly Father for providing a framework for us to receive a physical body, be tested and tried and return to live with Him better than we were. I’m also grateful for a loving elder brother, who sealed the Plan of Salvation with His blood because He loved us so much. I pray I can always remember Him.

“Jesus Christ in is fact the only name or way by which salvation can come to mankind.” – D. Todd Christofferson


Great change requires great actions! We need to remove any of our old distractions if we are to move forward! Great talk by Dale G. Renlund! Great session all around! Looking forward to more!

“I invite you to commit to a lifelong process of discipleship. Make and keep covenants. Throw your old ways into deep, churning waterfalls. Completely bury your weapons of rebellion with no handles sticking out.” – Dale G. Renlund


We need to stay spiritually sharp by reading the scriptures, praying, keeping the commandments and the heeding the warnings of the prophet and apostles! Stay sharp and stay vigilant to avoid great danger!

“Spiritual complacency and casualness make us vulnerable to the advances of the adversary. Spiritual thoughtlessness invites great danger into our lives.” – David A. Bednar


We need to live intentionally! Do what we should be doing with effort. Living the gospel intentionally will changes lives and allow the Spirit of God to act through us! It’s less important how we try than it is that we try!

“Discipleship is not about doing things perfectly, it’s about doing things intentionally.” – Dieter F. Uchtdorf


Sometimes we get ourselves overly worked up. If we remember to trust in Him, we can be still and know who He is and that He loves us and is in control!

“We need to trust the Lord enough to be still and know that He is God, that He knows all things and that He is aware of each of us.” – Ulisses Soares


There’s little to no benefit in dwelling on our weaknesses, or comparing our weaknesses to the strength of others. This is a defeatist mentality. We need to be aware of our shortcomings, but not focus solely on them. Ask for help, and apply your strengths in a way that allows you to overcome your weaknesses. It is possible. Each of us have one strength in common, our relationship to loving Heavenly Parents.

“We must not be so sensitive to our shortcomings that we fail to recognize and magnify our strengths. As we magnify our strengths our weaknesses will become submerged.” – Belle S. Spafford




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