Holiness and the Plan of Happiness – Henry B. Eyring
They say that ignorance is bliss, and that what you don’t know won’t hurt you! That might be true in a short-term closed minded view of life, but we want true happiness, the kind that lasts for eternity, we need to do the things that qualify us for it!
“Some might feel happy enough already, yet surely no one would reject the offer of more happiness. Anyone would be eager to accept a guaranteed offer of lasting happiness.” – Henry B. Eyring
Here’s a pretty straightforward recipe for everlasting happiness! I love listening to Apostles because they know how to invite the Holy Spirit in their talk preparation. Doing so helps them to word things in a manner so that we cannot misunderstand. having said that, following their counsel and abiding by these instructions doesn’t mean life will be easy, but it will be easier than carrying the burden of sin.
” Only by faith in Jesus Christ, continuing repentance, and keeping covenants are we able to claim the lasting happiness we all yearn to experience and retain.” – Henry B. Eyring
As we strive to be better, we will have more opportunities for blessings and for feeling the Spirit of God in our lives! Don’t just be better for others, but make the changes in our personal lives that will bring us closer to Christ, for our own sakes!
“Greater happiness comes from greater personal holiness!” – Henry B. Eyring
Some sobering thoughts for when we want to dwell in our own self misery. The trials we are going through are a part of life, and we knew we’d struggle when we begged to participate in this adventure. Our trials aren’t fun, and they are real, but there is One who already suffered these same trials and knows exactly what we are struggling through. We need to Seek His grace to aid us as we journey on!
“The Son of Man hath descended below them all. Art thou greater than He?” – D&C 122:8
We are some pretty rough material. Each of us requires a considerable amount of refining in order to be ready to receive the will of the Lord. Like a stone in the river, our rough edges need to be smoothed out!
“Greater holiness will not come simply by asking for it. It will come by doing what is needed for God to change us.” – Henry B. Eyring
I love this song! Such inspired words! I hope we all have prayers like this, pleading with our Heavenly Father to be better and to strive to be worthy to return to live with Him one day!
“More purity give me, More strength to o’ercome, More freedom from earth-stains, More longing for home. More fit for the kingdom,More used would I be,More blessed and holy— More, Savior, like thee.” – More Holiness Give Me
I’m grateful for the instruction guide that is the scriptures. Thru reading and studying, we can learn strategies to exercise faith in Christ, demonstrate our obedience to Him, repent, sacrifice, receive ordinances and keep our covenants!
” The scriptures teach us that among other things, we can be sanctified or become more holy when we exercise faith in Christ, demonstrate our obedience, repent, sacrifice for Him, receive sacred ordinances, and keep our covenants with Him.” – Henry B. Eyring
If you are on the covenant path or are making efforts to return to the covenant path, carry on! Don’t get distracted now! You’ve come so far from where you were! Keep moving forward and striving to be better! Happier days are ahead! God is aware of you and pleased with your efforts despite your trials! Hold on thy way!
“Hold on thy way!” – D&C 122:9
If we want to be holy, to be better than we are, then we need to be humble, meek and patient! These are virtues that need practicing, over and over again! But it’s worth it!
“Qualifying for the gift of holiness requires humility, meekness, and patience.” – Henry B. Eyring
We all need the Holy Ghost in our lives. It not remotely up for debate. We simply need to be doing the things that allow us to hear the love, comfort, and inspiration of the Holy Ghost. Make the corrections you need to make. Don’t plan to do it; Do it!
“The Holy Ghost speaks in a still, small voice. I can hear Him when there is spiritual peace in my heart. He brings a feeling of happiness and assurance that I am becoming more holy.” – Henry B. Eyring
The effort we put into becoming better, more holy and more committed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the happier we will be. It won’t be a fleeting joy, but an everlasting happiness that will help us to feel of God’s love for us!
“Your holiness will qualify you for happiness.” – Henry B. Eyring
God is aware of you! He is keenly invested in what you are doing today. He knows the trials and temptations that are challenging you. He cheers your small triumphs and is saddened by your loss. Pray with real intent to feel of His love for you and you will! I know it, because I have done it!
” Thy days are known, and thy years shall not be numbered less; therefore, fear not what man can do, for God shall be with you forever and ever.” – D&C 122:9
Repentance isn’t the backup plan, it is the plan! It isn’t a negative consequence of our poor decisions, but a lifeboat offered whenever we err. The Lord knew we would need repentance and He is happy with any effort we make that brings us closer to Him! What’s stopping you from growing closer to Him today?
“Experience the strengthening power of daily repentance—of doing and being a little better each day.” – Russell M. Nelson
Who doesn’t want to become the best version of themselves? We can only do that by changing who we are. Not by changing our personality or stifling our sense of humour, but by prioritizing our lives and choosing the best things. By choosing the best, we become like Jesus, and when we become like Jesus, we trust in Him to help us in our time of need and will, through time and effort, become our best selves.
“When we choose to repent, we choose to change! We allow the Savior to transform us into the best version of ourselves. We choose to grow spiritually and receive joy—the joy of redemption in Him. When we choose to repent, we choose to become more like Jesus Christ!” – Russell M. Nelson
We are all on different parts of the covenant path, and we all have strengths and weaknesses that help and hinder our ability to stay on the path. Luckily, Heavenly Father has given us tools to help our efforts be more effective. Prayer and revelation are hugely important in guiding us in life and along the covenant path.
“Whatever our personal circumstance, wherever we may be on the covenant path home, may our prayers for greater holiness be answered. I know that as our petition is granted, our happiness will increase. It may come slowly, but it will come.”
~ Todd Bruce
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