Knowing, Loving, Growing by Hans T. Boom

If we are being honest, I bet each of us feels wholly inadequate in parts of our lives. I bet every prophet or apostle had moments when they questioned if they could really do what was asked of them. Luckily for many of us, they were and also, we won’t be asked to do that much, but we will be asked to contribute in our own way. But your contribution will make all the difference to someone.

“Sometimes we might feel that we are, like that gong, good enough only to play a minor part in the performance. But let me tell you that your sound is making all the difference. ” – Hans T. Boom


You are special. You are unique. You are placed in this place at this time because you can excel in your sphere of influence. You won’t just make a difference, but you can make all the difference. So don’t stop now!

“We are all needed to bring color and meaning to this world. ” – Hans T. Boom


Don’t forget who you are! In a world full of distractions, it’s easy to get worked up over things that take us away from God. Remember that you are His child and you need Him! Do what you need to to be close to Him and His light! The alternative leads down a path that leads to sadness, pain and misery!

“The gospel light will provide warmth and healing and will help you understand who you really are and what your purpose in life is.” – Hans T. Boom


I really like the thought that learning to love and serve others prepares us for the Celestial Kingdom because loving and serving one another is what heaven is all about. Ministering helps us to love and serve others in a more effective way.

“Ministering is exercising divine love.” – Hans T. Boom


One thing we can all do better, there is no need to constantly tell our spouse or children or friends or co-workers or anyone how they can improve; they know that already. Let’s give each other a break and work on encouraging others, not pointing out their flaws and shortcomings.

“It is in creating this environment of love that they will be empowered to make the necessary changes in their lives and become better people.” – Hans T. Boom


I love this last line, provide a climate of willingness to change. So often we get trapped in these roles or expectations and we feel like this is what we can offer. But think about it, don’t you have more to offer? Isn’t there some way you can contribute more effectively to helping and serving others. Don’t define yourself as one thing and please don’t trap others in a way that inhibits their growth. We can all be better, so lets be better!

“We all know where we can do better. There is no need to repeatedly remind each other, but there is a need to love and minister to each other and, in doing so, provide a climate of willingness to change.” – Hans T. Boom


Heavenly Father loves you and wants what is best for you. You aren’t here to fail and you aren’t here to stay exactly as you are now. Pray to Him to help you to recognize what you have to offer, then go to work applying those talents and skills to help others to recognize the hand of God in their lives. You will bless others and you will be blessed in the process.

“If you are wondering about your part, I would like to invite you to find a place where you can be alone and ask Heavenly Father to make known to you which part to play.” – Hans T. Boom


God will teach you, He will try you, He will bless you; All you need to do is ask him. He sends His angels to help watch over each of us, but only as we pray for His help in our lives. He teaches us daily and gives us chances to prove our readiness to receive more.

“If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him,” – James 1:5 – Hans T. Boom


We knew coming into this mortal life that it wouldn’t be easy, but Satan puts extra effort into derailing those who are a thorn in his side. He will not make your life easy, so why would you make it easy for him! Ask God for help and stand tall!

“We might expect some opposition as we are living a life of discipleship.” – Hans T. Boom


Jesus Christ loves you enough that He suffered in Gethsemane not just for your sins, but also your trials, challenges, and pains. He suffered knowing many will turn away from Him and reject His Sacrifice. What an amazing Love. If you are struggling, please pray to feel of that love! Pray for help! Pray for heaven to help you to overcome. Thru Jesus, your burdens may be made light and more importantly, you will feel of His light and His love and will be able to hear that beautiful orchestra again.

“If you currently feel you are not able to be part of the orchestra and the path of repentance appears difficult to you, please know that if we keep at it, the burden will be taken from our shoulders and there will be light again.” – Hans T. Boom


Heavenly Father loves you perfectly! Can you imagine abandoning your child when they are pleading for help? Neither can I. Heavenly Father will help you. Pray to Him for help, then open your eyes and ears, because he will bless you, maybe not in the ways you expected or wanted, but He will bless you in ways that are needed!

“Heavenly Father will never leave us when we reach for Him.” – Hans T. Boom


I love this visualization. There is no wound big enough that Heavenly Father’s first aid kit cannot cover or repair. He has experienced and seen it all. Jesus Christ has suffered for all and knows exactly the pain and suffering you are experiencing and how exactly to help you. But you must come to Him for treatment!

Some of us are wounded, but the first-aid kit of the Lord has bandages big enough to cover all of our wounds. – Hans T. Boom


We each play our role. We each can make a huge difference. We each can add to the glorious music that only the Saints and Angels can make in worshipping our merciful and loving Heavenly Parents who at this very moment are worried about you! They provided a way for us to be like Them and we have an opportunity to make Them proud of us. So go and make a difference and add to that beautiful music!

“It is that love that is needed in our dealings with each other as children of our Heavenly Father and as members of His Church and that will enable us to include all the musical instruments in our orchestras so we will be able to perform gloriously with the angelic choirs of heaven when the Savior comes again.” – Hans T. Boom


Do you ever think about that reunion? The one where you run and hug your loving and eternal Heavenly Parents? I believe we will weep with Them and tell Them just how hard life was and how grateful we are for the experience. We will tell Them everything, and I honestly believe They will smile and respond that They know, because They were watching us the whole time!

“He did not send us here to fail but to return gloriously to Him.” – Hans T. Boom


~ Todd Bruce

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