Life won’t always be sunshine and rainbows! It’s especially important to remember to stay on the covenant path not just when it’s convenient but when life’s storms are beating upon you. Be obedient and be sure to study the scriptures and talk with your Heavenly Father, these are an important line of defense against Satan, and are especially important when life seems most challenging. Have faith that the Lord has got your back and the lessons you are learning will be for your and the world’s benefit.

“Faith and obedience are still the answers – even when things go wrong, perhaps especially when things go wrong.” – David E. Sorensen


Everything you’ve ever done has been building up to this day, and the Lord has guided you and everyone else to where they are! Don’t waste a day, take advantage of the blessing that is today!

“This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.” – Psalm 118:24


I love re-listening to some of my favourite conference talks and BYU Speeches. I want them imprinted on my brain so I can draw strength from them when I am tempted or tried. Take time to listen to one talk each day and you will be blessed for it. It’s small changes like this that help keep the Spirit in our lives and block out some of the noise.

“Some of the best sermons we will ever hear will be thus prompted from the pulpit of memory – to an audience of one!” – Neal A. Maxwell


Let us be found helping and loving and serving one another, raising each other through trials and challenges. Let us be unified as a body of Christ and moving everyone towards the goal of being better. Let’s make heaven interesting and invite everyone we know to join the party.

“We are about elevating others, lifting them to a higher, holier place.” – Becky Craven


God loves you because you are His. Satan wants to distract you from this truth. Your spiritual DNA is that of eternal parents, who are keenly invested in how you are doing. They want you to experience life, and to return to live with them. Honour them by following the prophets and doing and being a little better each day!

“Remember your eternal identity as a child of God. Be aware that Satan will try to deceive you about who you are and wants you to compare yourself to others.” – Gary E. Stevenson


We recently heard from an Apostle, who shared a story of David O McKay, who famously said, “no amount of success can compensate for failure in the home.” Shortly after he said that, Pres. McKay was asked what constitutes failure and his response was, “failure is when we stop trying!” So, don’t ever stop trying! Don’t stop trying with your family, you friends, or yourself! Don’t stop leaning on your Saviour!

“It’s ok that you’re not quite there yet, keep working on it, but stop punishing yourself!” -Dieter F. Uchtdorf


Repeatedly remind yourself of what you hope and believe. As you grow, your beliefs will become stronger and stronger and will lead you in life. Hold to them and look for cracks in your belief, not to open those cracks but to seal them up. Don’t let silly little things steal your happiness.

“The decision to believe is the most important choice we will ever make.” – L. Whitney Clayton


Invite God into your life by talking to him about your problems instead of complaining or dwelling on them. Ask for peace and look for the blessings you have been given, then trust that God might just be guiding your life towards something magnificent, but through it all, don’t forget to pray!

“Have you talked about it, as much as you have prayed about it?” Anonymous


I love the temple, if you know me, or have followed me for any length of time, you may have heard my thoughts on the temple. But in case you haven’t, I love it. I equate regular temple attendance to marriage. My wife makes me a better person, but so does attending the temple. It’s been described as an Eternal Triangle, with you, your spouse and God each at a point in the triangle. As you move closer to God, you move closer to your spouse, likewise you are closer to God as you move closer to your spouse. Go to the temple with your spouse, regularly if you can. You will blessed for it, I know it!

“Every time we visit the temple and perform ordinance there, we are walking on holy ground. We are walking when Jesus walks. No wonder we feel His love so powerfully.” – Mary Cook


Of all the eras in the history of mankind, you were chosen to come now. Of all the countries on the whole Earth, you were chosen to live where you now live. Of all the families in the world, you chose this family. I firmly believe that God had given us gifts and talents and has put us in circumstances where we can use those gifts and talents to help others in a way no one else could. No one can do what you can do! No one!

“Everyone has a special assignment. No one else has your talent; no one else will be in your place at your time. Our Father in Heaven has given you a special touch, so you can succeed where others fail.” – Norma J. Ashton


It is totally our choice. The War in Heaven was fought over these principles. To have choice and agency. We are free to choose whichever path or route we’d like, but that does not make us free from the consequences of those choice, and speaking from personal experience, being stupid and miserable isn’t very fun.

“You can either be wise and happy or stupid and miserable. The choice is yours.” – Gordon B. Hinckley


Which of your closest and most beloved family members could you bear to live without for eternity? Lucky for you and me, Jesus Christ suffered in Gethsemane and died on Calvary so that we may return to live with Him and our Heavenly Parents again. What love!!! Let’s make sure we aren’t letting that sacrifice go to waste.

“Since He could not bear the thought of eternity without you, He chose the nails.” – Max Lucado


We need the temple in our life. The early Saints gave all they had to build one; many Saints travel 1000 of miles at great personal cost in order to receive the soul saving ordinances of the temple and the prophets have worked hard to ensure temples are accessible to the majority of members. We need to do our small part and ensure we are taking advantage of the blessings of having temples in our day and age.

“We are never the same after coming to the temple. We change in quiet, private, personal ways. Collectively, each of us invites the presence of the Lord – Indeed the very power of heaven – to come and concentrate on temples. Heaven’s influence has the power to change us forever.” – Jeffrey R. Holland


Pres. Nelson is constantly warning us of increasing attacks from the adversary and a hastening of the work. We simply must be found doing the things we need to in order to have a solid foundation in the Gospel and help move the work forward. Too much depends on it to shirk these responsibilities.

“There’s trouble ahead. Prepare for attacks from the adversary. Please protect yourself from Satan’s traps, including harmful drugs and pornography.” – Russell M. Nelson




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