I recently was listening to Emily Belle Freeman and David Butler and their ‘Don’t Miss This’ Come Follow Me Lesson on YouTube. And Emily was relating a story where she was talking with a non-member friend and was explaining some of the structure of the church, especially as it relates to women. Her friend remarked how amazing it was that women were given leadership roles in the Church of Jesus Christ and if Emily realized how meaningful that was. It sparked my interest in my own collection of quotes and I found dozens and dozens that I have either already posted, or had in the hopper. Here are the ones I posted between September 20-27th plus a handful of my favourite inspirational quotes from Latter-day Saint Women and I eventually had to cut these off cause there were so many.

Look for the good in the world and try to improve upon it by being the good in the world! Look on the bright side and count your blessings. Urge others to be more positive too. Many of our problems are first world problems and can easily be remedied with a little dose of context. This is not to say that all is rosy in the world, but if we only dwell on the bad, we will only see the bad! See the good and be the good!

“In a world organized to highlight the negatives, most of us could better serve ourselves and the world by increasing our flow of positives to friends and strangers alike.” – Jo Ann Larsen


There is nothing as important as learning and applying gospel principles in our lives. These principles will guide us through all the joy and adversity in life. They will narrow our focus and help us to invite the Spirit of God unto our lives and will be a benefit to us and to others throughout our lives.

“All truth and knowledge is important, but amidst the constant distractions of our daily lives, we must especially pay attention to increasing our gospel knowledge so we can understand how to apply gospel principles to our lives.” – Ann M. Dibb


A home takes time and effort. It takes doing the big things and the small things to foster a spirit of unity. If we each do our part, make an effort to help each other and strive to invite the spirit into our lives, the home will be a refuge from the world, a place we and our children can go to be completely safe. It can be a place full of love!

“Strong eternal families and spirit-filled homes do not just happen. They take great effort, they take time, and they take each member of the family doing his or her part. Every home is different, but every home where even one individual seeks for truth can make a difference.” – Cheryl A. Esplin


Jesus Christ was the perfect example of one who loved and served all. He did what was needed for each of His followers. As we serve others, are we doing what we are willing to do, or what is needed by others? And do we serve out of love, responsibility or guilt? Pray to Heavenly Father to love others and to serve them as Jesus would and as you do so, you will catch a glimpse of eternity!

“Jesus smiled at, talked with, walked with, listened to, made time for, encouraged, taught, fed, and forgave. He served family and friends, neighbours and strangers alike, and He invited acquaintances and loved ones to enjoy the rich blessings of His gospel. Those ‘simple’ acts of service and love provide a template for our ministering today.” – Jean B. Bingham


We can do anything we want in life, but we can’t do everything. There is simply not enough hours in the day. What we must do, as it’s an essential part of life, is prioritize what are the most important things? What we fail to do far too often, is to identify those priorities or stay focus on those priorities. For help, seek heaven’s guidance on doing a better job at narrowing down how you spend your time.

“When expectations overwhelm us, we can step back and ask Heavenly Father what to let go of. Part of life experience is knowing what not to do.” – Sharon Eubank


One of the most unique aspects of the Church of Jesus Christ is the ability and promise of personal revelation. Do you have questions about a gospel topic? Study and pray about it? Do you think there was a questionable calling at church? Pray to receive confirmation. Do you struggle with some facet of church history? Dig in and pray about it! 
Heavenly Father has provided a Comforter to us that we might feel of His love, be uplifted and strengthened. Don’t even think about trying to do this on your own. Lean on the Lord and ask for personal revelation. When you receive it, your testimony will be strengthened.

“Personal revelation is a powerful, persuasive antidote to uncertainty and confusion.” – Sheri L. Dew


When we seek to hide or cover our sins, we are only concerned with ourselves, regardless of what justification we come up with to keep it secret.

As we share with others, we allow the Atonement to work in their life as well as our own and as you openly and honestly communicate, you can all be made better. But, that doesn’t mean the process will be easy, but most definitely worth it!

“When we have sinned, Satan often tries to convince us that the unselfish thing to do is to protect others from the devastation of the knowledge of our sins. The truth is that the unselfish and Christlike thing to do is to confess and repent.” – Linda S. Reeves


Keep pressing forward! God is aware of you and is ever urging you forward. Can you imagine the day when we are with our Heavenly Parents and are looking back on life? I bet we’ll be able to see just how much God was in our lives.

“I testify you are beloved. The Lord knows how hard you are trying. You are making progress. Keep going. He sees all your hidden sacrifices and counts them to your good and the good of those you love. Your work is not in vain. You are not alone. His very name, Emmanual, means ‘ God with us.” He is surely with you.” – Sharon Eubank


Let us be found helping and loving and serving one another, raising each other through trials and challenges. Let us be unified as a body of Christ and moving everyone towards the goal of being better. Let’s make heaven interesting and invite everyone we know to join the party.

“We are about elevating others, lifting them to a higher, holier place.” – Becky Craven


We can talk to a loving father by telling Him about what we are grateful for, worried about or frustrated by. We can spill our hearts out and lean on Him for strength. We can draw closer to our Heavenly Father through our communication with Him, or we can ‘say our prayers.’ How are you making your prayers more meaningful?

“Remember to make your communication with your Heavenly Father real and meaningful. Let is become the blessing and privilege it is meant to be.” – Mary Ellen Edmunds


Sometimes it’s all too easy to get down on ourselves and struggle to see our worth or potential. But I assure you, our Heavenly Parents know each of us, they know our worth and know what we can become. Don’t ever think that God doesn’t care about you!

“God will never look at you like you’re a waste of time.” – Al Fox Carraway


Heavenly Father is invested in each of us. He knows what we can become and how to become our best selves. If we allow Him to work thru us, we can become that person, but if we resist and dodge the opportunities given to us, we and the world are lesser for it.

“When we frustrate God’s plan for us, we deprive this world and God’s kingdom of our unique contributions.” – Patricia T. Holland


I love the story in John about how Christ treated the women who was caught up in Adultery. He didn’t criticize her and build himself up by tearing her down. He spoke to her on her level and told her to ‘go and sin no more.’ We aren’t perfect and neither is anyone else. All we can do is try to be better and try to help others to do the same.

“We’re supposed to be working on perfection, not beating ourselves up for not being there yet.” – Beppie Harrison


We have the gift of agency. Ultimately we can choose where we end up; we can choose death, or life eternal. As Pres. Oaks has said, we must see the end from the beginning, and do things that bring us closer to our planned destination.

“The cost of discipleship, as high as it may be, is less than the price of sin.” – Sheri L. Dew


If you diligently seek Him, and strive to have the Holy Spirit to be with you! Your desires will align with God’s, and yet, He will bless you in ways you didn’t know you needed! Pray to Him, tell Him when you’re happy, sad and frustrated, He wants to hear from you and will help you through the storms of life!

“Heavenly Father’s top priority is His children. If it’s important to you, it’s important to Him. Whatever concern you have is His concern. Whatever you have a question about, the Lord knows the answer.” – Sharon G. Larsen


Casualness and complacency are two scary challenges we face in these latter days! I’m grateful for church leaders who can see and warn of these challenges!

“Casualness int he gospel may lead us near the tree of life, but it will not lead to it.” – Becky Craven


Step up! Press on! Lengthen your Stride. Be Better! Make some small effort today that will bring you closer to God, and He will magnify those efforts!

“Have you ever felt your talents and gifts were too small for the task ahead? I have. But you and I can give what we have to Christ, and He will multiply our efforts.” – Michelle D. Craig


This reminds me of Lion King when Mufasa appears to Simba and tells him that he is more than he has become. Huge manifestations like that would be nice but they are the exception. God works through each of us, helping one another. Help others to remember who they are!

“I am truly grateful that Heavenly Father loves me enough to remind me who I am.” – Jenny Oaks Baker


What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ worth to you? Do your choices reflect that?

“If the gospel is worth anything, it is worth everything!” – Kristen M. Oaks


Revelation requires effort on our part. When we’ve done our part, the Lord has promised He will guide us. I’m grateful for the Holy Ghost in helping to guide each of us to know truth. 

“As you learn to hear the voice of the Lord in you life, you will be increasingly drawn to hear who you really are.” – Wendy Watson Nelson


Just in time for the new home-centered church-supported ‘Come, Follow Me’ program. It’s a great time for all parents to take control of their children’s growth in the Gospel.

“If we don’t teach our children and youth true doctrine – and teach it clearly – the world will teach them Satan’s lies.” – Bonnie L. Oscarson


~Todd Bruce

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